
Me: Mwahaha! I have the paper that says I own Twilight!

Stephenie: Not anymore( dives in front of me and takes the sheet)

Me: What was that for?

Stephenie: MINE!


"Bella." Alice whined

"I am not going shopping with you again."

"But you'll be my favoritest sister."

"Gee thanks," Rose put in.

So let me explain. Alice is my younger sister. She's short pixie like and positively adorable. I love her to death. Rose is my older sister, it's short for Rosalie. She's the kind of girl who walks in to room and drops your self esteem like a billion points. And she's smart.

I'm Bella. I'm an average looking B-student with brown hair and brown eyes. That's all there is to know about me. Oh, besides that I drive an old 69 Chevy. It's run down, but I love it.

We took Al's Ferrari, yes you heard me, Ferrari to school that day. Not to be too conspicuous or anything. I stepped out of the car and turned around and there was the most GORGEOUS boy I have seen in my life. Including any past life I may have had. He had this messy bronze hair, and green eyes. Green, green eyes that sparkled like emeralds when they're in the sunlight (had to) He looked over at me and I quickly looked away.

"So Bella, Rose, Alice" Joy! Some prep/snob wanted to talk to one of the new girls. How'd she know my name anyway? "I'm Lauren and this is Jess and this is Tanya."

Rose smiled her sarcastic smile, "Oh you can call me Rosalie." Lauren 'harumphed' and walked away. Amazing right?

I saw the beautiful bronze-haired boy walk in again. About a thousand girls rushed towards him. Uh-huh. Thought so. I was looking at the biggest player in the school. He flirted with a few of them and walked over to our table, with his friends. A tall, slightly muscular blonde, and a very, very muscular brunette.

"So," the bronze-haired boy said, "you girls are new here?"

"Have you ever seen us before?" Okay, I have a sarcastic side to me, and I didn't have time for this guy. Sue me.

"No, unfortunately."

"Nice meeting you, player, really, but I have to go."

"Yeah, where?"

"Well, considering I can't get to the other side of the world, as far away from you as I can get in this school." He hadn't been expecting that.


God they were so annoying. So I've dated every girl in the school, but it's not like I made them fall in love with me. As soon as I could get away from the girls I walked over to the table which contained the new girls. The gorgeous ones. The gorgeous one, I should say.

"So, you girls are new here?" I asked trying to strike up a conversation.

"Have you ever seen us here?" Feisty.

"No, unfortunately."

"Nice to meet you, player, really, but I've got to go." She caught onto me that fast, huh?

"Yeah, where?"

"Well," she seemed to be thinking about something, "considering I can't get to the other side of the world, as far away from you as I can get in this school." What theā€¦

"You totally got dissed. By a girl, no less."

"Thank you, Emmett. I was there though."

"But, someone had to rub it in."