A/N: Hiiiiii! :D That was my extremely excited hi so you would be distracted and not realize that I haven't posted the last chapter to Check it Off and instead, do something completely retardnything to finish it with. I had an idea, but when I sat in front of the computer to write it, it just didn't flow out to me, and so I wrote some shitty chapter that I'm sure would have peoed and churn out another one shot from my aquarium type mind. *sigh* I know. But the thing is, I don't think I'll post a last chapter. Maybe in the future, but right now, I just can't think of aple absolutely hating me, so I decided to just chill with it. I think it's an ok ending, kind of rushed, but all my endings are kind of rushed. And sucky, but that's because I hate ending a story. HATE IT. I always get so depressed when an ending happens, so I don't know, maybe that reflects into my horrible ability to end stories. Oh, I don't know.
ANYWAYS, I would like to say something that may or may not make you happy. I've realized that I can store up to ten documents ON fanfiction :D Which means....DRUM ROLL please,
Is it too soon? Maybe. Will I utterly fail at writing it because of my short attention span? Probably. But I will try! I've already got TWO chapters down! Woohoo! So, here's my dilema though. It's very very much like a story that runninequalslife just put up yesterday, and that makes me sad because I was hoping my idea might've been awesomely original BUTTTT, no. So, lol, uhm, I'm debating whether or not to finish the story because I KNOW that it will not be as amazing as hers/his because honestly, it just won't be, but I'm also REALLY liking the plot for this story, and I'm having shitloads of fun writing it, sooooo idunno. Maybe, maybe not. Eh. So, basically, this long story is on an "Eh" level. I'll update you later on whether it goes up to a "Yes" level or down to a "Screw it" level. :D
So this two shot is kinda, iffy. I kinda got inspiration from some people at school who recently had a really awkward and uncomfortable breakup, but YEAH :D So, it's kinda weird and drama-y and angsty which I don't like writing, but YET I do at the same time. I dunno. Maybe I just fail. At everything. Including being able to resist the pound of chocolate my friend got me. *sigh* SO, this might fall flat on my face, but HEY, I've got to try it, eh? :D So read it, review it, enjoy it :)
PERSONAL LIFE TIME (here's where people who are not interested in my life can skip down to the story :D )
So, winter break rocked. New Year Rocked. I went skiing for the first time ever and managed to live! Woohoo! I chilled with my best friend for four days straight resulting in awkward sleepovers and weird newly developed inside jokes. Uhm, school started and my schedule sucks. I'm managed to be piled and drowned in endless homework, sorta kinda making me want to cry, but realizing that if I did, I would look super retarded. :D My birthday passed since the last time I updated so woohoo! Another year older, which makes me pretty ecstatic because there's cake and cookies and ice cream and chips. And I love eating. Yum.
There's nothing much else except I've managed to gain three pounds over the winter holidays and I'm trying super hard to lose it before our school goes on some fancy trip with ANOTHER school where some of my friends will be there, and I don't want them to see me and be like, "Gross, you're huge,"
So yeah. Mmmk. :D
"I actually loved you," Gabriella said as she saw him look at her through his deep blue eyes. They were shimmering too, the unshed tears reflecting through them. "I was so stupid, Troy,"
"No!" Troy replied, desperately trying to have her back. It was a mistake. A stupid mistake, and it was never meant to happen. "I love you, Gabriella. I love you," he said, grabbing her hands into his.
It was a supposed to be a fairy tale, a story from a book. She met her prince charming. He met his gorgeous princess. They would fall in love and get married, raising children together and growing old, but every tale had a problem, a climactic moment that sometimes destroyed the story.
Gabriella couldn't help it and tears began to leak out. "No, you don't,". She struggled to pull her hands back but Troy clung to them tightly, as if he let go of her hands, then she would disappear forever. "I thought you did, but you obviously thought this was a joke, that we were a joke,"
Troy couldn't take it. He couldn't take the fact that his love for her was being questioned. Never in his life had he loved anyone as much as he loved her. It was stupid. He was stupid. Sharpay fucking Evans was stupid. He watched as Gabriella sobbed in front of him. He could see her delicate heart being broken before him. All he wanted to do was to pull her to him and rock her back and forth, the way he always did when she was upset, but now she wouldn't even let him touch him. She jerked her hands away from him.
"I'm leaving," she said, trying to make her words sound strong, but knew it was hopeless when every word quivered. She didn't want this to happen. She never wanted this to happen. God, she was so stupid. She should've known that marrying the school's "primo boy" would've been a bad idea, and she should've known that he would cheat. Cheat with that blonde bitch.
