Chapter nine

Disclaimer- I own nothing. Neither Twilight nor 'Amazed'.

A/N- Ahh! I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this update. I'm just not getting back into my writing. Again, I'm very sorry for abondoning this like I have. Hope you enjoy the chapter. And also, sorry for being kind of a drama queen, guys. I just needed to get my head on straight. It took a while.


I rubbed my eyes subcontiously as I tried my hardest to get more sleep. Ever since the break up every night became a contant battle trying to close my eyes and drift to sleep. Everytime I did all I could see was his face when he told me we couldn't be together. And it would all come rushing back to me.

The breakup.

Him calling me Sharpay.

Me sobbing in Ryan's arms until I fell asleep.

The pain when I would look at him.

It had been the worst night of my entire life. I couldn't imagine ever feeling this way. I was so miserable and crummy. I couldn't even bring myself to say his name now. Everytime I tried the words stuck in my throat until I began to choke. Then, as if on a cue, the tears would start. I could tell Ryan was desperatly worried about me and extremly pissed off at...him, for doing this to me. But I didn't think I could really be mad. Sure, I was upset and confused of why he did it, but I would never in a million years, no matter how much he hurt me, be able to hate him.

I sighed, pushing the covers off myself. It was obvious I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight anyways. I got out of bed and turned the overhead light on and glanced at myself in the mirror. Oh boy, didn't I look ever so lovely? My eyes were red and puffy, my face pale, and my hair knotted. I sighed, not really caring at this moment what I looked like.

"I think you look beautiful." A deep, gentle and sympathetic voice said behind me.

In shock, I turned to see Troy sitting on the end of my bed, looking about as bad as I did. Not thinking and scared I screamed for Ryan. It was a milo-second scream before Troy was beside me, covering my mouth and saying calming things in my ear.

"Shh, it's okay. It's just me." He repeated, leaning forward and looking me in the eyes. I looked was a little too much to take. He sighed and removed his hand, looking regretful. "I'm sorry for scaring you...and for kind of breaking into your room. I just really needed to talk to you."

"It couln't have waiting until later!" I yelled, not caring if Ryan heard or not. "Are you freakin' insane? How did you even get in here?"

"I climbed up your balcony." He stated simply, mindlessly pointing towards the balcony doors.

I sighed, rubbing my head. "Troy, what are you doing?"

"I just needed to talk to you." He pleaded, taking a step forward, but I moved away, stepping back.

"No, to me. I meant, what are you doing to me? You made it perfectly clear that you didn't want to be with me and yet you won't seem to leave me alone."

"Listen, all that was a big misunderstanding. I didn't want to break up with you, but I had to, okay. I love you. With all of my heart and soul I love you and you have no idea how miserable I am knowing that I hurt you. But please, will you just listen to me for a minute?" He said, looking at me with a desperate and pleading look.

I bit my lip, nodding. "Okay. I'm listening." I said, taking a seat on my bed.

He took a deep breathe. "Just promise after I tell you this that you won't hate me afriad of me."

I narrowed my eyes in curiousity. "Why would I-"

"Just please, say you won't."

I nodded slowly, my eyes on him. "Okay."

"Pay," He began, his voice shaky. I tried to ignore the tingle I felt go down my spine at his nickname for me. "This will sound crazy and stupid, but you have to trust me and believe me here...I'm a...a vampire."

I stared at him as he looked to the floor. I didn't know how to feel. Should I be afriad that he just told me this? Should I be shocked? Call a mental hosptial? What? "What do you mean...a vampire."

He looked back up to me, his eyes were red and his mouth set in a hard line. I'd never seen him look this way before. So serious and...scared. "A blood sucking mythical vampire."


"I know you don't believe me, but I can prove it to you." I remained silent, unsure what to say or do. Before I could blink Troy was on the other side of the room, then again he was on the farthest wall, and before I knew it he was standing right in front of me."

I stared at him in wonder. "H-how could...this can't be....real."

"It is Pay. This is who I am. When I said I couldn't be with you anymore it was because I was so afriad of hurting you. I wanted to tell you, but...I was scared."

"No..." I muttered, standing up, recovering from my shock and going straight to denial. "No, this...this can't be true. can't be a vampire, Troy! They're not real. This isn't Twilight or something like that!"

Troy grabbed my hands before I started to completely melt down. "Pay, believe me, please." His eyes were so sincere and honest...and blue. That amazing blue color that I loved. His eyes, and his lips, and his voice, and everything about him. His cold touch, his slight mysetery that kept me guessing, his little smirks like he can always tell what I'm was starting to make sense.

"You''re a vampire?" I muttered slowly in amazement as Troy continued to hold onto me.

He nodded, a small smile forming on his face. "Yeah, I am. I'm sorry I-"

I didn't hear the rest because suddenly my feet buckled underneath me as I fell, Troy catching me in his arms.


