This is what happens when you get absolutely and thoroughly bored during class.

Transformers belong to Hasbro, Dreamworks, etc.; Topkicks belong to GMC {I think}; and Google belongs to, well, Google {I think}

Attempt to enjoy... =)


She was… incredible.

The way she moved, so graceful and agile, weaving between her opponents as if choreographed, was astounding. It reminded Ironhide of the dancers at the night clubs on Cybertron, minus the over-energized mechs and party atmosphere. How she struck at her opponents such ferocity and speed, leaving them stumbling and stunned, was amazing. Despite her size, she was the most powerful force on the field.

Intensity and determination was clearly displayed on her facial features. Sweat was dripping down her face, but she showed absolutely no sign of fatigue. Each move she made was precise and well thought-out. She only made one mistake, but that single flaw cost her and her team. They were now losing.

A new fire burned in the femme's eyes; one that just screamed 'perseverance'. Her blows on the other team became fiercer, even somewhat vicious. One of her opponents took a cheap shot at her, clipping her leg from behind and pushing her to the ground. The femme was completely knocked off her feet, was sent flying face-first into the ground. Ironhide cringed. To his surprise, she popped right back up as if she'd been standing there the whole time.

Her redemption came quick. She single-handedly blew by her opponents and scored. A few minutes later, she and her teammates cut through the defense and scored again.

'Not bad for a human,' thought Ironhide.

The neutral in the middle blew a whistle, and the femme let out a few celebratory whoops. The victorious team gathered in a huddle and shouted the team's cheer.

Ironhide snorted and Googled the event. It was a sport called 'soccer'. While musing about the ridiculous name, the femme he was watching came over to him. She stared at him admiringly as she stroked his hood. "You are a fine piece of metal," she said, smirking.

'At least the femme knows a good truck when she sees o- OH PRIMUS!'

The femme gave him a little caress and squeeze on his bumper before walking away. The weapons specialist had to restrain himself from moving as he got a jolt of bliss from the action. It was sickening, but disturbingly pleasing at the same time. Will Lennox walked over to Ironhide, holding Annabelle in his arms. He was giving the Topkick a dumbstruck look.

"Did… Did she just rub your ass?" he asked, still staring at Ironhide. "I believe the right term would be 'aft', Captain Lennox," he corrected, a bit of shock wavering in his gravelly voice.


Eh, I didn't like it, but hopefully you did. Please review!