Disclaimer: All original characters belong to Stephenie Meyers. I've had the pleasure of creating Lyndsay, Logan, Laura, and Laurence Lively, Landon and Laci Black…as well as Anthony and Virginia Denali.

***I have seriously enjoyed the ride. All of you are so wonderful and I thank each and every one of you that have taken the time to read my story, leave a review, or put me on alert. This was my very first fanfic and the response has been nothing short of amazing. With my whole heart...I thank you!

**To my beta, LittleKittyPrincess…thank you for everything. For all the late night chats, all the back and forth on ideas and just for being an all around great person…you rock!

~We may run, walk, stumble, drive, or fly…but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey or miss a chance to see a rainbow along the way.~

Playlist for Epilogue

"End of the Road" by Boyz II Men

"I'm Moving On" by Rascal Flatts

"Superwoman" by Alicia Keys

"Possibility" by Lykke Li

"Fearless" by Taylor Swift

4 years after graduation, June 11, 2014…

The pass four years have gone by in a blur. After graduating and moving to Hanover, New Hampshire to attend Dartmouth University with Edward…life kind of fell in place for us. We moved into a really cute 4 bedroom house not too far from the college. We decided that we didn't need to find co-renters since we could afford the rent comfortably on our own.

Although the house was big, we found good use for the extra three bedrooms. The master bedroom had an attached bathroom, leaving just two more bathrooms in the house. One of the baths being on the main floor along with one of the bedrooms that we use for our guest room. The two extra bedrooms on the second floor have their uses as well. One is our home office that we use for studying and researching for our various class assignments. We ripped out the clothing racks and shelves in the closet in the office and turned the closet into a built in bookcase. The last remaining bedroom is like a game room/movie room. We have a foosball table, an electronic dart board, and a blackjack table set up in there. Up against the front wall is a wall mounted 52-inch full HDTV, surrounded by a love seat and an oversized arm chair with matching ottoman.

The only downside to our home is that we only have a one car garage, which Edward reserved for my SUV. I had to keep my Lexus back home in Forks, because I needed a sturdier vehicle for the rough winter terrain in New Hampshire. Edward drove us here to New Hampshire in the Volvo and I purchased my 2010 silver Range Rover Sport at a dealership in Massachusetts. We mainly use the Range during the winter and store it in the garage during the warmer months, unless we're going for a road trip…which we have done quite a bit of since we've been here.

After living in New Hampshire for the past four years, we've decided that we want to live on the east coast after we've completed our schooling. So we're looking at Boston as a place to settle down once we both finish medical school. We'll both be attending Dartmouth Medical School in the fall.

On New Year's Eve, Edward asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. We decided that we didn't want to have a long drawn out engagement, so we're getting married at the end of August. We hired a wedding planner who was able to pull everything together for us, in such a short amount of time. Rose, who married Emmett a year after graduation, is my matron of honor. Vanessa, Vicki, Ali and Ange are my bridesmaids…the latter two are both engaged as well. Ali is getting married in December and Ange is getting married on Valentine's Day next year. My brother and Vicki got married two years after I graduated and just welcomed a set of twins, a boy…James Charles Swan II and a girl…Marie Elizabeth Swan, this past April. Vanessa and Jake are still going strong. They welcomed their second child, a little girl named Laci, a year after Landon was born. Landon is our ring bearer and Laci is the flower girl.

The wedding is just going to be a small affair, of close friends and family. We're expecting around 50-75 guest…including the wedding party. We're getting married at the Edgewater Hotel in Seattle. The reception will be held in the ballroom there. I immediately fell in love with that ballroom when we went to scout venues. It's beyond beautiful and it fits the look Edward and I were going for.

We'll be spending our wedding night in the Penthouse suite at the Edgewater Hotel, before heading out to honeymoon in Paradise Island, Bahamas for a week. We'll be staying at the Cove Atlantis Hotel in the Penthouse Suite. From the pictures online that I've seen, it looks heavenly…although anyplace I am with Edward is heavenly.

I'm heading to my final fitting at Belltown Bride in Seattle. Edward and I are in town visiting our family and to finalize wedding plans. My mother, along with Esme and the rest of the female portion of my wedding party are meeting me at the bridal shop for their final fitting as well.

When I arrived, Vanessa, Laci and Rose were the only ones who had beat me there. I greeted them before checking in with my wedding planner, Carmen and going over the checklist one last time. Aside from this final fitting, everything was in order and we were right on schedule.

