A river runs through it: Chapter 10

I apologize for the massive e-mail spam this moving is causing to everyone on author alert

Kenta woke up first; gently working his arm out from under River and rubbing it until he could feel it again. He sat up slowly looking down at River's sleeping form a small content smile on his face with a small happy sigh he lead in and planted a soft kiss on her forehead blushing as a stiff breeze reminded him to put some clothes on. Pulling back he gently ran his hand over River's head before standing up and walking over to his clothes. Once dressed he turned his attention to the fire, there was maybe two minutes worth of wood left, he sighed shaking his head and scanned the wood line for any obvious timber not wanting to venture too far from their camp in case River woke up. He quietly slipped past River and picked up a good handful of dry sticks before walking back to the fire pit and dumping them all on the ashes of their previous blaze. He smiled and fished through his pocket for his flint cursing softly when he couldn't find them, after a moments thought he remembered leaving them by his bag and laughing softly to himself got up and retrieved them quickly lighting the fire and sitting down to make sure it took properly.

River shifted; the smell of smoke, gentle crackling of the fire and the constant shuffling of Kenta's movements enough to bring her out of her sleep. She gingerly lifted her head, her eyes still half lidded, and looked around.

Kenta smiled and gave a small wave when he saw River moving "Morning" he said cheerily.

River smiled and gave Kenta a small wave "Essp" she returned rolling onto her feet and padding over to Kenta

Kenta smiled gently rubbing River's head "Sleep well?" he asked

River nodded blushing "Best night's sleep I've ever had."

Kenta blushed slightly and laughed "Same here" before leaning down to give River a quick kiss.

River however wasn't letting the kiss stop so quickly and as Kenta broke away she darted forward recapturing his lips and shoving her tongue into his mouth kissing him deeply.

Kenta gave a small surprised moan but it was lost in the kiss, slowly his tongue joined River's as his hands wrapped around her rubbing her back lovingly.

River giggled pulling away from the kiss their eyes locking for a second "That's how you kiss." she said cheekily

Kenta laughed kissing River on the forehead "Thanks for the lesson" he said

River blushed "My pleasure" she said

Kenta smiled and pulled back leaving on arm draped over River "So anything specific you want for breakfast?"

River shook her head "Toast would be good" she said "but I can't think for much else."

Kenta laughed "Brain not on yet?" as he went over to the pack to search for some bread.

River giggled "Nope, another few hours yet."

Kenta's laugh emerged muffled from the bag as he stuck his head in to take a look, a minute later a muffled "Ah ha!" drifted out as he pulled his head out of the bag before reaching in and pulling out a slightly squashed loaf of bread.

River smiled"It's a bit squashed" she pointed out

Kenta laughed "Yeah" he said rubbing the back of his head "I guess I shouldn't have put it at the bottom of the bag huh?"

River giggled "and I'm the stupid one?"

Kenta laughed "I know, it scares me how dumb you must be" he joked

River gave a fake pout "You're lucky you're cute."

Kenta blushed "Plus I've got the food" he laughed

River nodded "Hmmm; I didn't think of that." she giggled "One more reason to keep you around."

Kenta laughed sitting down and opening the bread "How many reasons does that make now?" he joked

River shrugged "I lost count around ten million" her eyes glowed as four slices of the loaf floated out of the packet and hung in the middle of the fire.

Kenta blushed heavily giving River a quick kiss "It should only take a minute or so" he said

River gave a small nod concentrating on not burning the toast; as she flicked the almost perfectly done slices out of the fire and into Kenta's hands.

"ow ow ow hoooot" Kenta complained throwing the slices between hands

"You better not drop that!" River warned trying hard to hold back a giggling fit.

The slices of toast quickly cooled down enough for Kenta to hold them, he gave a small sigh of relief and held River's slices out for her to take.

River giggled softly taking her slices out of Kenta's hand with her mouth then suspending them in the air whilst she quickly devoured them.

Kenta laughed quickly eating the first slice but slowing down on the second eating it slowly as he stood up and began packing up everything they had gotten out.

River smiled as she watched him pack everything up laying into her second slice of toast with the same gusto she had attacked the first.

Kenta smiled turning to face River "You going to help?" he asked pausing, his hand holding the now clean saucepan above his bag.

River giggled shaking her head "I'd rather not." she replied cheekily sticking out her tongue

Kenta laughed and shook his head "Fine but you make dinner" he said

River pouted "But you're a better cook."

Kenta nodded laughing "True, why should I have to suffer for your crime."

River gave a fake insulted face "It's not that bad!" she protested

Kenta rolled his eyes "I'm sure a Muk would find it delicious" he joked

River giggled "Well at least someone likes it." she said

Kenta laughed placing the saucepan away, "True." he called back laughing "Oh well" he muttered "Don't bother, I've just about finished anyway"

River laughed "Sure thing, I don't need you to tell me not to work"

Kenta smiled doing up the draw strap before clipping the bag closed "Trust me I know" he laughed shouldering the bag.

River giggled shaking herself off "Let's get going" she muttered

Kenta nodded "Yeah" he looked off into the distance at the barely visible skyline of Violet city "We should be there today or tomorrow" he said scratching River's head.

River nodded "essp" she muttered happily her tails swishing through the air behind her as the pair made their way back through the tree line and onto the well trodden path.