Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice, they are total opposites. She's the Fire, he's the Ice. High school for the both of them, will never be the same. The friction between the two, it's enough to destroy the world.


Fire and Ice, they were never ment to interact. They were never ment to be near the other. Fire burns everything in sight, while the Ice freezes everything, taking their sole. The girl was the fire, burning her way into the hearts of everyone she meets. She was the prize of her town, the fire that kept them all going. The fire showed in her determination, she never let anything slip past her, never having one homework assignment late. Her smile alone could melt the coldest heart on earth. He was the Ice. Frozen in his shell of hate, never coming out. His glance could freeze any person in their tracks, no matter much fire that person had. They froze for eternity. His words stung like a cold winters breeze, cutting right through you. His heart was frozen. His face frozen in a emotionless mask...

My name is Hanuro Sakura. I was the girl who did everything she was told to do, never talking back or saying no to anything. My life revolved around school, my friends, and my boyfriend, Uchiha Sasuke. I never thought that something like this could ever happen. I still don't know how it did. He was so cold, a frozen block of ice. His piercing eyes cut through me every time our eyes locked. But still, there was something about him, something that drew me to him like a moth to a flame. I will always be putty in his hands...

This is my story. I will tell you if you are willing to listen...