"Please Bella." Edward asked. He was starring deeply into her his and using his 'voice' I believe Bella once phrased it as 'Dazzling'.

"I don't know Edward. What about Nessie?" Bella asked him, after she got over her shook of his voice.

I grinned to myself, my brother was not frightening anymore.

"Nessie will be going camping with Jacob for a month. Shes not a little girl anymore" Edward assured her. Nessie physically looked about 15 her aging was almost done.

"Okay" she sighed. "But I don't want to be gone to long"

"Aright 10 days tops."

Edward was trying to convince Bella to come with us to Isle Esme. All of us were going next week, and Edward wanted to take Bella back to where they spent their honeymoon.

Jacob was taking Renesmee, my niece, camping for awhile up in Canada so now would be a perfect time for them to get away.

"Told you she'd say yes." I laughed.

"Come on Bella let's go swimsuit shopping." I added.

"Alright. Rose, Esme are you coming?" she called.

"Yeah, one second." Rosalie called from her bedroom, at the same time Esme called.

"No, you guys go, Nessie and I were going out hunting with Jacob when he gets here."

We were all glad Renesmee was almost over her distaste in animal blood, because that got old pretty fast.

Rosalie was down the stairs before anymore could be said.

"So are we going?" she asked.

"Yep, before Bella changes her mind" I said well rolling my eyes.

"Love ya" Rose said as she kissed Emmett's cheek.

"I'll be in the car." And than she was gone, I hopped we were taking my Porshe.

"Coming." Bella called than took a step forward toward the garage, Edward caught her in his arms and kissed her on the lips.

"Bye Jazz." I called to him, as I headed for the garage.

Rosalie was in the passenger seat of my shiny, canary yellow, porshe.

I slid in next to her, and honked the horn for Bella before she could get too carried away.

"Sorry" she mumbled, as she walked through the garage door. And slid into the back seat.

We bought pretty much all the swimsuits and summer stuff from the store.

Bella started complaing after about five hours of shopping. So we headed home.

"Bye Nessie, Bye Jake." Bella called as she watched Jacob in his wolf form take of into the forest with Nessie on his back.

"Bye Guys. Have fun on the island" Nessie called back, waving her hand at us.

And then they were gone, Edward was rubbing his hand aganist Bella's back in comfort.

"Come on of we'll miss our flight." I said grabbing Bella's hand and towing her to the front door.

We were taking Edwards Volvo and Emmett's jeep to the airport.

Jasper had my six bags and his two bags that I packed for him, in his arms.

"I'll see you at the airport Bella, try to have a little fun this week please."

"I'll try." Bella said as she slid into the passenger seat that Edward held the door open for her.

"No, you will." My eyes narrowing a bit at the threat I just made.

"Okay, I will." She said just before Edward closed the door.

I sighed, I shouldn't being having to make someone have fun, having Renesmee has really made Bella more serouis.

Edward shot me a glance, a tell me about it, but I still love them anyway, glance.

I got into the back seat of Emmett's car.

Rosalie was in the back of the car too. Jasper was up front with Emmett driving.

"Do you think it will ever be back to normal?" I asked Rose doutfully.

"I hope so, I mean we use to all be so carefree and than Bella comes along and two years later we have two more vampires in our family, well one, and a half."

We all loved Bella and we all loved Renesmee, it just wasn't the same having a little girl around, But a part of me missed how things use to be, like when she was human and her and Edward were just falling love.

"Yeah, and a werewolf." Emmett added with a chuckle.

Rosalie glowered, she still was not over her problems with Jacob, it's ture she didn't mind having the happy, punk kid, Seth around, she just didn't like Jacob....at all.

"Yeah we are weird, no question there." Rosalie agreed.

The rest of the ride was silent, we were all thinking about before Bella came, and when Bella was still human.

Rosalie, I assumed was thinking about she hated Bella from the beggining because she had attracked Edward and not her.

I smilied to myself.

Jasper was thinking about when Victoria was trying to kill Bella, and all the newborns she created.

