Due to the urgings of the plot bunnies from my muse (and my best friend's urging) I have decided to continue with my original idea. Another Past, therefore, is now the first story in the "Another Universe" trilogy I am writing.
I am busily typing away at my story now, and I hope to get it up and running very soon; hopefully, by the time school starts in September . . . er, make that late August. But anyways – if I do not make that deadline, then it shall definitely be up come Christmas/New Year break.
But to make up for the long wait between the conclusion of Another Past and my decision, here's a little snapshot of what the sequel, Another Future, will be like. Be warned – this trailer may change as time goes by and I get a better idea of how Another Future will turn out.
So until then – bye!
~ Ayra ~
Another Future
Summary: Kya has settled into her new life, even running a new pilot program with her husband. But then something goes terribly wrong and they crash – on Hoth. She must change destiny in the future this time – but this time, it's not just her life at risk. . . Can they persuade Anakin to bring balance to the Force? Or will their interference merely cause the Force to slide ever deeper into darkness, beyond even the aid of a Walker?
Rating: T due to the complexity of the storyline and some of the more suggestive parts of the story
Genre: angst (emotional & some physical) ; romance ; hurt/comfort ; friendship ; mystery
Canon Character(s): Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi (40); Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine ; Luke Skywalker (22) ; Leia Organa (22) ; Han Solo ; Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
OC Character(s): Knight Kya Kenobi ; Lady Elizabeth
Set During: ESB
Author's Note: Another Future will take place about two years after the conclusion of events in Another Past.
A big black screen with the words – Parallel universes exist everywhere, bound by the Force and with identical destinies and faces. Each will follow the same tragic storyline, with love and hate, trust and betrayal, life and death.
But not all are bound to that fate.
Kya Kenobi appears, long brown hair down, sapphire eyes sparkling. With her stands her husband, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and their daughter, Aurora Ranor.
Kya Ranor-Kenobi – wife, mother, Jedi . . . and Walker. One bound to a destiny to take a journey that could change the destiny of all worlds . . . or destroy them.
A journey already begun.
The scene fades off the screen.
And a journey that begins yet again.
Kya brushes the lever with her hand and the Force before returning her attention to another panel. But the starlines continue. With a frown, she pushes it again – it moves, but nothing happens.
"Aren't we supposed to be coming out of hyperspace about now?"
He swivels around and yanks on the lever as well. It moves all the down, but the starlines continue – something has clearly gone terribly wrong.
"I get no readings," she says. "There's nothing wrong, except – "
The entire ship shakes suddenly, and the Force surges as they come out of hyperspace.
Right on a collision course.
"Ben Kenobi is dead," declares a young man with pale blue eyes.
"No, he isn't," Kya objects.
"You must be thinking of my brother," explains Obi-Wan. "Obi-Wan Kenobi is dead – Darth Vader killed him, yes? He is – was my brother. I am Ben Kenobi."
Cold fills Kya's being and she stumbles with a gasp. Obi-Wan catches her instantly.
"What's wrong?" he demands.
"Vader. He's here. And he's looking for us."
"With all due respect, Master Yoda, I disagree," Obi-Wan says calmly. "My affection for Kya does not blind me to my duty – if anything, it makes me all more aware of it."
The old Master snorts. "Against the Jedi Code, love is."
"Only selfish, uncontrollable, obsessive love," Obi-Wan corrects. "Not – "
He gasps and falls to his knees. At the same time, Luke screams and topples as pain ripples through the Force.
Vader slashes at Luke and bats away his blade. Moments later, his own lightsaber is on a fatal course with one end trajectory – Luke's arm.
Suddenly, Vader's lightsaber jerks away and back – and is caught by Obi-Wan.
With a roar, the Sith whirls on him and makes a fist. Obi-Wan chokes, falling to his knees and dropping both lightsabers.
Slowly, oh-so-slowly, Vader opens his light blue eyes, free at last of the confining, monstrous black suit. He takes a breath, his first on his own in over twenty years. And then his eyes widen in disbelief as he scans the room.
"I killed you! You're dead!"
He heaves himself at Obi-Wan – and then the Force surges with the power of that surpasses even his own.
He freezes, although not of his own will.
Kya slips in between them, her hands outstretched. "Sit down, my brother, and listen before you judge," she orders.
"The security of the Death Star is impenetrable," Admiral Ackbar protests.
"Nor can we afford to lose our best," General Madine adds, his eyes flitting pointedly over the group.
Kya sighs. "We have no choice – this may well be our only shot at taking out the Emperor. And no security is flawless."
Mon Mothma eyes her. "What do you propose, then?"
The Emperor rises slowly. "So . . . you chose this route, Walker. The White Lady predicted you would – and now you and your friends will suffer the consequences."
His hands flash out, and the Force tilts, sliding into pain and darkness and blinding mist.
"Anakin, save me!"
The voice is a mere echo, a whisper from a shade of the long-dead Padmé Amidala.
Anakin hesitates.
"The White Lady can return her to you," the Emperor urges. "Just give her your pledge – and your strength."
"Padmé . . ." Anakin whispers, reaching for her.
With each centimeter his fingers travel, his eyes widen – and begin to turn lighter and lighter until they are almost completely white, even the pupils. The air shimmers about him, and shadowy grey mist curls about him, encasing his legs and torso and arms, whispering of the power he deserves.
Chanting is heard, softer but gaining in strength. And over it comes awful, delighted laughter.
"I have to do it."
"No! I can't kill Sidious; I'm just a Walker. Only Anakin can. If you kill him – "
"I have no choice! He's killing you!"
"Obi-Wan, no!"
Kya grabs for him, but it is too late – Obi-Wan activates his lightsaber and throws it with deadly aim straight at Anakin Skywalker.
Words – Kya Kenobi is a Walker, but even now only an apprentice. Can she face the next challenge and return alive? Or perhaps the better question is this: Can Obi-Wan Kenobi, her husband and mate, resist the call of an enemy even greater than the Sith, a call that will destroy not only him but all hope for the last of the Walkers?