Chapter 8

6 Weeks Later

"Oh god I'm so glad I only have 2 weeks til I have these three lil monsters outta me."said Jeanette in a tired tone.

"Can you believe it Ellie in 2 weeks we're gonna be aunties. My little sister is gonna be someone's mommy."said Brittany excitedly.

"Oh yay I get to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just feed not one but three babies. I change my mind maybe they just wanna stay in there."said Jeanette.

"I know what'll cheer you up a trip to the mall."said Eleanor happily.

"Sure Elle so everyone who hasn't already seen how fat I am can. No thanks, Ill pass."

"You're going and I'm gonna drive you. You need a little excitement in your life."said Brittany.

"Fine I'll go with you. Only because I need to pick up a few more thing for the triplets. I gotta find a few more clothes. I don't think I have enough yet."

"Are you joking I can't see my KING sized bed for all the stuff the little cuties have."said Brittany playfully. The girls all got up and headed down to Brittany's car.

"Hey buckle up everyone. Let's just hope there are no paparrazi following us today. You would think they've never seen a pregnant person before."said Eleanor as they headed towards the mall.

At The Mall

"Eww no that whore and her stupid sisters did not just step foot in my daddy's mall."said Lena angrilly still a little angry about how Simon dropped her after he got Jeanette back. Her and her two evil friends strutted over to the Chippettes. "What do you three sluts think you're doing at my mall. I mean Jeanette with all that baby weight I wouldn't think you'd show your fat ass around here."

"Please believe bitch my sister is pregnant not me and I will whip your dumb ass all over your daddy's mall."said Brittany in an extremely calm voice.

"Please leave me alone Lena. I'm pregnant and this enviroment really isn't good for me. I'm simply tryna finish my weekend shopping before school on Monday. Please me and Si are happy just leave us alone stop calling my house and hanging up and for god's sake don't go over to Simon's house again. I'm always over there when you come and make an ass of yourself all I do is laugh at you when you leave."said Jeanette with a smirk on her face as Lena ran off in embarrassment.

"You go Jeanie. Tellin that skeezer off."said Eleanor as the girls headed into the baby store.

"Oh look at this it's soooo cute."Jeanette said pointing to a round crib.

"It is really cute. You should get."

"I wish I could but Si says we cant afford anything fancy and this costs the same as the other three we got plus the bassinets."

"Well I mean what can he do if me and Ellie buy it for you. This one is big enough for all three if them and you really love it. We could afford it sis."Brittany said eagerly.

"Oh okay but right after this can we go home cause I am beat."said Jeantte through a yawn.

"Sure sis."said Brittany.

Chapter 9

At The Seville Home

"Hey Si how are you feelin about being a daddy in less than 2 weeks."Alvin said

"I'm freakin out but then I'm so excited because I know I'm gonna be the best dad the world has ever seen."Simon said.

"Well as of now you and Jeanette are doing pretty good but what happens after the baby. I mean you guys are good now but where are you going to college, how are you gonna buy stuff for the babies. Where are they gonna go when you and Jeanette are at school. Do you really know what it means to be a dad Simon. It's gonna be harder than you expect."Dave said.

"Well we have money and stuff but we don't really have all the details planned out and stuff. Then we've been dealing with my crazy ex Lena."said Simon


"I'll get it." Said Alvin. "What!!!! Calm down Miss Miller. Do you know which hospital they're being taken to. Okay we're on our way."

"Alvin what's wrong did something happen to Jeanette is she alright. Wait you said they are they all okay."rambled Simon.

"I don't know but we have to get to Cedar Sinai fast the girls were in an accident. They were on their way home when they were hit head on buy an SUV."said Alvin.

The boys and Dave all rushed to hop into Dave's van. They sped the whole twenty minutes to the hospital all hoping that the girls were okay. Especially Jeanette and the babies. When they went into the hospital they saw Miss Miller crying and rushed over to her.

"Is Jeanette okay? Are the babies alright? Miss Miller say something." Screamed Simon.

"They had to do an emergency c-section. The babies are all fine, but Jeanette she's in ICU. In a coma they aren't expecting her to make it. She hit her head and they have to wait for the swelling on her brain to go down. There are two girls and two boys. I was surprised when the doctor came out and told all four babies were fine, but their mother was still comatose."said Miss Miller through the sobs that wracked her body.

"Well what about Brittany and Eleanor."said Dave as the Chipmunks all cried.

"They're both fine except for some broken bones Jeanette was the only one with really bad injuries. Simon please go check on your babies. Brittany said the last thing Jeanette said was 'Make sure my babies are taken care of'."said Miss Miller.

"I need to see Jeanette not them she is who I need to take care of. She would've never left home if I had came to visit her. Instead of working on that stupid project."Simon said with his head hung in shame.

"It's not your fault Simon."said Brittany as she came by on a stretcher. "It's that ex-girlfriend of yours Lena it was her who hit us I saw her in the E.R. smiling talking to her friends telling them she got of Jeanette once and for all"

"What!!!!! I'll kill that stupid bitch if Jeanette dies. I promise you that."said Simon before he looked off and said,"Could you guys excuse me while I go up to the nusery to check on all I have left of Jeanette"

"Don't say they're all you have left of her cause if you do you're already excepting she's dead."said Brittany to Simon's back as he got on the elevator with tears streaming down his face.

Author's Note: Please bounce me some ideas I have a bad case of writer's block.