
Name: Euphemia li Britannia

Alias/Nicknames: Euphie-chan, Hime-sama

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 16 yrs. Old

Birthday: May 14, 2291

Hair: Pink, long and curly at the ends

Eyes: Light violet

Height: 3 inches shorter than Setsuna

Status: 3rd Princess of the Britannia Imperial Family, Viceroy of Area 11 (Japan)

Family: Cornelia li Britannia (older sister), Lelouch Vi Britannia (older stepbrother, deceased), Nunnally Vi Britannia (younger stepsister, deceased), Schneizel el Britannia (older stepbrother), Clovis la Britannia (older stepbrother), Odysseus u Britannia (older stepbrother), Guinevere su Britannia (older stepsister), Carine le Britannia (younger stepsister), Charles zi Britannia (father), Marianne vi Britannia (stepmother, deceased), Diana li Britannia (mother, deceased))

"Gundam Meisters, you must go to Britannia in order to get top secret information on all factions' moves," Sumeragi Lee Noriega-san instructed the four Gundam Meisters. A map of the Britannian Imperial Mansion appeared.

"There will be a party tonight, distract the people while Tieria downloads the information from the main command room. It's up to you guys on how you'll get inside," she instructed before the screen went blank.

"Well, looks like we have to get suited for a party," Lockon Stratos, the pilot of the Dynames smirked.

"Where do we get suits then?" Allelujah Haptism, the pilot of the Kyrios asked.

"Isn't it obvious? We're going to steal some from a few people there," Tieria Erde, the pilot of Virtue, said, sighing in dismay.

Now, all four Gundam Meisters have landed on the garden of the Britannian Imperial Mansion on a random speed boat they were able to attain from a random faction. Suddenly, four men in suits came out laughing to each other, this was the perfect chance. All four Gundam Meisters launched themselves at the four strangers, knocking them out and took their clothes. Then, the four of them went inside the magnificent ball room, all ready to do their jobs.

Tieria had not much of a hard time finding the main control room, Allelujah and Lockon were doing pretty good jobs distracting the people, especially the women, Setsuna stood by the food table getting a glass of punch. He was never the sociable type, he never really talked much, in his mind, they should've made him stay guard; there was no way in hell that he would be able to do this task. He sighed to himself, staring at the delicate glass of punch he held.

"Hello," a feminine voice greeted him. He looked up to see a smiling pink haired girl who looked about his age. She wore a pale pink and creamy white gown with pink roses on her neck, just above her elbows and her abdomen. Her hair was just below her waist and was curly on the ends with two buns on both sides of her head. She had bright violet eyes who looks as those of a child.

"Hello…" he said wondering what she could have wanted from him. She looked at him wondering for a bit then smiled again.

"What?" Setsuna asked, not trusting the smile she wore.

Her eyes widened with shock for a moment. "O-Oh! N-Nothing! Don't mind me," she said defensively waving her hands in front of her face. He gave her a suspicious look before turning his back on her, facing the food table.

She looked at him in wonder, she had never encountered a man like this before, she knew everyone in the ballroom knew her. She was Euphemia li Britannia, the 3rd princess of Britannia and Viceroy of Japan or Area 11. No, she didn't approach him to hear him say, "Your majesty" or anything like that, she approached him because her older sister, Cornelia li Britannia, the 2nd princess of Britannia, had ordered her to socialize, she picked this random stranger because 1, he was far from Cornelia's sight therefore she wouldn't be watching them, 2 because he looked unfamiliar, and 3 he looked somewhat lonely. Euphemia then wondered if it was possible that this man had attended the party without knowing who she was, not that she was complaining. If fact she was somewhat happy that someone was treating her like a normal person, not a princess. She only found it rude that he turned his back on her; anyone would have if they were in her position.

She then walked to the man's side taking a glass of punch herself. She looked up at the man. He, was somewhat tan and had black hair and crimson eyes she had never seen before. Some of the people she knew had eyes close to crimson but weren't. Like Anya Alstreim of the Knights of Round, she had pink eyes, Angelina Fortescue, one of her advisers, had red eyes maroon colored eyes, and others but none of them were the same color as his. He was a bit taller than her and wore a normal black tuxedo. But she had also wondered if she had met this man before, his peculiar eyes, his somewhat stoic expression, his somehow unusual tanned skin; every part of him reminded her of something she couldn't grasp.

Setsuna noticed the way the girl looked at him and looked back. He looked at her eyes for a moment and then, a flash of a smiling pink haired girl crossed his mind. This shocked him, that girl who flashed in his mind, she was somehow familiar, he wasn't sure, but he knew that she was someone important.

