A/N: I know, I know. I am terrible at updating, and am sad to say that I have been sitting on this chapter for the better part of half a year now and am just now getting around to editing and posting it. I'm sorry it is so short, and hope the next one will be longer-not to mention published sooner. *Sigh* As always: Read, Review, and Enjoy!

Inuyasha's eyes quickly surveyed the room, but the smell is what hit him first. Kagome's scent filled the room, full of arousal, mingled with his brothers. His eyes flashed red as he took in the sight on the bed: Sesshomaru with disheveled clothes, crouching over a very nude Kagome, her skin flushed with exertion, damp with sweat like early morning dew, and her breathing short as she seemed to still be coming down from the high that she was in. Her eyes were wide as she took in his red-clad form standing there; the smell of her anxiety replacing the smell that had previously filled his nostrils.

He unsheathed his sword so fast that neither of the two on the bed had a chance to blink. His eyes were slowly creeping red, despite the presence of Tetsusaiga in his hands. "You bastard," He snarled, his eyes on Sesshomaru.

The inuyoukai in question leapt from the bed gracefully, his poison whip appearing in hand." Careful half breed. Recall what happened the last time you lost your temper." Smooth as ever, as if Inuyasha did not just walk in on them doing sexual things.

Inuyasha's red gaze fell on Kagome's bare chest, seeing the skin that had been rugged with slashes and blood, clean and smooth as before. He warred with the demon within him as he looked back at the demon lord. "That still doesn't explain… this." He spat, fury engulfing him.

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. "This doesn't concern the likes of you." He quickly raised his whip to deflect Inuyasha's blow.

"Kagome is mine!" The half-demon snarled in anger.

At those words, Sesshomaru's beast reared its ugly head, his own eyes flashing red. "Kagome is—"


Both demons jumped at the sound of Kagome's voice—well, Inuyasha jumped. Sesshomaru hardly flinched. The girl had been frozen to the bed in mortification until they started throwing possessives around. At least Inuyasha had. She wasn't sure what Sesshomaru was about to say; she would have been shocked if he claimed her as well. She half expected Koga to burst through the door with his own proclamation.

She wanted none of this; she hadn't asked for this to happen to her. There was no regret at what just happened, it took her pain away… for now. What she did regret was the hurt look that replaced the anger in Inuyasha's eyes. She couldn't bear to see it. Both demons looked at her expectantly.

"I am my own person. I belong to myself. Now put your weapons away, because no one will be fighting."



He flinched at the implication that one word held. He sheathed his sword. "What happened in here?" He growled, trying to calm himself but finding it very hard to do so.

"Inuyasha…" It was obvious what they had done, but he wanted to hear it from her own mouth. She glanced at Sesshomaru who had his usual stoic look upon his face. He felt her gaze and met it with his own, raising a questioning eyebrow. A blush spread across her cheeks suddenly, as she recalled the things he had done to her. How he has made her feel. How far she would have let them go if they had not been interrupted.

The demon lord smirked at the look on the girl's face. He knew exactly what she was thinking and part of it pleased him. The Lord Sesshomaru… pleased. 'Hn'.

Inuyasha grumbled at the two's interaction with one another. He wanted to flatten his ears to his head and go mope somewhere, but he wouldn't show weakness in front of his brother. He wanted to rip his brother's heart out, but he would take care of that later. He needed to talk to Kagome first and figure out what was going on. Because he just couldn't… wouldn't, believe what his superior senses were already telling him.

"Sesshomaru, I need to talk to Inuyasha."

"Hn." He gathered up his armor and quickly strapped it on, then turned and walked from the room, not bothering to close the door. Kagome heard the slam of her common room door moments later. Before he had left, Kagome had seen the look in his eyes. She knew she had to appease one hurt dog demon, but did she also have to heal another's ego? She hadn't expected it, but she knew what she saw in that golden look. Brief, but there all the same.

She went to close the door and then faced the half-demon. He was staring at her, intensely. "Inu—" She was cut off by her surprise when he rushed towards her and she was suddenly in his arms. " 'Yasha..."

"Kagome are you alright? I'm so sorry."

"Inuyasha? What are you sorry for?"

He pulled back enough to see her face, and he tentatively touched her chest. Kagome blushed as she remembered her nakedness, forgetting it during the intensity before. "I'm fine Inuyasha. You don't need to apologize, you weren't yourself. Sesshomaru took care of me."

His gaze darkened dangerously, and she realized what she said… what it implied. He pulled further from her but seemed reluctant to let her go. "Did that bastard take advantage of you? What the hell happened? I couldn't get in!"

"Inuyasha…" She sighed, "he didn't take advantage of me."

"What?" He looked at her incredulously.

"I mean what I said. I let him… we—, It's hard to explain. But I woke up to him hovering over me and—"

"So, he did take advantage of you in your weakened state the bastard!" He pulled away like he was going to go after him, but Kagome grabbed the sleeve of his shirt.

"NO Inuyasha! Let me finish!"