Each fairy tale had to have a protagonist and an antagonist, or else it just wouldn't be right. It had to be an evil step mother, a wicked witch, or in this case, an over sparkly blonde. Then, she would ruin the princess and the prince charming, destroying them from the inside out.
Troy could feel everything inside of him shake in fear. No. This was not happening. This was them. They were voted cutest couple in high school, and married at age twenty two after attending the same college. They were meant to have millions of children and grow old together, not whatever the hell was going on now.
"You can't," Troy said, his voice higher than normal. He knew his desperation was showing. "We can get through this, Gabs. I love you. I was drunk! It was just a mistake! A stupid mistake,"
Gabriella shook her head. "I can't stay with you, Troy," her words slurred by her sobs. "I just….I can't. Every time I look at you, I can just see you and Sharpay in the bed. Our bed,"
She tried to wipe the tears that were blurring her vision. "But you were right, Troy. It was stupid. You're stupidity ruined us. I can't just ignore what happened,"
Troy could feel his throat closing up as he saw his wife, the love of his life, roll a suitcase from behind her. He knew it. This was real. He should've known. He wasn't sure what he was thinking the night before. He had gotten drunk off beer after having a bad argument with his boss, and Sharpay had shown up at his door, knowing that her best friend was working late. She had shown up in a long trench coat and pushed her way into the door. Before Troy could ask her anything, she had pushed Troy onto the couch and stripped off the coat, revealing nothing underneath but a dainty lace thong. Troy had been stunned, and Sharpay had used it to her advantage and led him upstairs for the worst night of his life. Which only got worse when Gabriella tiredly burst in at 2 in the morning to see her best friend, now ex-best friend, naked with her husband in bed. Troy had woken to the sound of a loud door slamming and reached over to cradle his wife and found blond instead of brunette hair instead, immediately realizing what was happening and chasing after his wife. Naked.
Climactic moments had to be long and winding. It was, after all, the most dramatic part of the story.
"Gabriella. You can't go! I love you so much," Troy said, pouring his heart out, hoping that each word would convince her to stay. "Please, Gabriella. I wasn't in my right mind. It was just so confusing that night,"
"Apparently not if you managed to screw my best friend," Gabriella snapped.
She grabbed her suitcase tightly and yanked the front door open. Troy rushed after her.
"Gabs! No, please! I don't love her!" he said hysterically, not believing this was actually happening.
Gabriella scoffed. "Well that sucks for you, because you're stuck with her," she said, jerking her heads towards Sharpay, who had managed to run home and was now walking up their driveway, looking sorrow.
Troy looked at Sharpay and immediately narrowed his eyes. What the hell was she doing here? Gabriella was now about a foot away from Sharpay on the driveway with Troy standing at the door frame.
"Gabriella," Sharpay breathed when she reached her. "I-"
Sharpay looked shocked as she held her hand up to her cheek, which was now stinging. She realized that Gabriella had just slapped her. Slapped her hard.
"Fuck off bitch," Gabriella snarled before pushing her out of the way as she began to make her way towards her car. When she heard the mix of click-clacking and squeaking of sneakers, she knew they were following her.
As she popped the trunk and hoisted her suitcase in, she turned around to see two guilty looking people, standing side by side, staring mournfully at her. She almost sobbed at the sight. They looked so picturesque together. Sharpay and her blonde hair and Troy with his dirty blonde. No wonder Troy would choose her over her.
"Gabriella, I'm sorry," Sharpay whispered, looking regretfully at her ex-best friend. "It wasn't supposed to happen, and I wish it didn't. I don't love Troy, and he doesn't love me,"
Gabriella shook her head. "Stop lying," she said as tears leaked out of her eyes, glancing at the cobblestone house she and Troy had bought together. Now she could only see Sharpay and Troy living in it. Sharpay cooking breakfast in the morning while Troy would come downstairs in just his boxers, wrapping his arms around her waist, just like he used to do to her.
As Gabriella walked over to the driver's seat and opened the door, she felt a strong hand on her arm.
"Please, Gabby. Don't do this to us," Troy pleaded as he watched trails of wet tears fall from her face.
"There is no longer an us," Gabriella said before shaking his hand off. "I'll be at Chad's, and I'll send the divorce papers later,"
And with that, she started the engine and drove off.
And tears. Fairy tales had to have tears.