A/N: I have struggled writing this because I am a fan of happily ever after. I get completely carried away with the characters when I write, and they become as real to me as if I am sitting in the room with them (sounds weird I guess). So having to say goodbye to any of them saddens me. However, this story has been playing in my head for a while, and I need to get it out! So…here goes. Hope you don't hate me after this chapter.

Bobby smiled over to Tara, though her eyes were glued to her computer. It was nice to have her back in the bullpen. She had been transferred back to their unit just this week, and they were both excited to be working together again. Being married, there was no official policy against them being in the same unit, though it was unusual. When her old position came open, Tara took a chance and applied, and was happily accepted back to the "family".

Bobby smiled when he remembered why she would not be going on the field for the next 6 months. It was hard to believe that he and Jack would become fathers just a few months apart. It seemed appropriate. They had been best friends for years, and both had found the love of their lives right in this very office. It just seemed natural to both be expecting little ones at the same time.

Tara, Sue and Lucy had all been so close before they were married, but now with Lucy having a newborn, and Sue and Tara pregnant, their bond had become stronger. Jack and Bobby were, of course, not as open about their bond, but both of them knew it was as strong as ever. He was glad to have such a friend.

Looking towards the clock he was glad to see it was nearing lunch time. He stood and strode purposefully towards Tara's desk. "Hey Beautiful, want to grab some lunch?"

"Oh I'm sorry." She looked up sweetly, a sly grin on her face. "I am married."

"Lucky bloke!" The tall Aussie laughed. "Maybe he wouldn't mind." He tried to give her the cutest puppy dog look he could muster, which only made her giggle.

"I would love to go, but I can't. I have a meeting this afternoon, and I am swamped with paperwork. You mind bringing me something?"

"Tar," He put on his most demanding voice, "You need to take care of yourself." He came around her desk and placed his hand on her tummy. There was still no visible curve there, but he knew it would not be long. "And my little boy."

She swatted his hand away, and smiled up at him. "I am taking care of myself, and our little girl, but I need to get this done. I will take a break when I get finished. You go ahead and eat. And don't forget to pick me up a burger."

He laughed as he leaned over to kiss her. Burgers were her new favorite food. "I know I know. Lots of pickles right?"

"Right. And mustard. But no ketchup!! And a chocolate shake sounds good."

"I love you, Beautiful." He kissed her again.

Deciding to take advantage of a nearly empty office, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. When she finally pulled away, he saw the desire in her eyes. "I love you more. And I will finish this tonight." Her eyes sparkled, and he wished with all his heart it was time to go home.

On the way out, he met Sue and Jack. "You guys headed for lunch?"

Jack smiled towards his pregnant wife, "Yeah, apparently Sue here could eat an elephant."

"Well I am already as big as a whale, so what is one more elephant now?" Sue laughed playfully.

"I think you look beautiful Sue." Bobby smiled down at his friends.

"Hey, that is my wife you are talking to buddy!" Jack joked playfully. "But you are right. She is beautiful. If you want to join us, we are going to Slappy's."

"Sounds great to me, Mate. Tara wants me to bring her a burger back, and she does adore Slappy's. Let's go."

"I have to run by the bullpen. If I can trust you with my wife, I will meet you guys there in a few minutes."

Bobby got a silly grin on his face, "Go on mate. I will make sure the pretty Sheila gets to lunch safe and sound."

Jack reached over and kissed Sue quickly. "See you in a few minutes Sweetheart," he signed., and then left Bobby and Sue together.

"Shall we?" Bobby asked. Together they got on the elevator and walked to Slappy's.

Upon arrival, Bobby noticed Myles sitting alone at a table in the corner. "Myles, why don't you join us." He heard Sue say from beside him.

Myles started towards the table, just as Bobby heard a loud crashing sound behind him. Turning he saw the truck heading towards him and Sue. Without a second thought, he pushed Sue out of the way, falling hard on top of her. Opening his eyes, he panicked as he saw that it was a gas truck. It was precariously close to the kitchen….a kitchen with a large brick oven. There was no time to think of what to do. Only time to react. Sue was still underneath him, and he knew that the best way to save her was to keep her that way. He scooted both of them as far as he could, trying to reach some point of safety, but it happened too quick. The explosion riveted his body. He felt pain for the briefest of seconds. The last thing he said was, "Tara, I love you." Then he was gone.