AN: I would like to thank beyondtired for a wonderful and rapid review to the last chapter. It means a lot when others keep pushing you! 3. Anyway, as a thank you I've parked by butt down to write another little tidbit. Enjoy!
Chapter 12
Visiting hours had long since ended at Bethesda but one man stayed seated at a patient's bedside. Leroy Jethro Gibbs had not moved from his sick agent's side since the old Scottish ME left over eight hours ago save to grab a cup of coffee. When nurses came to check on Tony, Gibbs was resolute and firm when he told them he would not be leaving until the younger man was discharged.
The past hours had been slightly more eventful than the previous night—Tony had several bouts of coughing and his fever temporarily spiked to just over 103. Throughout each episode though, the Italian stayed in a restless state of near sleep. Occasionally he would make eye contact with Gibbs, but Gibbs understood that the green and glassy eyes were not truly seeing anything through the illness.
"Dammit DiNozzo," Gibbs mumbled when Tony started to cough weakly. "Can't you just do anything the easy way?"
Tony's coughs increased in intensity and Gibbs slowly snaked his arms around him for what seemed like the hundredth time. Gibbs noted with sobriety that it very well might be the hundredth time. Tony's bout with the plague had since come to the forefront of Gibbs' memory and it was nearly impossible to shake the images of the blue lights and Tony's black lips, nose and fingertips from his mind.
"If you had just told me you were coming down with something this whole thing could have been avoided." Gibbs' anger with himself began to manifest itself in misplaced anger with Tony. If he were being honest, Gibbs would have understood Tony's reluctance. But like the fever, Gibbs' mood continually swung from anger to guilt and each time the recipient of either emotion was different. Sometimes it was at himself, sometimes at a nurse, but more often than not, just as he had done for years prior to this moment, they were directed at Tony.
Tony's coughing subsided some and for the time being he seemed to be in an actual state of sleep. Gibbs didn't let go though. Under all the anger and all the disappointment, Gibbs felt fear. Fear that he almost lost—still might lose—his SFA, his friend. He wanted to maintain that contact for as long as he could.
"Ah hell. Who am I kidding? This could never be your fault. Not even the second B can account for all the crap I've given you."
"Not your fault, Boss." A weak and raspy voice came from Gibbs' arms.
"Hey there, Tony. Feelin' any better?" Gibbs asked as he laid Tony back against the pillow.
"My head's not gonna explode, so that's an improvement." Gibbs noticed Tony sidestepped the question but chose not to broach the subject.
"You heard all that, huh." It wasn't a question.
"Yeah and you're being stupid."
"You call me stupid, DiNozzo?"
"No, I said you're actin' like it though. There's no way me being sick is your fault."
"How'dya figure that one? Sounds to me like the fever is making you a bit dumb."
"I should have swallowed my pride, come forward, and told you that I was feeling sick." He coughed. "But instead I sulked like a child and look at where we are."
"You are definitely being the stupid one here. Look, you probably don't remember a darn thing I told you yesterday, but this isn't just about this one time. Since I've been back, well…" he faltered a little. With Tony more lucid, Gibbs' way with words went out the window. "Our relationship, working and personal, just hasn't been the same. I'm sorry—."
"Wait. Did you say 'sorry'?"
"Yeah, now shut up a second and let me finish."
"Shutting up."
"I'm sorry I pushed you away. In my attempt to escape things I had to re-remember, I ended up leaving behind some good things, too."
"Thanks, Boss."
"You really should be pissed at me you know…"
"No, no, I mean it. I know it took a lot to say all that."
"I'd say 'anytime' but I'd rather not have these conversations with you while you're sick in the hospital."
"About that, when can I—."
"Don't even start thinking about it."
AN: And as they say in the cubicles: "Just a quickie!" Okay, a particularly bad and somewhat lewd comment, but you did enjoy it right? Two updates in one day! Holy cow! I love Tony/Gibbs dialog. It makes me happy. Thanks again beyondtired!
AN2: I've started the research for a pre-ncis story featuring Tony of course. It will be in the storyline that goes with chapter 1 of "Said in Passing" so be prepared for Danny and Wendy abounds…
AN3: Are you a part of Generation Y aka the sons and daughters of the Baby Boomers? If so, or even if you're interested in a social movement based on volunteerism, join my new group on FB "Generation Why Not?" and follow me on Twitter. I'll be posting info on opportunities in the US and abroad and hopefully start doing features on what others are doing around the world to help those in need! Love to hear from you!