Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the characters--they belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Rated M: For strong language and sex content. Maybe some lemons in the future.

Summary: This story is based on the song by Katy Perry. In my profile there's a link of the song, so you could listen to it while reading this.

I saw a spider, I didn't scream
Cos I can belch the alphabet, just double-dog dare me
And I chose guitar over ballet
And I tape these suckers down cos they just get in my way
The way you look at me
It's kind of like a little sister
You high-five your goodbyes
And it leaves me nothing but blisters

So I don't wanna be
One of the boys
One of your guys
Just gimme a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be
One of the girls
Pretty in pearls
Not one of the boys

So over the summer, something changed
I started reading Seventeen and shaving my legs
And I study Lolita religiously
And I walked right into school and caught you drooling over me

Cos' I know what you know
But now, you're gonna have to take a number
It's okay, maybe one day
But not until I get my diamond ring

Cos' I don't wanna be
One of the boys
One of your guys
Just gimme a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be
Your homecoming queen
Pin-up poster dream
Not one of the boys

I wanna be a flower
Not a dirty weed
And I wanna smell like roses
Not a baseball team
And I swear maybe one day
You're gonna wanna make out, make out, make out with me

Don't want to be

So I don't want to be
One of the boys
One of the guys
Gimme a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be
I just wanna be one of the girls
So pretty in pearls
Not one of the boys

The lyrics belong to Katy Perry

A/N: I have written this story during the summer but I'm rewriting it again--so there might be some changes.


"Throw it. Bella, now!"

I stepped back to prepare myself, I noticed Edward running towards me--and god did he look great as his auburn hair gorgeously moved with the wind.

I took a step back and threw the ball over to Jasper and then before I could check to see if he caught the ball or not, I was knocked down by Edward--punching my nose as he tackled me a little too roughly. He pinned me down on the ground, and if it weren't for the rusted smell of blood coming from my throbbing nose; I would have enjoyed this position. Him on top of me, between my legs--his face only a few inches away from mine.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry" He said with grimace getting up to his knees.

He continued to murmur on about forgetting I was a little girl while I ignored him and focused on not getting sick. I felt woozy and my stomach felt uneasy--this blood stuff really got to me.

I saw Emmett and Jasper running over towards us.

"WOW!" Emmett said loudly. He then hit Edward on the back of the head. "Nice going dickhead"

Edward shoved him off. "Jesus Em, it's not like I intended on doing that"

Jasper came to take a better look at it, but only to immediately step back once spotting the blood. "Ugh.. Bella your nose" He said while closing his eyes. "I can't stand shit like that, it makes me sick"

"Let me see" Edward said while placing his hands around my neck and pulling me closer to him. He began studying my nose while I stared deeply into his eyes. Wishing that he would kiss me--he was so close.

"We should take her to dad" He said, before flashing me a wry smile.

"Fine, I'll go ahead and let him know" Jasper said while backing away.

"No." I managed to say, while subconsciously shoving Edward away. I adjusted myself and got up on my feet. "Wait, Jazz-"

"Don't worry" He yelled. "You should be use to this"

"Do you want my car?" Emmett asked.

"No Maria lives around here and I have to get something from her anyways, so I'll just take her's."

"Is it that bad?" I asked, while staring up at Edward--now standing next to me.

"Um, yeah Bella!" Emmett cut in.

"But what about the game?" I asked sadly.

"Are you serious Bella? Forget the game." Edward snapped. "It's over, just leave it like that."

"Jesus Edward, stop being such a pussy." I snapped back.

Emmett started laughing, while gesturing to Edward as he continued to laugh loudly. "Oh god Bella" he said in between giggles.

Edward rolled his eyes, trying to push back a smile "Bella…I am not being a pussy-"

"Yes, you are. Your scared that Jazz and I are going to finish kicking both your ass." I said while watching Emmett now suddenly serious.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Jasper dropped the ball…" he told me.

"What?" I nearly shouted... I felt a sharp pain in my nose and noticed all the blood dripping down my shirt. I pinched the bridge of my nose while covering it.

"Yeah…we just don't want you and Jasper to continue embarrassing yourselves." Edward added smugly.

Emmett started laughing again, while Edward grabbed my wrist "Come"

I felt my heart pace faster…. just his touch got me going. "where are we going?" I asked, still irritated.

"To my house duh! My dad needs to check this out"

"Well isn't he at the hospital?" I turned over to Emmett who was grimacing at the sight of my leg.

"Bella you have a huge cut on your leg" Edward and I both glanced down, noticing the blood gushing out.

"When the fuck was this?" I asked, feeling even more sick. "When the hell, did this happen?"

Edward started laughing. And it honestly excited me that I could always make him laugh. However this wasn't a funny issue.

He spoke while nodding his head "Bella you are forever getting hurt.."

"Yeah, she's so use to it, she didn't even notice that." Emmett added while holding back a smile.

"Fuck you, guys." I said while letting go Edward's grip and walking towards the parking lot.

