Twilight cross hell girl

Bella is going to use the hells correspondence to get rid of Victoria once and for all

This is set in new moon after Laurent's attack

For all of you who do not know what hell girl is she is an anime character who runs a website called hells correspondence she sends your tormenter to hell but there is a price once you die you will go to hell to.


I couldn't sleep again he's gone forever Victoria is still after me she won't stop till I'm dead. Hm what's this a website its called hells correspondence I've seen it on websites the site that can only be accessed at midnight I think this could solve my problems but the websites mention a price but none say what but whatever its I will pay at least I will some of my life back only a little bit but its better than nothing. I typed in Victoria's name and clicked send. I had an email a few minutes later telling me my message had been received.

2 days later

Victoria had come this the jack and the pack had scared her away but that means she's still alive I don't know how much more of this I can take I think dieing would be easier than this life. I walked to the edge of one the la push cliff faces and jumped. Suddenly a girl wearing a kimono had take my hand and pulled me back up she handed me a straw doll with a scarlet ribbon tied around its neck then she stared talking in a quiet and unemotional voice "my name is ai enma I am hell girl if you truly desire to take revenge upon those who have wronged you just un tie the scarlet thread from the dolls neck it will bind you into a covenant with me I will ferry the soul of your tormentor straight into the depths of hell. However once vengeance has been served you will have to deliver on your end of the bargain. There always has to be a price to pay. When you die your soul will belong to hell. You will never know the joys of heaven. The decision rests with you" suddenly I was pulled into a fiery pit it hurt the pain to much to bear I fell to the ground back in the normal world and ai was gone. I drove home and sat in my room thinking about my choices letting Victoria kill me she would do it slow and painfully or let ai send her to hell and live my life then spent the rest of eternity in pain. Then wondering what would happen if Edward did come back and deicide to turn me what would happen would I go to hell or would I be able to live as a vampire forever

Hi littlemissgoth here wondering what you think I am really not sure how you guy would like this but I will still finish it any way