Inuyasha turned back to her, his eyebrows drawn close in confusion. "Please sit down Inuyasha and I'll try to explain. And let me put some clothes on…" At that statement he looked over her body, a blush rising to his own face, and she saw him swallow his Adam's apple. He had seen her nude before, but never like this, especially since she's matured.

"Uh… yeah." He averted his gaze.

She quickly scanned the floor for her discarded clothing. Blushing as each item was found, remembering how exactly it was removed in the first place. Her lower abdomen tingled as the memories replayed themselves and she heard a sharp intake of breath behind her as she pulled them on.



"Whatever you're thinking about… stop." His voice sounded strained and when she turned to him in confusion she could see the tension around his eyes as he avoided her gaze.

Her blush was permanent now, she just knew it. 'Idiot. He can smell my arousal.'

Once covered, she went to sit on the bed, careful to keep her thoughts from what she had been doing on this bed only minutes before with a certain demon lord.

"Okay, I'm dressed," she breathed, watching the hanyou slowly turn toward her. She inclined her head, indicating he should have a seat.

Inuyasha was too tense to sit. He decided to lean his back against the doorframe instead, arms crossed in his usual manner, "Talk."

She let out a breath and wrung her hands together. "Well… as I said, I woke to Sesshomaru leaning over me. I was obviously startled. He explained that he healed me, and we said a few words to each other. Certainly, more than we've ever exchanged before. Then…" She felt sweat form at her brow. Telling Inuyasha this was so uncomfortable. Though she didn't regret what happened, she still knew she was going to hurt Inuyasha in some way.

"Then?" Inuyasha's voice was a whisper.

Kagome glanced up at him, she owed him this at least, and she would look at him when she told him.

"Then, the… pain took over. It was… more intense than ever before. Excruciating. My beast had not taken over yet, but it was only a matter of time. Sesshomaru… he–he offered to help."

Inuyasha snarled, fists clenching. "I told you I would help!"

Kagome flinched, "Inuyasha…"

"Why would you go to him? The enemy Kagome! Do you… do you like him?" Inuyasha's breaths became ragged as the words slithered out.

Kagome blinked at him, unsure how to answer that question. Not sure if she even knew the answer to such a question.

Her silence seemed to answer for her as Inuyasha's eyes flickered red again. He growled, "Do you like having all these men after you? Is that it? Do you want to be known as a–a whore?"

Kagome felt like she'd been punched in the gut. How could he, of all people, say something like that to her? How could he even think that? The tears came instantly, damping her lash line but not cresting over that precarious edge. She jumped to her feet, rage and despair roiling within her.

"Inuyasha! How could you say such a thing?! You know I didn't ask for this to happen. I can't help when the pain takes over, when the l-lust consumes me! And why is it that when women lust after more than one person, they're automatically labeled a slut? What about men? If I want more than one man in my life Inuyasha, that is my decision! And if you keep belittling me, your chances at being one of those men is going to drop dangerously fast. I understand you're upset, but I am not yours!"

Inuyasha was shocked at her outburst, but he wasn't about to back down. He wouldn't be who he was if he did. And Kagome could see that he was ready to argue.

"Get. Out." She snarled, before he could utter a sound. "Out. Before I do something I'll regret."



His ears slammed back as the piercing cry fought to destroy his ear drums, and the look in her eyes could have sliced him in two. He dropped his gaze from her fuming form and without another sound, he turned and left her room, jumping as the door slammed behind him. He didn't hear anything coming from behind the closed door, and he knew he needed to take a walk before he exploded. He left the common room, only to find his brother standing outside its door.

Sesshomaru lifted an eyebrow at him and Inuyasha snarled, preparing to fight.

Sesshomaru let out his own growl, facing the hanyou. He had his own frustrations to work out. His brother was the perfect target for them. His whip was just coiling around his hand when a throat cleared.

"And just what do you two think you're going to do in this hallway?" Professor McGonagall looked at the two inuyoukai with a stern expression, lips pressed firmly together, and eyebrows raises in question.

Inuyasha's hand fell from his sword hilt, and Sesshomaru's whip disappeared.

"They weren't going to do anything Professor McGonagall." Hermione stated, coming to a stop beside the transfiguration professor.

"Boys... leave you alone for thirty minutes and you're already at each other's throats." Sango said exasperated, shaking her head at the silver haired demons.

Miroku was just behind her, studying the two. "Where is Kagome? Is she better?"

"The miko is—"

"Kagome is—"

Both brothers stopped and bristled at one another, earring curious looks from everyone, especially the feudal era gang as they knew this behavior was extremely unusual.

Shippo, ever the observant and un-quiet one, spoke, "Are Inuyasha and Lord Sesshomaru really fighting over Kagome?"

The fox kit flinched and hid behind Miroku when two sets of amber flares found him.

"Who exactly is fighting over my women?" A throaty voice spoke.

Everyone's head snapped towards the source. The tanned wolf youkai was standing at the top of the steps, feet planted firmly apart. His broad arms were crossed in front of his chest; one pointy canine glinted as it rested outside of his mouth. He looked irritated.

Two very different inuyoukais' growls sounded.