"Sir?" Euphemia asked noticing his uncomfortable expression. It had worried her and she wondered if he found it comfortable that she was gawking at him, then again, who wouldn't? She was a girl… and he was a guy… people could have the weirdest ideas if they found a teenage girl gawking at a boy about her age.

Setsuna had snapped back into reality with the girl's call. He looked at her, resuming his stoic expression. "What?"

"Oh! Um… nothing really, you seemed to have spaced out for a moment. And I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable under my gaze," Euphemia apologized, assuming that that was his reason of discomfort.

"Oh, no… it's not that…" Setsuna replied looking away from the girl. Then, silence fell upon them. For a long, somewhat uncomfortable silence, the girl spoke.

"So… how do you find the party so far…?" Euphemia asked breaking the awkward silence. For some reason, she wanted very much to continue her conversation with this man, maybe she could even come to ask about his peculiar red eyes.

"Alright…" Setsuna replied, wondering why she would have asked such a senseless question, prolonging their conversation instead of simply walking away after realizing that he wasn't much of a talkative person. Somehow, her presence made him uncomfortable, usually he would have simply ignored her presence; he guessed that it was her senseless questions that he found her quite annoying more than uncomfortable.

"Alright…?" Euphemia thought, boy, will Milly be disappointed to hear that. This party was planned by Milly Ashford, a student in a school called Ashford Academy; it seems as if her family was close to the late Empress, Marianne vi Britannia. Milly's part planning skills were excellent indeed and she is quite proud of it, how disappointing for her if she heard someone describe her party as, "Alright" instead of the usual, "Fantastic!" "Extravagant!" "Terrific!" "Superb!" and all that.

Suddenly, the crowd in front of the two seemed a little startled, finally, the reason for uneasiness finally showed itself in front of the two. A man wearing only his boxers and socks pushed through the crowd and pointed at Setsuna.

"You! You're the one who took my suit!" the man pointed at Setsuna.

Euphemia was shocked and was about to look at the man beside her only that he took her by the neck and pointed a gun at her head.

"None of you move of I'll shoot this girl's brains out," Setsuna threatened startling everyone around them.

"Oi!" Lockon called as he pushed through the crowd along with Allelujah before running to Setsuna's side. Afterwards, Tieria came out of the crown and stood beside his colleagues.

"Euphemia!" the voice of the 2nd princess boomed throughout the ballroom as she approached the scene.

"Onee-sama!" Euphemia called frightened but was held back by Setsuna who put the gun closer to her head.

"You bastard…!" Cornelia sneered at Setsuna.

He started walking with Euphemia still in his arms, everyone made way for them, fearing the death of their beloved princess. The Gundam Meisters walked and walked until they reached the balcony where under it was sea, and their speed boat.

"There's no where to run so give her back you scum!" Cornelia demanded but Setsuna only put the gun closer, almost touching Euphemia's hair. When his colleagues had jumped off, he ripped his head away from the crowd and the angry princess to look below the balcony, estimating how high he will jump.

"Guilford!!!" Cornelia yelled angrily to her Knight.

"Yes my Lord!" he replied.

Setsuna let go of Euphemia and was about to jump when an excruciating pain ripped through his shoulder causing him to walk back and fall from the balcony railing.

Euphemia watched this happen and reach out and grabbed the man's hand. "Sir!" she yelled but then was pulled with him to sea.

"EUPHEMIA!!!" Cornelia yelled running to the edge of the balcony and was about to jump when her knight stopped her.

"Cornelia-sama you mustn't!" Guilford said pulling his princess back by the waist.

"But Euphemia―!" Cornelia tried to protest but was cut off by Guilford.

"We will find her so you must stay alive until then!" he said and finally, Cornelia stopped struggling and returned to her normal posture.

"Tell the soldiers to search for her in every place in Britannia, everywhere even to the last alley!" she ordered him and he bowed obeying her orders.

Meanwhile, both Euphemia and Setsuna fell into the water, she did not let go of the unconscious bleeding man, not wanting him to drift off to the sharks. The currents were strong and drifted both of them away from shore. She knew that by sticking to this man, the sharks could come and eat her as well yet she did not let go. She forced her eyes open, but then lost consciousness as well.

The three Gundam Meisters struggled to keep up with the two drifting teenagers.

"Damn this current…!" Lockon cursed trying to get the speed boat to run faster.

"Why don't we simply let them be?" Tieria asked, he wasn't really one to care, he's even against the idea of Setsuna being a Gundam Meister.