", are you alright?"

My eyes slowly fluttered at the voice calling me. I reconized it as the man who had just told me that he was a vampire. And I believed him, because it was Troy.

I opened my eyes causiously, my vision bcoming clearer as my eyes settled on Troy. "What...happened?"

He smiled, combing a hand through my hair. "You uh, sort of fainted."

"When I found out that you were a..." I paused, looking around my room and then back at Troy who was starring at me with concern and worry in his eyes. "Wait, did that even happen?"

He nodded, his look somber. "Yeah, it did."

I nodded slowly, just taking in this information. It's not the easiest thing in the world to hear that that guy you're in love with is a vampire. "So, okay,'re a vampire. That's"

He chuckled softly. "So you believe me?"

"Yeah, I do." I reached up tentively to stroke his cheek. It was like marble, but somehow I couldn't help but smile a bit. "Wow.."

He took my hand, looking me in the eyes. Sometimes it was a bit much to stare into his eyes because they were just so beautiful, but then again, it was harder to look away. "You're not afriad?"

"Of you?" I asked in suprise. He nodded. "No. How could I be?"

He smiled again, slowly leaning downa nd brushing his lips against mine as if asking for permission to kiss me. I responded by brining him in closer as we had a kiss that I would have liked to go on forever. Unfortunitly, he pulled away. "Seems like I'm a little more like Edward Cullen than most would think. I have to control myself too."

I nodded, trying to hide the dissipointment. "What other similarities are there between you and Edward Cullen?"

He layed down next to me, a hand playing with my hair as we faced each other. "Well...I can read minds."

"You what?" I asked, shell shocked. Does this mean he had been able to hear everything I had thought before?

"Yes." He answered my question for me. My eyes widened.

"Oh, that's not good. Very unfortunite for me." I was strating to feel a little dizzy again.

"Pay, Pay, don't worry, okay." He soothed me, his hand carrasing my cheek this time. "I would never judge you off what you thought. Besides, you never had a bad thought in your head. And plus...I liked getting to see what you thought of me." He grinned.

"Oh, boy..."

"Pay, relax. It's okay. I find the happeneings in your mind very cute. Like right now how you're thinking about how incredibly embaressed you are and hoping that I'm not reading your mind and thinking of past things you might have said that I heard and now you're trying not to think at all so I'll stop reading your mind."

I just stared at him, my mind blank. "Huh."

Troy tried to hide his smirk before his expression turned to a more serious one. "But I want to ask you something."


He bit his lip in an inresistable way, and given his sudden smirk I was guessing he had read my mind again. " you think maybe you could fogive me and maybe...give me a second chance?" He asked sheepishly, runnign his thumb over my hand subciously.

I nodded, smiling widely. "Absolutely."

He grinned, brining me closer and placing a kiss on my lips. It was passionate and non-careful. It was...perfect. After we broke apart he leaned his forehead against mine and for the first time I realized that I couldn't hear his heartbeat.

"That's because I don't have one."

I looked up, shaking my head. "This may take some time to get use to."

"Yeah." He just smiled, playing with my hair again and looking at me with adoring eyes. "I just have one last suprise for you."

My eyes widened suddely. "Am I becoming a vampire too?"

He laughed, skaing his head. "No, just follow me." He took my hand, gently lifting me off the bed and leading me to my balcony where a small table stood with a cd player sitting on top of it that had never been there before.

I glanced curiously at Troy. "You have a lot of tricks up your sleeves don't you?"

He moved closer, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Yeah, kind of. But I promise that from now on there is no more secrets. If there's something going on I promise to share it with you. No matter what my father thinks."

"What do you mean?"

"He's the reason that I had to break up with you. He doesn't believe that a vampire like me should be with a mortal like you." He said, carassing my cheek once again with his cool hand. "But I don't care what my dad thinks about us. I love you Pay. And I'm done trying to not be with you."

I smiled, leaning up and capturing his marble lips with mine. "I love you too."

He grinned again and like lightning he turned on the sterio and then was back in my arms.

I flinched in suprise. "That'll take some getting use to also."

"I'll warn you next time." He chuckled, pulling me closer.

I wrapped my arms around his nck as we began to sway to the music. The song "Amazed" By Lonestar began playing. It was one of my favorite songs. "This song describes perfectly how I feel about you." Troy said, leaning down and capturing me with another kiss. One of the sweetest...

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time, every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you


So, there you go. Sorry again that it took so long to get it done, but here it is. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know if you'd like me to continue or not.

And I thought the song worked perfectly, especially the line "I can hear your thoughts". I've been waiting for so incredibly long for this chapter so that I could use this song. I had it picked for the story since pretty much the beginning. If you've never heard it, you should relaly listen to it. It's an amazing song. "Amazed" by Lonestar.

Reviews would be lovely :)
