Author's Note: This story is mostly for my sister. While watching The Phantom of the Opera I figured that Mukuro would be a good phantom. With some of her input I was able to determine who the characters would be and some of the little nuances. But for the final pairing I'm going to leave it up to you readers. Yes that means I'm willing to change the ending of the story depending on your wishes.
Pairings: 6918? or 8018? SqualoBel Others will be determined by reader's preference.
Disclaimer: I do not claim to own either Katekyo Hitman Reborn or Phantom of the Opera nor the lines of said play used within.
Phantom of Namimori
It was during the final rehearsal for the famed Opera Populare's production of "Hannibal." The set was being rolled around as if it was during a performance and the actors were all in their costumes. As a major scene ended and the ballerinas prepared to step on stage the manager halted all action and called those present to attention. With him were two sharply dressed men; one had spiky brown hair and the other had loose curly hair that fell about his face.
"For some time now there have been rumors of my retirement, and I am here today to assure you that they are true," stated the manager to the dismay of those present, "In my place Monsieurs Sawada and Bovino have purchased the opera house and are the new managers." The new manager apparently named Sawada stepped forward, "Thank you for welcoming us, but I have another announcement, we have also found a new patron, the Vicomte de Chagny."
A black haired man with intense, yet gentle eyes and who was dressed in a black suit briskly walked onto the stage. Now this of course would draw the eyes of every chorus-girl in sight, but one particular member of the chorus raised his gaze and lifted his eyebrows at the passing of the man as if in recognition. Hibari Kyouya mentioned this to one of his few "friends" within the chorus, for he had not been listening to the manager's babble as unimportant as it was to him and thus missed the announcement.
"It's the Vicomte de Chagny, Takashi Yamamoto," Kyoko informed Hibari quickly as she was still listening to the managers. Then the man left and there was an order to continue rehearsal. The lead soprano, Belphegor, and lead baritone, Squalo, were introduced to Sawada and Lambo as he preferred to be called.
It was in that moment that they realized the lead actors, all of them, were male. "Let me introduce you to Monsieur Byakuran, dance and voice instructor for those training in the opera house."
"Greetings Monsieurs, I can tell from your faces that you have just realized one of this opera house's secrets. From a young age all the boys who live here train their voice so as to prevent it from breaking and descending in pitch when they are adults. Some make it, others do not, but where else would we get our lower notes? We believe this Shakespearean type performance is the best because we preserve the crystal voices of young male sopranos. The only place where girls are allowed is in the chorus, but even there some of the most feminine looking men where chosen to join."
By now there were watching the chorus dance and the managers were asking questions about specific chorus-girls to distract their minds. "What about that one there with dark hair," asked Lambo.
"That is Hibari as he likes to be called; his father died when he was very young so I took him in and raised him like one of my own, but I do not suggest you call him a chorus-girl.
Again the fanfare of Hannibal's entry started, Belphegor was having trouble with his dress and was flipping out. "It's too long! Why did you make my train so long," he demanded of one of the seamstresses, "You two! If this," pointing to his dress, "doesn't happen, then this," pointing to his face, "doesn't happen! That's it; Squalo, get my plushie! Bye, bye!"
"What do we do?" Sawada looked in despair at what just had occurred.
"Grovel," stated the former manager as the two new ones scrambled to comply. The two shouted words of praise to Belphegor until he was willing to perform for them even if his dress was not ready.
Among the people at the opera house it was widely known that even with his large ego Belphegor was loosing his touch and often sang off key. So in preparation large amounts of cotton balls were passed out to block out the noise.
As Belphegor progressed in the aria's solo even the managers were cringing while trying to hold back criticism. But to everyone's relief and dismay simultanously a backdrop was let loose from the rafters and sent tumbling onto Belphegor who was infuriated enough, that if he had been able to move the backdrop would have been in shreds. Thus instead when he could move he let it out on the managers. "Why do these things keep happening? For years it was 'These things do happen,' and I can tell from your spineless attitude your response will be the same!"
"SeƱior!" Belphegor was already half out the door and Squalo, Belphegor's widely accepted lover, even though he denied it, strutted up to the managers and simply stated, "Amateurs," before following Belphegor out.
The stage immediately set into panic mode. There were dicussions of refund, possibility of an understudy, and of course that was the exact moment the former manager decided to leave.
In the middle of all the havoc Byakuran stepped forward with a solution, "Hibari could sing the part, Monsieurs. He has been taught well, by a brilliant tutor."
"Who is your teacher," questioned Tsuna.
"I do not know his name."
"At least let him try," Byakuran urged.
"Alright. What is there to loose?"
"From the beginning of the aria," stated Reborn the conductor.
Hibari's vocalization rang true through the opera house stopping actors and stage hands alike dead in their tracks. And thus so was the performance that night done. Hibari sparkling in the finished white dress on a stage in front of hundreds of people looking like a moon goddess and singing like the heavenly host.
The one thing forgotten in the performance was the execution of the wishes of the one who dropped the backdrop. A note had been left behind detailing to the new managers how said individual's opera house should be run. Including his salary and that box five be left empty for his use. Thus was signed the Opera Ghost. It just so happened that that night box five was taken by the Vicomte de Chagny.
End Chapter
End Note: This is to be told from a third person point of view, but centering on how Hibari would see the world, just in case some of the views confused you or were wondering why I skimmed over some parts. Also just so you know I based this off of the movie. I do not have the pleasure of having access to the original text so this was the best I could do.
Thanks for reading,