"Tieria!" Allelujah exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'll deal with you later!" Lockon said angrily as he followed the two bodies that were drifting to some body of land. The three Gundam Meisters got to the shore along with the two teenagers, only to find the bleeding Setsuna conscious trying to get the now unconscious Euphemia to wake. They approached the two and Allelujah found that she was barely breathing. Then, Setsuna did something that his colleagues did not expect; he pulled her dress down, revealing a ________ being the cause of her uneasy breathing. He took out his knife and cut it open; it was a good thing that she was wearing a tube under dress. But her breath did become regular, therefore he was forced to perform CPR on her.

In Euphemia's view, she was digging her mouth to a warm cherry pie. "It tastes so delicious!" she thought slowly opening her eyes. Her eyes widened as she found the man's (or terrorist, she didn't know) lips on hers. She slapped him off her and sat up, her face showing a thousand shades of red. She looked down and found herself only in her plain white under dress. She blushed even more shades of red then screamed an ear piercing scream.

She pulled her dress back up and slapped Setsuna across the face. "PERVERT!!!" she screamed before turning to the other Gundam Meisters. "PERVERT, PERVERT, PERVERT!!!" she yelled slapping the other three across their faces. She then ran off to the trees.

"Hey girl!" Setsuna called to her before running after her.

"What kind of 'Thank you' was that?!" Lockon exclaimed.

"Well that was kind of awkward… she was a girl… and we were guys… and she was only in her under dress…" Allelujah tried to explain but couldn't get the proper words out.

"We better go after her before Setsuna gives her any more weird ideas," Tieria said as the three of them stood up and ran after the two.

Euphemia kept running, even if she didn't know where to go, she was afraid. What had those men exactly done to her? Why was she only wearing her under dress then? More importantly, WHY WAS THAT MAN KISSING HER?! She was a teenage girl and all so she has the right to say this, "THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS!!!"

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop. She looked behind her, only to find the man who had kissed her.

"Listen to me!" he said angrily frightening her more, only making her squirm more, trying to struggle away from him. He then pinned her to a tree, holding firmly on her shoulders. Tears escaped from her eyes.

"I said, listen to me!" he demanded angrily, tightening his grip on her shoulders.

"Setsuna, stop it!" Lockon yelled pulling him off of Euphemia. She then fell to the ground and started crying.

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to frighten you, nor did we mean to hurt you," Allelujah reassured her, rubbing her back soothingly. She then looked up at them as they explain everything, and in a minute, everything was clear to her, turns out the man who kissed her was actually performing CPR on her.

"By the way, I'm Lockon Stratos," the brunette man introduced himself to her.

"Lockon! Why are you telling our names to her?!" Setsuna asked angrily.

"Well, she did see us already so we can't just let her go, since she's staying with us for quite a while, she ought to get to know us," Lockon explained.

"I'm Allelujah Haptism!" the olive-haired man introduced himself enthusiastically.

"Tieria Erde," the violet haired man simply said with less enthusiasm as Allelujah.

"And the aggressive one is Setsuna F. Seiei," Lockon said pointing at him with his thumb. Euphemia looked at them one by one, there are still a few questions in her mind though, like why they took her as hostage, or where they came from.

"So who're you?" Lockon asked, noticing the girl space out for a moment.

"Oh, pardon me," she said standing up then bowing down. "I am Euphemia li Britannia, of the Holy Britannian Empire," she said before looking back up only to find the boys' shocked faces.

"B-B-B-B-B-BRITANNIA?!" Lockon exclaimed in disbelief.

"Y-You mean you're a p-princess…?" Allelujah asked a little nervously. Then Tieria slapped his hand to his forehead.

"Of all the people you can use as hostage it had to be the princess!" he shouted at Setsuna who only scoffed.

"Um… yes, I am the 3rd princess of Britannia, I thought you already knew that…" Euphemia said, not exactly sure why they were so agitated.

"Well, we'll have to introduce her to Ms. Sumeragi, for now we have to get away from Britannia," Lockon said standing up.

"What do you mean? Aren't you taking me back?" Euphemia asked, suddenly scared that she may not see her family again.

"We're sorry Euphemia, we really can't, I hope you understand," Allelujah apologized gently. The princess sadly sighed and stood up and walked to the boat with them, no use going against them now.

As they reached the line that signifies that they were leaving Britannia, Euphemia looked back at her country, the country she had grew up in, the country that served as her home for many years… she may never see her family again.

Thanks for reading! Please read the next chapters too!