Hello everybody and welcome to my very first fan-fiction don't forget to leave reviews and I hope you enjoy it. As a side note I will make sure to include each and every Happy Tree Friends in this fan-fiction and if anyone would like a paring of characters then just ask. Also if you see any grammar mistakes or think I could improve somewhere leave the grammar mistake, or your thoughts in your review and I will fix them ASAP.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Happy Tree Friends for they all belong to Mondo Media, but I do own Senetue.
Chapter One: The Beginning of a Journey
It always seemed like Senetue's life was full of misfortune not only had he been born into one of the unintelligent family he had ever seen, but no matter what he did or what he said bad things always seemed to spring forth from anywhere. Senetue as he is now but was is a peaceful Orange colored Porcupine who never seemed to want to live life in the fast track but always wanted to sit down and view nature.
His way through school at seemed to be very short, and unlike many of the students who went to Senetue's school Senetue was never one of the popular kids, always hanging out with those who were slow much like that sloth kid that he met in the ninth grade. Soon enough over time Senetue found him self tossed into training for the Special Forces by his ever so strong headed father and not the sharpest tool in the shed mother.
Yet even in training Senetue never seemed to pay any mind to the training instructor even when that lion's face was right of in front of Senetue's and yelling at the top of his voice it never seemed that Senetue paid any mind only watching the peaceful forest surrounding the training camp. He was named one of the worst recruits not only for his inability to not pay attention to what a higher up was saying, but when it came down to aim, reflexes, strength, stamina, the works Senetue was the worst.
So instead of being rejected from being a soldier Senetue was paired up with one of the top soldiers, a green bear named Flippy. Though Flippy also had flaws in the way of not killing unless enticed or commanded the higher ups felt that Senetue would be best fitted to be taught from such a higher ranking soldier.
"Ya know I never really wanted to be part of the Special Forces." Senetue said, his head looking at the ground as he nudged a small pebble around with his foot his gaze soon finding its way to his partner, and or teacher Flippy.
"If you don't wish to be part of the Special Forces then why stay you could always leave at any minute." Flippy said, his black pupils staring at Senetue's face as if in a way trying to pierce his mind and soul as if he wanted to see Senetue for who he truly was. Yet in response Senetue merely looked back at the ground nudging the same pebble again a sigh escaping his breath as he began to speak.
"It was my father, and mother's idea that I join the Special Forces," Senetue said, his gaze looking over at the tent, out of the corner of his eyes he saw that Flippy's gaze was still locked directly on him. In a sigh Senetue looked back to Flippy, Senetue's hands now rested underneath his chin while his elbows dug into his knees.
"I just don't want to let them down ya know. I just cannot stand to see the look that you get when ever my Mother, or Father are disappointed in me." Senetue said, looking at Flippy's eyes and to his eyes it seemed that Flippy had not moved, not even his eyes moved as there were still locked onto Senetue which such extreme concentration.
"I see well if you aren't going to back down then I will just have to train you to be the bet soldier you can be." Flippy said, a smile spread across his face as he looked at Senetue who had gone to messing around with his beret which much like Flippy's had a checkered shield located on it.
"Well where do we start?" Senetue said, moving the beret back and forth standing up and waiting for a command from Flippy.
"Well….let's start with some running exercises." Flippy said, taking of with a small jog, Senetue following close behind as he continued to focus on messing around with his beret. All of a sudden there was a loud bang as if something had fallen and has Flippy looked behind him he saw that Senetue had fallen face first to the ground obviously from not paying attention, and with a sigh Flippy turned around and ran back helping Senetue back to his feet.
Around three hours later after some training of climbing walls, lifting weights, and even running with weights Flippy, and Senetue had found themselves in the mess hall eating what looked like paste though Senetue was fairly unsure on what it was really supposed to be.
"Well today was a good day of training." Flippy said, looking down at the food a look of distaste spread across his face as he attempted to pull the spoon from the mess only to find the paste yanking the spoon back into its body.
"I was never a big fan of the food here." He said, continuously trying to yank the spoon from the food but was soon met with a little chuckle, a smile was spread across Senetue's face as he watched Flippy wrestle with the food.
"Bed time maggots!" A yell rang out, at the head of the middle row table stood the large and muscular tiger who had yelled at Senetue only days earlier when he had arrived at the training camp. With a exasperated sigh and a quick nudge from Flappy, an obvious sign that he should get to bed, Senetue was off to his small closet space like room. With a quick shower, a quick change of clothes, Senetue found himself lying in bed going over the day in his mind a smile spread across his face, only six more months until training was over.
A/N: Yes I know that there isn't any blood and nothing really happen other then Flippy and Senetue partnering up for training, but be expecting blood and gore in the next chapter! Also as a side note if anyone has any ideas on what should happen next then leave those ideas and I will check them out.