A/n: Osu! Well, here I am with the prologue to Yamikage. Here's all the info:

Summary: Sasuke kills Naruto in the VoTE, Sasuke became celebrated by the villagers and disgraced by the shinobi. 3 years later, he and a Team along with the Hokage must go to the Land of Cranes to where the Hidden Darkness Village resides…And wait till they get the shock of their lives. NarutoxIsaribi

Rating: T

Yosh! Let's get started!

I'll say this once…I don't own Naruto.


The Hidden Leaf Village:

A man was seen making his way to the memorial stone on a stormy October 10th, the man could be out celebrating with the villagers, but what kind of human being would do such a thing as to celebrate on this miserable day. Why you ask? It's the day of many a death, the day that the village's beloved Yondaime Hokage. The day hundreds of shinobi died fighting the monster known as the Kyuubi no Yoko. The day the man's best friend's birthday is…The best friend he killed.

Sasuke Uchiha, now wearing a black gi with a sword strapped to his lower back, and black shinobi pants made his way to the stone—despite the heavy rain. In his arm was a steaming bowl of ramen—his best friends' favorite food. Sasuke noticed other people there as well. They all glared at him, Sasuke flinched under their gaze. The people before him were all close friends with his best friend. Each one had their lives changed by him or have been inspired by him in some way or fashion. Sasuke noticed that there was someone missing—He lowered his head and gritted his teeth. That damned woman never comes here, not even for his birthday, or the anniversary! Hell, she didn't go to his funeral. Sasuke severed his ties with that banshee the day he was brought back…


A younger Sasuke was in the hospital, tears threatening to leak from his eyes. He had just woken up, and found out that he really did kill his best friend at the Valley of the End. Sasuke was so disgusted with himself. The boy touched his cheek in pain, Just a while ago, Hinata, Tenten, and Ino slapped him across his face. Cursing him to hell for what he did. He then heard a knock on his door.

"Sasuke-kun, may I come in?"

Sasuke glared at the door. With a grunt, the door opened to reveal Sakura Haruno at the door with flowers.

"Here, Sasuke-kun, I'll set these aside." She said as the girl put them in the vase beside Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun, how are you feeling?"

"…" Sasuke didn't respond.

"Sasuke-kun, are you alright? Are you still hurt?"


" I can't believe that idiot got himself killed. He probably challenged you to some fight and you took it a little too far."


"I'm pretty sure he went on and on about how he's going to be my boyfriend or husband or something stupid like that."


"Well, what can you do? After all he's a loser, an idiot, a dobe, the dead last. Nobody will miss him, good riddance!"



"Shut…the…fuck…up." He said, his voice trying to hold back silent sobs.


"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Sasuke snapped and grabbed Sakura by her shirt collar, he held her up close to his face. Sakura could literately feel the hate emitting from his body.

"Don't you dare insult him like that! You don't know shit about what happened there! I KILLED HIM!! And you know what makes me sick? I ENJOYED IT!! I enjoyed watching gasp for air as I shoved a Chidori through his heart!! And here you are—not even sad at the least! He died bringing me back here and all you do is call him names when he can no longer defend himself! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT SAKURA!!" Sasuke's tears had spilled halfway through his statement, he dropped the girl and watched as she ran, not daring to look back. Sasuke laid back down and looked up at the ceiling.

Flashback Kai!

Sasuke looked around to see the old Konoha 11 here, he noticed Hinata holding a picture of his best friend and sobbing silently. Sasuke looked down and brought out the bowl of ramen. Everyone was shocked, there have been reports of someone bringing ramen here for a while now, and no one caught the culprit. They watched as the Uchiha put the ramen bowl down at the base of the memorial stone and put his hands together for a silent prayer. Sasuke looked at the name of his friend on the memorial stone:

Naruto Uzumaki

In the Hidden Darkness Village:

How ironic, It was bright and sunny in the Hidden Darkness Village. At A Giant Tower overlooking the bustling town. A man with spiky blond hair and easy-going sapphire eyes with black fox-like pupils sighed in accomplishment as he finished off the enemy that threatened Kage's everywhere…paperwork.

"Yosh! I'm finally done, Dattebayo!!" He said with a smile. The man was no older than sixteen. He stood about 5'8 and wore a red trench coat with black flames licking the bottom with a giant scroll on his back; he had his jonin attire under it, a simple black vest, with a long sleeve black shirt with black pants with orange cuffs. The boy had just got done with his paperwork, as he is the leader and hero of the village—the Yamikage. The Yamikage finally had the rest of the day to himself and his girlfriend Isaribi. It was his birthday, so he would spend time with the Pervy Sage and the toads for a while—leaving the Yamikage duties to his advisor.

Just then, there was a knock on his door.

"Ne, what is it?"

"My Apologize Yamikage, but we have an urgent message… from Konohagakure" Said his advisor through the door."

The Yamikage was on edge. A message from Konoha? He couldn't help but wonder why they would send a message here.

"Ok, come in."

The door opened to reveal a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail with calm onyx black eyes; he wore a black robe, and under that robe was his mesh shirt and black shinobi pants.

"Itachi? What's this about a message from Konoha?"

Itachi just sighed. "I don't know, you better just read it." He handed the Yamikage the letter, and the Kage cautiously opened it, he read then contents and sighed. He leaned back in his chair.

"Itachi, ready to face our destinies?" He asked his advisor.

"I don't like where this is going, Naruto."

Naruto held up the paper. "Tsunade-baachan is coming to see us five days for an alliance."


A/N: Ahh, end of the prologue! The nagging questions will be answered next chapter:

How did Itachi join up with Naruto?

How did Naruto and Isaribi meet?

When did Naruto run into the Jiraiya post-'death'?

How in the hell did Naruto survive?

Find out in chapter 1 of: Yamikage!