Once reaching the parked cars, I walked over to the black jeep wrangler and before I opened the passenger door….Emmett started yelling at me.

"Wait, wait-WAIT!" I turned to face him, with a puzzled look on my face.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I asked while glancing over at Edward.

"I'm sorry, Bella but there's just no way your going to sit on my leather seats while your covered in blood like that...its-its just not happening.".

"Are you serious?" Edward asked.

"Fuck yeah...I mean what the fuck-guys I am not risking anything".

"Fine, I'll ride with Edward" I said calmly.

"Um..." I heard Edward object.

I glanced over to see his worried expression. Now I was frustrated. And me standing here just made me more uncomfortable from the nausea building up. And me being covered in sweat while holding my nose-and feeling the warm liquid spread through my fingers; was not making it any better.

Edward continued. "I don't know, I mean mom just got me that Volvo...and the seats, the blood… I don't know." I carefully studied him.

That asshole--gorgeous, but still an asshole.

"Edward you're such a hypocrite" I shouted. "a moment ago you were all like 'are you serious?'" I said, poorly impersonating him-which made Emmett chuckle. "And now your like 'I'm not letting the bitch in my car' What the fuck?"

"I didn't say bitch." Was all he said.

I sighed. "So what you guys, you just gonna ditch me and leave me here bleeding to death?" I asked irritated.

Emmett walk towards the driver's seat of his jeep and answered . "Well I guess so, besides...I have to meet Rose, I have like 4 missed calls from her"

"Whoa-I guess she liked the little surprise you gave her last night, huh" Edward added, while smiling "Hopefully she'll return the favor."

"Yeah she better" he devilishly grinned.

I cringed and put my head back. Trying to ignore their sick conversation and the fact how comfortable these guys can act around me.

I heard the engine of Emmett's jeep come alive and I glanced over at Edward. He only shook his head, which made me sad.

I continued to stand there, making myself seem more useless. And after a short while he blew out a sigh. "Fuck. FINE!. Bella but-hold on" He pulled his white t shirt over his head tossed it to me.

I felt nervous, which was just retarded, since I have seen him shirtless many-many time before.

"What do you want me to do with this?" I asked while I held his warm yet damp shirt. "Do I stink? Do you want to cover my awful odor or something, so it won't spread to your car?" I asked, kind of joking around but still serious.

"No. That's so you can wrap it around your nose or something, your hands are all filled with blood and I want prevent any leaking to the seats." He walked over to his car as I followed.

"And watch out for your leg, Bella I swear sometimes I can't control my own strength and if your bloody knee touches any part of my car..." He paused-looking away before continuing. A dramatic effect. "Lets just say Charlie won't be happy about it."

I held back a smile. "Whatever, you-you blowhard.".

He looked at me before getting in. "Alright, so you think I'm all talk huh. Fine you will see…you already saw what I'm capable of-and that was just by mistake. Trust me you do not want to see what will happen when I mean it" He joked. "remember I know where you live and I won't hesitate on getting you. Just dirty my seat and watch"

I only glared at him. Stupid Shiny Volvo owner


Edward had one hand on the steering wheel while the other was in the back of my seat. I was searching through his black iPod video--looking through his huge list of song artists. I have spent like five minutes looking for something I was familiar to and actually listen to.

And part of me was also trying to avoid his bare and muscular chest next to me. Seriously if I glanced over at his chest one more time, I was sure to shiver up and die. The image in my head of his pale chest with a little bit of brownish hair was exciting me. Subconsciously I took another quick glance of the patch of dark hair coming from his armpit. I didn't think I made it obvious since it was coming from the same arm he had spread across to my seat.

I smiled trying to breathe...

"Alien Ant Farm?" I asked, holding back a smile.

"Yeah? ... you don't like smooth criminal?" he asked while still staring at the road

"Well yeah I guess, it's just so random" I continued looking through his list. And then decided to just type Linking Park--being it was band both Edward and I really like. Once searching through the albums I found a song that I Haven't heard in such a long time.

(Go to my profile and click the link under this story. You kind of need to listen to it while reading below. If you want)

The music started playing in the background as I sat back and enjoyed the beat. Edward started laughing to himself while I started to rap.

"Why does it feel like night today? Something in here's not right today.
Why am I so uptight today? Paranoia's all I got left" That's all I knew so I just mumbled the next few lines, which caused him to laugh again.

He began to drum his fingers on the wheel, as I nodded my head with the beat of the song.

"A face watches every time I lie, a face that laughs every time I fall" I said.

"And watches everything" He whispered loudly. Which caused me to laugh…

"That the face inside is hearing me, right underneath my skin" He said with emotion before we both start singing the chorus.

"It's like a whirlwind inside of my head, it's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right be-neath my skin!!!" We sang.

I smiled and I felt the goosebumps on my arms, as I thought of how sexy Edward just sounded when he sang Chester's part--he kind of sounded like him.

