Title: Finding Her.

Disclaimer: I do Not own Inuyasha or anything to so with Inuyasha. All the character here do not belong to me but to there rightful owners. I have just borrowed them for my own amusement (and that of others)

Character Pairing: Sesshoumaru X Kagome

Chapter 1: A little Discovery.

Sesshoumaru looked around him. Silently. Observing. His face serene but his thoughts not so.

Sesshoumaru hated humans. Or perhaps strongly disliked was a better word? There as nothing useful about them. His filthy brother was half human. Inuyahsa disgraced his family name. The hybrid. Disgusting dog.

Sesshoumaru didn't even want to think how he was related to that thing. He was the reason Sesshoumaru's father was dead. To save Inuyasha and his human mother. What a waste.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!" Rin's happy voice called out with delight. She ran over to the daiyoukai with flowers bunched in her arms.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, I picked these for you!"

Sesshoumaru gave her one of his rare smiles. The smile was still slight though so, you had to be near him to realize this rare sight.

"Thank you Rin." The silver haired daiyoukai gently took the flowers from the tiny hands. He made an exception to his beliefs. There were only a couple of RARE humans that were worth his time. Rin was an exception .He doubted there would ever be others. Humans were greedy creatures who only thought for themselves. Come to think of it, almost everyone else was like that. That was why he didn't bother himself with other being regardless of their rank. There were very few beings in this world that were truly kind.

While he thought all this is face remained emotionless. His beautiful aristocratic features never moved, never revealed anything. It was the perfect mask.

"Rin, I have business to attend to, please stay with Jaken."

His eyes flashed at Jaken with unvoiced warning. "I don't want her to come to any harm. Bring her back to the palace in an hour's time."

Jaken bowed deep. Very deep. "Yes Lord Sesshoumaru-sama."

Sesshoumaru seemed satisfied with that. Gracefully, as if he had never moved, he picked himself up from the grassy ground he had been sitting on.

Rin hugged him. His legs actually, since she was still small. "Bye Sesshoumaru-sama!"

Sesshoumaru allowed the girl this much of affection. But only this much. He didn't want her to get too attached to him. That wouldn't be good. He had to admit though, that he was fond of her. Like he said: RARE exceptional humans.

He patted her head. He noticed her hair had grown. Hm. She was getting older. He though, remained the same of course. Once again he thought why he didn't like humans. They were so fleeting. There lives appeared and then where gone just like that. They barely lived. Died of violence, starvation, stupidity. That reminded him of Inuyasha. And that stupid wench that stuck with him. Didn't she see that she would never get him? That fool of a half-breed was still yearning for the dead Miko. Pathetic. She would never be anything more then jewel-finder to Inuyasha and a sometime replacement for Kikyo.

Sesshoumaru caught a cloud and he road on it. The fluff that surrounded him (his tail in human form) flew behind him. A snake-like slithering cloud on its own.

He needed to go checking out his land. He was Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands and he would make sure that he remained that way.

Sesshoumaru might seem cold hearted but he was hard working. Dedicated. Once he set his mind to something and truly believed in it, nothing would stop him save death itself. Now that he was alone, positively aware that there was no one around him save himself, he sighed. The mask fell off for a couple of moments as Sesshoumaru stared out to the horizon his features relaxed completely. Not the usual stern look he had. This few moments of peace were rare to him. This unknown side of him.

Suddenly, he sensed something. His muscles grew tense in anticipation. Someone was near. Some other things were near.

He smelt the half breed and his motley crew. His mask went back on. No emotion. No expression. He was Lord Sesshoumaru. A Youkai.

What were they doing in his land anyway? Inuyasha surely knew they he was to stay out of his brother's land. So for what purpose was he here? Sesshoumaru, despite himself was intrigued.

He had nothing better to do anyway. Almost all youkai were too afraid of him to ever think of entering his land so he did not have much to worry about.

Still he wished not to reveal himself, so he stayed hidden. And watched.


"Kagome! Are you stupid?" Inuyasha said angrily his sword pointed at her. Waving it around manically. He was mad. That was obvious. "You told me you felt a jewel shard here and now you're saying its gone?!"

"I felt it before you baka! It's just not here anymore." Kagome was not expressing her anger very much. But one could see that she was reaching her limit.

"You stupid girl! You know I hate coming into my brother's land. But still you make this dumb mistake?!"

Miroku held up his palm outwards smiling slightly. "Now come on Inuyasha…she made a simple mistake okay? Everyone does."

Sango quickly agreed. She certainly didn't want to see Inuyasha mad and Kagome hurt. Plus she felt uneasy, as if they were being watched. "Inuyasha, lets just quickly leave. Nothing has happened yet and nothing will. If we leave now."

