Well I have had writers block since my first story and have been trying to write more. This is a Jen x Jude story, so if you don't like the pairing, don't read it. I don't own 6teen, if I did Jen and Jude would be together by now.

What should I do?

Jude had a problem, a big problem. He had fallen for someone he had known for years, and he fell hard.

I know that I shouldn't feel this way…but those eyes…those beautiful blue eyes…

He sat by the fountain, rolling his 'Sally' with his foot as his mind stayed in deep thought.

If I ask her out and she says yes, then it will be just a small problem which will just end in an hour or two just like when Nikki and Jonesy hooked up…no problems.

Suddenly the fountain's calm rhythm of water was interrupted by a sudden malfunction, causing a burst of water to shot up into the air harmlessly. This brought a disturbing scenario into Jude's thoughts.

But if she says no…then it will ruin not only our friendship, but everyone else's. AHH! Why does this have to be so complicated!

Jude deep in his thoughts didn't notice someone sneak up behind him.

Oh! I hope he likes my new style!

One hour earlier

Jen was sitting by the Lemon alone with Caitlin; drinking a lemon slushy while pretending to listen to Caitlin.

"That's when-Are you even listening to me Jen?"

Jen was busy thinking, thinking of a certain skater boy.

Why do I feel this way about him? It's never happened before so why now?

"Busy thinking of someone?"

Jen snapped out her thoughts and answered quickly.

"No I'm not!" she replied with a light blush.

"I know you're lying to me. So who is it?"

"I'm not telling you."

Two minutes later

"Ok! Fine! I'll tell you just stop!"

Caitlin had decided that the only way to get Jen to talk was to use annoyance tactics. So for a very, very long two minutes the air was filled by a chorus of "who is it?"

"Yay! So who is it?"

"-sigh- don't laugh, but…it's Jude."

For the first time Caitlin was speechless, which only lasted for ten seconds.

"Ok Jen…so what's the plan to get you two together?"


"I don't know about the rest of the gang, but I think you two would look cute together!"

"You really think so?"

"Yeah! Don't worry! Leave everything to me!"

Present time

Well…here goes nothing.

She taped Jude's shoulder, which snapped him out of his thoughts as he turned around. What Jude saw left the reaction Jen was hoping for.

"Jen...I mean…whoa…"

Jen was dressed as a skater girl. She wore black baggy pants with a chain hanging by her left side, a baby blue and brown striped shirt with white underlies hugged her chest, a black beanie similar to Jude's was around her head as two locks of blonde hair flowed in front of her brunette hair. But what drew him was her eyes, eyes that showed anxiousness, waiting for him to speak.

"So what do you think Jude?"

"Jen…you're so…beautiful."

Jen blushed hard as he spoke, she ran up to his arms hugging him tightly. Jude was blushing like crazy, but he didn't mind, he just held her in his arms.

"So…Jen…does that-"
Jen interrupted him by crashing her lips against his, Jude closed his eyes, and kissed Jen. He kissed her deeply, passionately. And she kissed back, and without hesitation too.

"Whoa…that was awesome."

"Yeah… So how do you think everyone else will react?"

"Don't know Jen, but it won't matter as long as we love each other."

"Jude that's so beautiful…"

Jude took Jen's hand, as the new couple, hand in hand headed towards the Lemon to tell the good news.