Disclaimer: I own neither Inuyasha nor Bleach nor any of their characters. Those belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Tite Kubo, respectively. I only own any original characters that may appear.

Note: The revised version is likely going to be more serious than the original, though there will still be fluffy parts and some (hopefully) chuckle-worthy moments because I like to think that I'm witty.
Extra Note: While editing in the horizontal break lines in the site's document manager, I noticed that anytime I had italicized something when it went back to normal font, the space between the last italicized word and the first normal word had been deleted. I tried to catch them all, but it's possible some may have slipped past me. If you see any, please let me know and I will fix it as soon as I'm able. Thank you!

Death Is Only The Beginning

Chapter One

The sun was at its highest point in the sky as Kagome listened to the sounds of battle ring through the air. She could only watch as her friends and allies fought for the future of Japan. Once all of the shards had been gathered by the two sides searching for them, they had begun preparing for the fight. Word had spread quickly enough that Kouga and Sesshoumaru had sought the out to form alliances against Naraku. And Kagome could feel the knot that had been in her stomach for the past week loosen as the shard hunters held their own against the enemy.

She had been kept at the back of the group with her bow and arrows not only to keep her safe but she was more effective as a long-distance fighter. Reaching up to grasp the small piece of the jewel that hung around her neck, Kagome prayed for a swift victory. She was glad that Shippo and Rin had been left in the village with Kaede so that nobody would have to worry about the children's safety.

They hadn't been fighting for long, but the evidence of battle was all around them. The ground was littered with the bodies of dead demons meant to distract and tire them before Naraku made his appearance. Trees were splintered and the ground was gouged and scorched in different areas. But still, Kagome and her friends were persevering.

Kagome stood with her bow and arrow at the ready looking for an opening. After three years traveling feudal Japan she was still only able to channel her powers into her arrows, but when they hit their targets the damage was devastating. But, unfortunately, Kagome was so focused on her task that she failed to notice the writhing tentacle that had made it through her friend's defenses and was shooting towards her.

The blow to her stomach made her vision cross momentarily as a strangled cry escaped her throat. Her shaking hands had dropped the bow and arrow as time seemed to slow down. Looking down, she could already see the red stain seeping into her shirt. She could feel her pulse pound around the burning wound as her life drained out of her. Time sped up again with the sharp tug that pulled her off her feet and dragged her across the battlefield. She barely registered Inuyasha calling out her name when it became apparent what had happened to her.

"Hello Kagome," Naraku greeted when they were face to face. Kagome noted how his face smiled though his eyes held nothing but mocking hatred. "I believe you have something that I need."

Kagome tried to respond but she choked on her words when her gag reflex caused blood to fill her mouth. She could feel her lungs burn as Naraku's miasma was carried through her veins.

"Having trouble, priestess?" Naraku taunted. "If you give me the piece of the jewel that you possess, I will let you go. I'm sure that Sesshoumaru would still be able to revive you with that sword of his."

Ignoring the shouts of her comrades, Kagome yanked at the piece of jewel hanging from her neck, snapping the cord that it was attached to. But instead of handing it off to Naraku, who was already grinning at his victory, her hand shot out to wrap around her piece and the one hanging from Naraku's neck. As a wave of purifying energy pulsed across the battlefield, Kagome watched as Naraku's smugness melted away to pure rage.

With the last of her strength, Kagome swallowed back the blood and bile to wheeze out, "I wish for Naraku do forever disappear from this world."

The tentacle flung Kagome small body away as Naraku roared out his fury. "No! This isn't the end! I will have my revenge!" But his words began to take on a hollow echo as he seemingly faded out of existence.

Kagome's eyes fluttered open only to be squeezed shut again due to the bright sunlight. 'Owww…' Was her only thought as she eased herself into a sitting position from the dirt where she lay. Her mind was foggy as she tried to recall the last few moments before she fell unconscious. Eyes widening, her hand flew to her stomach and she laughed in relief. 'Sesshoumaru must have revived me!' But when her eyes shifted down to confirm that the hole in her torso was gone she noticed a chain hanging from her chest.