Inuyasha was having none of it. He was ranting. He had a lot of pent up anger and this was just the excuse he needed. This was the outlet. He really was a baka.

"No! I am not leaving with this wench. She's dumb! All she ever does is whine and she's just a stupid burden I have to carry around." Inuyasha stared at her with spitting hate. It was misdirected hate but it was venomous. Inuyasha was dissatisfied with his life and this was how his anger was manifesting. "The only reason I keep her is so she can find the jewel shards and now she can't even do that! What good is she then!!!!" Inuyasha said maliciously.

The wind whistled.

Kagome just stood there for a moment. Silence followed Inuyasha's words. No one said a thing, each tongue rendered speechless.


Sesshoumaru watched all this silently. He would watch this entire thing unfold. It was more amusing then watching birds fly. He could watch birds anytime he wished. Among other things.

- Kagome opened her mouth to speak then shut it. Tears started to well up in her eyes but she refused to let them flow without a fight. They fell regardless but she made no sound.

Finally… she screamed.

"Oswari BAKA!! OSWARI, OSWARI, OSWARI, OSWARI, OSWARI!!!" She screamed. She would NOT listen to Inuyasha degrade her. She had loved him!she felt stupid about it now. Loved him can you imagine? All she wanted was his love in return. That was all, and she thought she had gotten that but, she realized she had been gravely mistaken. There was no love. Nothing.

Kagome's words made Inuyasha hit the floor. Literally. His beads dragged him down into the dirt.

"Oswari, Inuyasha!! I hope your die and rot in hell baka, rot with your Kikyo!!!"

Inuyasha of course could say nothing in turn but stare at the ground. He face was filled with dirt. His features caked in it.

He had expected many more 'oswari's'.

With all that said, Kagome ran away from the clearing they had been in and into the forest of trees.

Sango and Miroku did not say anything. They stared at Inuyasha as he tried to pick himself up and wipe his face. Then at each other. They thought it might be best to leave both Inuyasha and Kagome alone for awhile. For one to realize what a severe mistake he had made, and for the other to give him her forgiveness. Though they doubted it would happen. That they would have back what they had before. But one could wish. It was the closest thing to having.


Sesshoumaru watched as the human girl, what had they called her? Ah yes, Ka-go-me, walked into the forest. More it seemed, that she ran. She wanted to get away from the place where this incident had occurred. Sesshoumaru thought about this.

Inuyasha had been rude and foolish. Which was expected from a half-breed. He was half human and half dog. Not a good mix.

This girl was never going back to him after the words he had said. Only a fool would. He wondered if this girl was such. Fool I mean.

He decided to follow this ka-go-me. His half-brother would not need any help of his. His anger was repulsive. Besides. This human might just still be important enough for him to trade the tensaiga with. Sesshoumaru still longed for that sword a little. It would burn his flesh yes, but perhaps there was a way to get the spell off of it. If there was one, he could find it if he wished so. He was not called Lord Sesshoumaru for nothing now was he?

He watched the girl walk deeper into the forest. The canopy grew thicker and there was less light. He saw her footsteps grow more hesitant as she got deeper in to the darkness.


Kagome was thinking how running away might not have been one of her brightest ideas. But what was done was done. She was not going back to Inuyasha. That she was positive about.

She could feel herself growing tired. Her limbs were starting to feel heavy. She knew she needed to rest. But she could not allow herself that immediate luxury.

She thought to herself. Kagome, think of something smart. You have to prove to yourself you are better then what the worthless dog thinks of you.

She got an idea. Instead of resting on the ground, climbing a tree would be better. She could hide amongst the branches and leaves (she had a green skirt on didn't she) build herself a temporary hide-out while she rested.

Kagome had never been one for climbing trees. Inuyasha had always taken her up to the branches… No, she said to herself firmly, she would not think of him. Ever. He was her past not. She would find the shikon shards herself if she had to. Like she had said before, he could rot in hell for all she cared. She had had enough of him.


Sesshoumaru was casually sitting near a tree as well, floating in the air. The 'Kagome' person didn't even notice. She was that fixated on climbing the tree. Talk about a one track mind.

Sesshoumaru watched the little human's progress up the tree. She had some strong hate for Inuyahsa. She must know what would happen as night fell. Sesshoumaru had allowed some lesser youkai to exist on his land as guards. And as clean-up when youkai were killed. He did not want the smell of a rotting corpse on his land now did he? How disgusting.


And that is the end of the first chapter.

I have exams really soon...so I won't be able to update until a couple of weeks…

But if you think it is worth continuing...why not leave a review?

By the way. This isn't the best chapter…the juicy stuff comes after.