"okay, here we are." Bella looked up at the house her father, Charlie, had just signaled to. Apparently so, her new home. She sighed and hopped out of the car and slammed the door. Her brown her lagged behind her as she walked up the front porch steps and into the house.

"So, Charlie, this'll be fun won't it? Considering we have a nice deal of catching up to do?" he nodded tensely.

"Bella, I really don't intend for that attitude to be adopted the whole time your here...I'd much rather catch up with you for good reasons, not out of sarcasm. Mhhhmp?" Bella nodded hesitantly and sat down on the sagging but comfy couch.

"Charlie?" she asked quietly."

"Yes, Bella?" he replied automatically, a sense of...hope, in his voice...

"I ahh, I do think I'm going to enjoy this," she stood and grabbed her bag, walking to her new room.

"- I was just a little sore is all...We haven't talked in awhile." Charlie nodded, smiling.

"No, no we haven't, and its been too long. But I intend on making it all up to you. It'll be like a fairy tale, you'll love it here in Forks." she looked him, again, sarcastically, but a little more mocking this time. Her eyes grew wide and she threw up her hands in a mysterious way.

"oohhh, and will there be vampires too?" Charlie just laughed and watched her as she went upstairs laughing at her own joke. He shook his head and smiled...Vampires! Hmph!

a\n: okay, My twin(ash) is in charge of Twilight, my thing, for now is HP. I do intend on reading Twilight though, yup that gave it away, sorry if the characters are a little OOC.....i did my best with my knowledge of it so far, tell me if I did okay, and if I should do a few little oneshots to get the feel.. like I said, I was just trying, and I hope it was enjoyable for you guys even if it was a little iffy. Sorry, I just was in the mood. Please review!!!!! :)