She took the chain in her hands and looked around to find its source, but she didn't expect to see her limp body cradled in Sango's arms. "No," Kagome said taking a step back from the scene as her friends gathered around her body. "No, no, no. This…this isn't…" She swallowed thickly as her words trailed off. Kagome couldn't speak as she began took deep, gasping breaths to delay the sobs that were trying to come forth. Breaking down wouldn't do her any favors at the moment.

Inuyasha's eyes were wide and blank as he addressed his brother. "Sesshoumaru. Tenseiga…can you bring her back?" His guilt was overwhelming. How had he let this happen?

Sesshoumaru pulled his father's fang from its sheath and spoke, "Move away from the girl, slayer." He may have found his brother's woman troublesome, but Rin cared for her a great deal and would be saddened if the priestess died.

Focusing on the imps sent from Hell that worked on detaching Kagome's life chain, Sesshoumaru brought the blade down swiftly. But his brow creased as he was met with an obstacle. There was a barrier around the imps preventing their work from being disrupted. Trying once again, Sesshoumaru was met with the same results.

Kagome watched in horror as Sesshoumaru's blade continued to be deflected by a pink barrier that shimmered with each blow. As the imps continued to work on her chain, Kagome frantically searched for the barrier's source. But once she saw the completed jewel still gripped in her hand pulse with every strike to the barrier, she knew that there was nothing to be done. For its own reasons, the Shikon didn't want her to have life again. "Is it because I made a wish?" Kagome asked with tears in her eyes as she watched the imps complete their task.

Sesshoumaru finally stopped his attempts to revive Kagome—though his annoyance at failing was clear—and sheathed his sword. "Tenseiga was unable to disperse the imps of Hell due to a barrier. They've done their damage. The girl's soul is no longer bound to the body; she cannot be revived."

Stunned silence hung in the air for a moment before Inuyasha lost his composure. "What do you mean?" He yelled. "How could it not work? You didn't do it right! You know all about this underworld magic crap, so do something else! There has to be a way!" But Inuyasha was silenced when the back of Sesshoumaru's hand connected with his cheek.

"I will dismiss your insolence this once as a lapse in sanity due to grief," Sesshoumaru said in a calm but tight voice. "There is no other way. She is gone. Do not tarnish her memory or sacrifice by acting like a child." He began to walk away from the group before stopping to say over his shoulder, "I am collecting Rin and returning to the West."

Once the imps disappeared to claim another soul the jewel silently disintegrated into a fine mist that came to pass through her shirt and skin and rest in her sprit's side once again. Feeling the connection with the jewel once more, Kagome understood. There had always been evil in the world. Sometimes it was defeated. Sometimes it conquered. If she and her friends had stopped Naraku with their own strength, the jewel would have simply fallen to her to protect once again. But she had used its power to further her own goals. Now that the wish had been fulfilled, Kagome had to pay the price.

"But I don't want to die!" Kagome cried as she shook her head finally allowing her tears to fall. "This isn't fair! I was supposed to be here! I was going to watch Sango and Miroku get married and have children. I was going to watch as Shippo and Rin grew up. I was going to…I promised Inuyasha that I would stay with him."

As her friends mourned and prayed for her soul, Kagome watched as Sango placed a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Inuyasha," she said to catch his attention. "You have to let Kagome's family know what happened. You're the only one who can get through the well now."

"Yes," Miroku agreed. "As precious as she was to us, it is her family who should be able to perform the funeral rites." Everyone's heart clenched at the monk's words. Speaking about her funeral caused the reality of the situation to hit home a little more.

Inuyasha kneeled beside the girl from the future to brush some of the dirt and hair from her face. "I can't take her home like this," he spoke softly.

Miroku nodded, finally taking in Kagome's appearance. Blood stained her clothes and body and dirt smudged her skin where she'd been thrown after her wish. "You're right. This is no way for a family to remember their child. When we get back to the village we can prepare her to be presented to her family."

