I got to the top in no time. My heart pounding with each stride I took. The doors opened inviting me in and I accepted. I had to be quick; Ingrid would soon be rushing up here and alert The Count.

I grabbed the nearest candle stand and snapped it in half to give me a deadly weapon, a stake. Now I could at least fight my way into my grave.

I ran up the stairs and entered Vlad's room once again. I waded through the boxes looking for one that stood out from the rest. I'd seen movie stars do it, so it had to work!

I found it in no time.

A gold incrusted box. As I went to open it a noise from down stairs startled me. I got down on the floor behind some huge boxes clutching tightly onto the golden box.

"Dad, dad, he's gone, he's escaped!" I heard Ingrid shout.

I held my breath. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Damn! I'd left the door open. I was done for. There was no way I was going to go unnoticed, she'd surely sense me.

"Ingrid! Where are you?" The Count's voice projected through the castle.

"I'm up here, hang on, I'll come down!" She shouted back.

I was safe, for now anyway. I slowly stood up and crept out the room. I went down the stairs, with each step I listened out for the slightest sound. I had to find somewhere safe to open the box. I had no idea what was in it but I felt a strange vibe coming off it.

I looked at the front doors; I could easily run out of here and never look back. I wanted to but I felt a stronger force pulling me back, telling me to stay. I sneaked through the castle looking for a place that no one would find me in.


I fell over in surprise. I had been caught.

"Really Robin I told you this castle has eyes and ears anyone can find you"

"Vlad!?" I turned to see him standing right in front of me. "But your…" I was cut short.

"Dead?" He grinned. "I told you all was not lost!"

"Are you real? I mean are you a ghost?" I asked.

"Nope here take my hand" He held out his hand. I had to be hallucinating.

"Your not!" He said

"Not what?" I asked confused.

"Hallucinating!" He gave a little chuckle. "Now take my hand!"

I slowly reached out expecting to touch thin air but instead his hand was real! He pulled me up.

"How are you alive…oh no they've killed haven't they?" I cried.

"Killed? Who's killed? Killed who?" Vlad asked. Now it was his turn to have a puzzle look on his face.

"Your dad and Ingrid! They brought you back by killing an innocent person!" I felt sick.

"What are you on about? I'm alive because of the crown you hold in your possession! I just fell into a Death Sleep!" He said.

"A Death Sleep?" I looked at him still wondering if I was in a dream.

"It's a deep sleep when you leave your body for a bit, you go into the blood mirror and accept your new powers!" He replied.

"So you're a blood sucking vampire?!" I was now getting worried again. He'd fought a battle for nothing.

"Nope I refused to accept them! But I couldn't escape them apparently! So I'm not a fully fledged vampire but I have a lot of new powers! They had a cheek to call be the most stubborn, defiant young vampire they had ever had the misfortune to meet" He smiled.

I smiled but then frowned again.

"What about The Count and Ingrid?"

"They have been taken to some place, so they can be told of what has happened." He said.

"And Will?"

"Alive and human! It's the only way I could bring him back!" Vlad said.

"So you're still my breather loving friend?" I asked happily.

"As long as you're my vampire loving friend!" He replied laughing. "You know it's funny, all my life I've wanted to be ordinary, to fit in but I forgot one little thing…I always have, fangs or no fangs!"

I laughed. Everything was going to be ok again! We were friends again, closer than ever.

Robin and Vlad…Vlad and Robin.