Just a bit of info about the SEQUEL before I get into notes on Green and Gold.
Okay, the sequel is called Midnight Blue Dancers. The first chapter is up now and can be found either on my profile or through the search engine. I won't be quite as fast updating it as I was for Green and Gold because for most of the time I was writing Green and Gold it was my only story. Now I have 7 (although a couple I never update :P) and so I have less time for writing (that and I have more school work now) but I will still update as often as I can.
One more thing before the author's notes I promised: towards the end of writing Green and Gold, I rewrote the story from Andy's point of view. So go and read Green-Eyed Girl. It will be like my own version of Midnight Sun. If you don't read it, it doesn't matter- the content doesn't change the story at all, it just provides a little extra insight into Andy.
So, on to some notes on Green and Gold...
Don't bother asking where I got the idea for a sprite in Forks, because I have no idea. It was completely random. I don't have an interest in sprites or anything- in fact, I'm not exactly sure what they are. Everything about sprites in my fanfic is my imagination.
Some of the other ideas in the story I dreamt (which made me feel really Stephenie Meyer-ish and cool). Performation I just made up- not sure where I got the idea. A few people have asked me if they can use it in their stories- feel free, just give me a mention in your authors notes or profile or something.
Andy came into the story completely by accident. This was not supposed to be a love story. In fact, the first draft of chapters 1-4 (I wrote these chapters and then lost them all when my computer died and so had to start again) he wasn't even in it. But then I thought Juniper needed someone other than the Cullens to be her friend, some sort of human contact. And so Andy came along. And, somehow, he managed to become one of my favourite characters, and then him and Juniper just had to fall in love.
My other OCs... well, Andy just needed some friends. I like creating characters much more than using existing ones (except perhaps with Alice, who is so fun to write) and so that's why I have a lot of minor characters that aren't in Twilight.
With characters that were Stephenie Meyer's- I tried to keep them true to the book. I think I managed to in most cases, but if you disagree, feel free to tell me. I made Rose a tiny bit nicer, because I didn't want her hating Juniper, and I don't actually mind Rose. In actual fact, I didn't mean to make Rose Juniper's friend, it just happened that way when I was writing. I write down whatever comes into my head, and so my writing changes a lot depending on my mood. I guess I was in a good mood writing the early scenes with Rose.
Okay, because I haven't done any author's notes up until now, I'm going to break it up into the important bits...
- The Break-Up and the Reunion- trust me, I was sad when they broke up too. But even though I didn't want them to, you have to agree that they had to. Andy and Juniper aren't perfect, and I thought it was important for them to spend time apart and realize how much they needed each other. With the Reunion night- I know that it would have been better if they'd had sex. But so many fanfictions have the characters just jumping on each other and not even considering the consequences. Juniper's a pretty sensible girl, and obviously Andy wouldn't have protection (he went over to her shop to formally break up with her, remember) and she isn't on the pill or anything, so they didn't have sex. As you know, they do later- it being the 'Best Method of Recovery'.
- Andy's dad dying- I know, super sad. But also kind of necessary. It led to Andy and Juniper's break up (which, as I explained, had to happen) and it made a bond for them to share when they got back together.
- The Spring Dance- I loved writing that chapter because I got complete creative license- it's hardly even mentioned in Twilight, because Bella doesn't go. The plants moving is the first action-like-thing that happens in the story. Hopefully it added a bit of excitement at the time.
- The Baseball Game and 'Sprite Transportation'- I was looking forward to writing the baseball game because it's such a big deal in the book and the movie. I originally wasn't going to have Andy there but then he just had to come. Sprite transportation- completely spur of the moment. I just tried to think of someway to get them there because I didn't want any of the Cullens carrying them (hardly romantic). And I think having Juniper be able to carry people will be fun in the sequel.
-The Prom- I know what you're thinking- 'The prom wasn't even in the story!' Don't worry, I'm saving it for the sequel. I don't really like how New Moon starts to I'm going to start with the prom and work from there. Stay tuned!
So, that just about covers all I wanted to talk about. Just a few more things.
Firstly, the music in the story. I tried to keep it mainstream so everyone would know the songs. I know different songs are popular in different countries, but hopefully you could recognize most of them. A few were totally random I know. I wrote down most of the lyrics so that even if you didn't know the song you could see how it connected to the story (if it did; I know some didn't at all).
Secondly, the reviews. Thank you so much to everyone who posted a review, especially for those loyal readers who posted numerous ones. You don't know (or maybe you do, you are writers after all) how happy I was when I saw I had new reviews and how much it motivated me to write more. Granted, I would write this story even if I never posted it, because I enjoy doing it. But the fact that other people enjoy reading it makes me happy. Feel free to ask me questions about the story or tell me if you think the story's getting boring or whatever. I won't hunt you down if you give me a bad review, I promise. All feedback is good if it helps me improve my writing. And if you review a chapter and then want to add something and can't (I know this is incredibly annoying!) just send me a PM. Being Australian, I'm in a different time zone to pretty much everyone, but I'll reply as soon as I can.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my version of Twilight. I know I've enjoyed writing it. I hope you read the sequel!