Kouga stepped forward as Inuyasha gently picked up Kagome's body. For a moment they merely stared one another in the eye. The main reason that they fought was gone. Kouga's eyes flickered down to Kagome's relaxed face. Brushing clawed fingers across her closed eyes and down to her cheek, he clenched his jaw and looked back to Inuyasha. "I know that I can't see her home, so I trust you to take care of her now. I need to return to the pack and inform them of what's happened. She was a pack sister and our own mourning ceremony will need to be performed."

Inuyasha nodded once not having anything to say to the wolf. The realization that his relationship to Kouga would never be the same brought the realization that none of their lives would ever be the same again. Kagome had been the center that anchored them all together. Now it was up to them to see past their own differences since she was no longer able to help them.

The remaining shard hunters watched Kouga leave before turning to make their way back to the village they called home.

When they arrived, the villagers had been prepared for a celebration at the defeat of the wicked Naraku, but the sight of their returning heroes silenced the crowd. They had known that they were victorious when Sesshoumaru returned for Rin, but the quiet demon lord hadn't said a word to anyone about the battle. The villagers parted as Inuyasha made his way to Kaede's hut. Many of the women were openly crying while some of the men merely closed their eyes and turned their heads away from the sight. The strange yet wonderful girl had endeared herself to many over the years.

Kagome had followed her friends back to the village while trying to accept the fact that she had truly died. She had tried reaching out to touch her friends, but the only reaction she received was a shiver from Miroku. The monk had looked over his shoulder and for a moment Kagome was certain that he could see her. But then he tightened his grip on his staff and shook his head before facing forward again.

At the village she could only watch and listen as her body was prepared. Kaede and Sango gently cleaned her skin, rinsed her hair, and wrapped the wound that had stopped bleeding long ago. Sango offered one of her own yukata to dress the young priestess in. When they were finished Kagome was sobbing quietly with wide eyes as she leaned against the wall of the hut. It looked like she was sleeping, and she was sorely tempted to try climbing back into her body.

Miroku took a moment to pray over her that her soul may rest in peace. She wasn't sure if it was it was the power that the monk's prayers truly had or just the scene of her friends gathered around her in their last moments together, but Kagome felt a small weight lifted from her chest.

Finally, she followed the small precession up to the well and sat on the edge of the old wood with her feet dangling in the dark. If Inuyasha was taking her body back to her time, it only felt right for her to follow. She was almost sure that the jewel in her side and her connection to her own body would allow her to pass through time at least once more.

Inuyasha waited as final goodbyes were said. Miroku tucked a small flower into her hair and Sango kissed her forehead. Kagome was actually glad that Shippo had cried himself out and fallen asleep back in the village. As painful as that had been, it would have been too heart wrenching to watch him try to keep Inuyasha from leaving with her.

The trip through time was like any other and Kagome actually felt a small measure of peace being back at her family's shrine. But she could feel her ghostly heart pound in her chest as Inuyasha made his way straight towards her home. She suddenly realized that she could be there when her mother learned what had happened. Making the silent vow to return later, Kagome ran for the shrine steps.

She'd only made it part of the way down when her mother's cry pierced the air and stopped her cold. Kagome hesitated as she turned to look back at the shrine just at the top of the steps. But all thoughts of turning around came to a screeching halt as a shudder went through the air. Kagome whipped around to face the presence that was literally suffocating her.

There was a large creature like none she had ever seen before. Its solid black body reminded her of a gorilla in shape and stance as it stood on all fours, but this was much larger. A white mask with a broad and unsettling smile resided over its face and yellow eyes stared back at her from the large black eye holes of the mask.

"I've found a little lost soul," the creature said in a deep, taunting voice. Kagome began to shake as it inhaled deeply and its yellow eyes widened a little more. "You smell delicious! You'll make a fine lunch."

Kagome's fight-or-flight response kicked in just as the creature lunged at her. She ran down the remaining steps, almost tripping once or twice, and took to the sidewalk. Looking behind her as she ran, she noticed that her pursuer used its ape-like build to its advantage and was swinging after her from lamp posts and traffic lights. She had been avoiding running into people out of habit until she almost ran into some but instead passed through them. With the reminder that she was indeed a spirit, Kagome continued to run through people and obstacles.