And Emmett was just thinking about how our sports are now effected with Jacobs werewolf pack (except Leah) and Bella.

I was thinking about the birthday party I had thrown her a few years ago, and how that had lead to Bella and Edwards huge seperation.

I honestly was getting sick of just Bella and Edward, I think when we got back Jasper and I will have to go on another vacation somewhere for a month or so, maybe China or Peru, no China is farther anyway, that would be fun.

"Don't worry Alice, I'll make sure she has fun." Jasper said with a wink before we pulled into the parking lot of the airport.

"Thanks, Jazz." I said, smiling at my husband.

I decieded I was going to sit with Bella on the way to Houston.

"Bella how about you sit with me, and Jasper and Edward can do some brother bonding?" I asked Bella when we were settled into our wide first class seats.

"Umm okay." She said, a little confused.

She got up out of her seat with Edward and traded spots with Jasper.

Jasper shot me a wary glance.

"Alice." Bella asked after a few shorts minutes of take off.

"Yes Bella?" I answered, I knew what she was going to say though.

"I'm sorry about before, I will be on my best behavior from now on. But you know...." She trailed off.

"It's okay Bella, I understand completely." I reassured her.

For the rest of the ride, we re-aranged our playlists on my labtop, we laughed about old memories, and I could see she was trying really hard to focus on our conversation.

When we landed in Houstan, we boarded our plane to South America.

I sat with Jasper this time, after all, this was a honeymoon it some senses.

"Jazz, I kinda want to go to China sometime soon." I told him.

"What brought that on?" He asked questionaly, as he gazed into my topaz eyes.

"I want to get away.... just the two of us." I told him.

I shot a glance at Bella and Edward, Bella had her head on his chest, and Edward had his chin rested on the top of her forehead.

Jasper understood what I meant as soon as I looked at them.

"Okay, China sounds.....good"

I looked at Emmett and Rosalie, they were sitting behind Bella and Edward.

Rose was listening to her iPod, and Emmett was listening to our conversation.

"Take me with you, please" Emmett mouthed to me, when I looked at him. His eyes got large at the please part.

"Yeah, right" I told mouthed back to him.

Our flight landed at night, and we all got taxies (we all had a lot of suitcases) that took us to the port where the Cullen yacht was being kept.

Emmett wanted to swim to the island, but Rosalie convinced him not to (Bella having Renesmee had honestly made Rosalie nicer) in a gentel tone.

Edward heard what I was thinking and said under his breath.

"Your welcome"

I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Can I drive?" Edward asked Carlisle.

"Of course, what a surprise Edward has to drive." Emmett said sarcatically, Edward never could not drive, it was his thing.

Edward grinned at him. "Of course."

"Sure, why not." Carlisle said with a chuckle.

We got to the island in record time, thanks to Edwards driving, Emmett rode on the top of the boat the whole way there, since we didn't let him swim.

"Isle Esme." Carlisle announced when we could make out the shape of the island in the distants.

Edward jumped out and lifted the boat up along the beach and onto the grass.

Than Emmett and the rest of the guys grabbed our bags and started heading into the house.

I jumped lightly onto Jaspers back, and pressed my lips to the hallow base of his neck.

"Hi." I said using a little baby voice.

He just chuckled.

Carlisle unlocked the door for us.

Edward had Bella craddeled in his arms they were heading to their room, and he shot us a 'Do not disturb us tonight' look.

We nodded I think everyone was gonig to be busy......they wouldn't have to worry about us.

No ones going to bug you Edward. I told him when my vision confrimed it.

"Well, yeah Rose let's go unpack...." Emmett suggested, winking quickly at her, after Bella and Edward were in the largest room.

"Yeah okay, Goodnight." She looked at us.

"Thats sounds like a good idea. Come on Alice let's go." He said turning his head to look at me, because I was still on his back.

"Alright." I smilied.

And he walked quickly in to the bedroom we were staying in.

I didn't even turn back to look at Esme and Carlisle.

He set our bags on the floor. And didn't even turn on the lights.