While listening to the chorus come along again, I glanced over to him--he was head banging. "You're such a dork, did you know that?"

"And you're such a...you know I'd rather not even say". He said while smiling.

I rolled my eyes "can't think of anything?" I asked.

My stomach felt weird as I smelled the dried blood on my upper lip. There was no more blood dripping, but Edward had said that it was swelling up.

I lifted up the makeup mirror and started to examine my nose. God did I look like a hot mess…and next to this fantastic looking guy. No wonder he doesn't find me attractive--I mean look at my hair, it was a mess. Come to think of it, it always did.

"Ugh!" I spitted out

"What-ohh... your nose?" He said glancing over at me.

"Yeah and I'm leaving to Miami soon, looking like this."

"It's not that bad, I don't even think it's broken…at least it will look good by the time you start school right?" He added when noticing my expression.

I closed the mirror and noticed that there was something wrong with him as well. I could always tell when something was bothering him-

"Are you alright, Eddie? I asked. Teasing him-since he hated when people called him that. Except of course his girlfriend, Tanya who always fricking called him that.

He groaned while gripping on to the steering wheel as he made a sharp turn.

"What's wrong Eddie? Does it bother you that I call you that?' I asked while mocking Tanya's babyish voice--in which she enjoys to use when she speaks with Edward.

"Shut up"

I smiled "Wow, Edward I just don't how you could put up with her talking to you like that…"

"Shut up" He repeated.

"All the time" I continued.

He just sighed, ignoring me as we reached his neighborhood. I suddenly thought about Alice.

"Ohh is Alice here?!" I asked hoping she was.

Alice was Edward's younger cousin who is 16-just a few months older than me. She's the coolest girl I ever met. My best friend for nearly five years.

We both were interested in many similar things, like fashion--only mines was very different from hers. But aside from her being a girly girl, and me being this kind of a tomboy--we still got along. In many ways our interests and ideas balanced out our friendship…

And I have been wanting to see her and ask her if she's willing to come with me to Florida to visit my mother for the next month. The plan was for my father to come with me, but he had a really important case coming up, so I asked if I could give the extra plane ticket to Alice. He agreed of course--but I hadn't asked her yet, being she was away for the last couple of weeks.

"Yeah" He said while pulling up to his house. "I'm pretty sure she's here, I mean you know she's always coming over just to see Jasper" he joked.

I laughed "yeah" thinking how it's so true.

Alice has a crush on Edward's best friend since she was 14. But she never told him fearing that he would say he's too old for her. Which is…kind of. He was already 18 and sort of seeing another girl.

But if she only knew that Jasper likes her too. He's completely infatuated in her, it's just he feels that she might not be into guys like him. Which was ridicules since we've been friends for such a long time. They were perfect for each other--and I wish I could let her know that. But he told Edward and I not to tell her, and Alice told us not to tell him. It was stupid. If Jasper found out about this, I just knew that he would dump her in a second.


As soon as we were in the house, I was greeted by Esme--Edward's mother. She was in the kitchen, making dinner.

"Hmm Esme, it smells so good whatever it is your making" I said comfortably. "I'm guessing spaghetti" I added.

"Thank you hun…but no I'm just making some pasta. Are you staying for dinner?"

"Yeah of course."

She came out from the kitchen, then gasped when she saw me and in my terrible condition. "Oh dear, I didn't think it was that serious. How did this happened exactly?"

I searched for Edward and saw him talking on the phone. I frowned, knowing that he was probably speaking with Tanya.

"Well you see Esme" I said, trying to sound happy. "Your very aggressive son attacked me back at the park"

"WHAT?" She raised her voice…"Dear god, Emmett did this?"

Fuck! "No" I nearly shouted as well. I can't even bear to imagine if Emmett was the one that attacked me, him being so buff and tough…he would've probably killed me instead.

"No... Edward."

She looked relieved and then sighed before calling him over. I smiled to myself and walked over to the kitchen, and got a napkin and wet it. I took off the dry blood on my face before washing my hands.



It was around 6pm and I was hugging Esme goodbye, knowing I won't see her until after a month since I was leaving in the weekend. Alice's mother, Elizabeth came over which was great, so I could help Alice tag team on her…convincing her to let Alice come. And after a bit of a help from Esme, she finally agreed which caused both Alice and I shriek.

But then Alice wouldn't shut up of the trip. And how she had to do some last minute shopping. But hey that was Alice.

My nose also had felt much better after Carlisle took care of it. He gave me some tramadol and it was just sprained. He said I was lucky that it didn't get out of place, because then I would have been left with a crooked nose--unless I was willing for them to put it back to place. But my knee however did get infected, which wasn't too bad.

I was just disappointed over the fact that I wasn't going to be able to say goodbye to none of the guys. Especially Edward who I wanted to see before I left.

Emmett had gone on a date and Jazz had to leave early. And of course Edward was over at Tanya's, he left while I was with Carlisle and it bothered me that he didn't even bother to say goodbye.