When the creature began to bear down on her, Kagome cut to the side and went through the wall of a store. She noticed that the creature didn't follow and wondered if it didn't because it couldn't. Deciding to avoid the streets as much as possible, Kagome continued to travel through the walls of buildings until she stumbled through one wall and onto the street completely out of breath.

Taking in her surroundings, Kagome noticed that she was near a river. The area looked vaguely familiar and once she saw the large bridge she recognized the area as the outskirts of an area known as Karakura Town. "Wow," she said while trying to catch her breath. "I ran really far!"

A shadow was suddenly cast over her and Kagome looked to the rooftop of the building she had exited. The creature was there still smiling down at her. "You certainly led me on an exciting chase, but I could never lose a scent like yours. Now that I've really worked up an appetite, I'd like it if you stopped running."

Kagome bolted again, this time heading for the bridge. She knew that the creature would have the advantage of swinging from the bridges supporting bars, but there was also a lot of traffic this time of day. Fighting demons for three years had made her very good at seizing any opportunity or advantage that she could get.

Watching the traffic as she ran, Kagome finally spotted something promising. She waiting for the right moment and jumped so that she could pass through the wall of the back of a delivery truck. Breathing a sigh of relief as she felt the truck speed further into Karakura, Kagome relaxed for a moment. Her break was short-lived however when the truck made a sudden turn and she lost her balance causing her to tumble out of the truck once more.

Checking over her shoulder, she couldn't see it but she could feel the suffocating presence of the creature. Kagome surveyed her surroundings once more before getting to her feet and running into a nearby park. She ran deep into a more wooded area and slipped into some thick bushes. She was exhausted and scraped up. Looking down at her raw hands and knees she thought, 'How in the world do ghosts injured? I don't even have a real body!'

She tensed as the creature came into the area where her bushes were. If she ran it would follow and have an advantage with all of the trees. But if she stayed it would eventually scent her out. So Kagome did the only thing she could think of, she closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle. But the gods just didn't seem to be on her side.

Leaves rustled above her as the creature pulled the branches back. "I found you!" It called as it grabbed her and hauled her from the bush. But when she was quickly dropped she looked up at her attacker to see its mask split in half before the entire being dissolved away and a black butterfly fluttered away and disappeared.

She was drawn back to the moment when a pair of black hakamas appeared in front of her. "You alright?" A deep voice asked as a hand was offered to help her off of the ground.

Kagome gripped the hand and was pulled to her feet as her eyes studied her rescuer. The first thing she noticed was the crimson red hair promptly followed by the tribal tattoos on his head and neck and disappearing under his clothes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me." The man in front of her raised an eyebrow as he noticed her study of him, and she decided to change the subject. "I never expected that this is what dying would be like. What was that thing?"

Renji shouldered his zanpakutou as he answered, "That was a hollow. They eat wandering souls like you. I'm Lieutenant Renji Abarai, a shinigami. Lucky for you I was in the area or you would have been in serious trouble."

"Well thank you again, Lieutenant," Kagome said with a smile and a bow. "But I need to return to my-"

"Oh no you don't," Renji said as he pulled her so she was facing him again. "I'm sending you to Soul Society."

Kagome's confusion was written all over her face as she said, "Where?" But when the hilt of Renji's sword connected with her forehead, she brought her hand up to rub the spot while glaring at him. Kagome was about to ask what he thought he was doing when a blue light formed around her feet and she sank into the ground.

AN: So that's the first chapter down. I know that I had a poll about who Kagome would be paired with, but that was decided last time around and the rest of the plot has been formed around that pairing. This chapter is only two pages longer than the original, but I feel that there's much more substance and it's less jumpy. I was mortified when I read this story again. Parts of it just jumped from one thing to another for no real apparent reason! Now there's quite a bit more context and many a segue from once scene to another. I'm much more pleased with this version. What do you think? Be sure to let me know! Thanks for reading the new-and-improved Death Is Only The Beginning.