The rest of the ladies arrived shortly after I did and we went through all the fittings, starting with Laci, followed by my mother and Esme, the bridesmaids, and Rose and I was the final people to be fitted. This would be the first time that everyone, except my mom, Rose and Carmen has seen my gown.

When I stepped from behind the wall separating the fitting room from the changing room and everyone took in my appearance, there were gasps throughout the room…followed by oohs and aahs. I looked to my mother, who was sitting right next to Esme and saw that they both were crying. I felt the tears prickle my eyes and fought them back. I didn't want to cry, because I was scared I would ruin my dress.

My dress was an off white Beaded Tulle, A-line halter gown with a chapel train. Edward is going to be wearing an off white tuxedo. The bridesmaids and matron of honor will be wearing navy blue floor length dress with spaghetti straps and a gathered bodice. The groomsmen and ring bearer will all be wearing black suits with a navy blue shirt and tie. Laci's dress is absolutely adorable. It's an ivory tank style dress, with a navy blue satin bodice, sash at waist and ties into a bow in the back. She looked adorable during her fitting, with her russet skin against the ivory of her dress.

"You look absolutely beautiful baby," my mother exclaimed as she came over and hugged me gently.

"Thanks mom," I said softly as the infamous blush graced my face.

"You are wearing that dress girl. Edward is going to be all over that," Rose announced with no shame.

"Yes I have to agree. I doubt he'll be able to make it through the reception without taking you off to your room and ravishing you," Ali chimed in with Vicki nodding her head in agreement.

My face had to be beet red by now, from all the taunting by Rose and Ali.

"Oh leave her alone ladies," Esme said coming to my rescue. "I mean after all her and Edward have been living together for the past four years, I doubt there are any surprises left between them now," she stated with no shame.

"Esme," I gasped.

"Don't be a prude Bells. We all know that the real reason you're not wearing white on your wedding day is because your v-card has been long gone," Nessa said through her chuckles.

"To think, I thought you were my friend," I huffed, which caused them to laugh even harder. "You too Rose, Ali and Ange…I thought you were my friends."

"We are Bella-Donna," Ange said with a genuine smile, even though I could see the laughter trying to creep through her smile.

"Okay ladies; let's leave the bride to be alone. We don't want her to have a permanent blush after all the teasing, now do we," Carmen said coming to my rescue as she ushered me out of the room to change.

After I was changed back into my original clothing, we all agreed to go grab some lunch before heading back to Forks. The guys don't have their final fitting until two weeks before the wedding, so they all went golfing. My niece and nephew are with Vicki's mom and Landon is with the guys at the golf course, so no one has to rush back for baby duty…it's just us girls.

We all decided to go to the Metropolitan Grill on 2nd Ave in downtown Seattle. They have the best filet mignon I've ever tasted. It's a good thing Alice thought ahead and reserved us a table; otherwise we would've been shit-out-of-luck! This place has a reputation for being pack at all hours of the day. With us choosing to go during lunch time, their busiest time of the day, there would be no way we would've been guaranteed a table for at least one to two hours.

When we arrived at the restaurant we were shown to a private room, which was completely unexpected considering the short notice of our reservation. Unless…

I looked over to Alice and she just had a smug look on her face.

"Just go with it Bella. Don't rock the boat if it isn't already a rocking," she said with a smirk.

I waved her off and just smiled and turned to join in the conversation between my mom and Ness. They were trying to determine which school was better…Forks Preparatory Academy or Forks Institute of Excellence.

Ness was planning to transfer Landon to one of the two schools in the fall because she's fed up with the staff at the local school on the rez. She says that ever since they got that new principal and practically a whole new teaching staff, it just hasn't been the same as far as education goes. It's as if the teacher's don't care anymore, she explained to my mom.

We all took our seats and sat about ordering our meals. I had to admit, it felt good to be around my family and friends again. It's been such a long time since we've all been able to get together like this, with everything going on in our own separate lives.

When our drinks arrived, Rose cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. She wanted to give a toast.

"I want to give a toast in honor of the bride-to-be, my very best "girl-friend" and sister from another mother," Rose started out saying. We all laughed a little at the last part. Rose was channeling her inner ghetto-ness.

"Bella, there's no one more deserving of the happiness you've found with Edward. Even during your time with my brother, I've never seen you as happy as you've been since you started dating Edward. Your relationship is what fairytales are made of, but without all the pretentious bullshit. What you've found is rare and golden. You guys are the it couple, the ones who we all should immolate our relationships after. In all the time you've been together, I can count on three fingers how many times you've had a fight or argument and you've been together for six years…that's amazing in itself."

"I'm so very happy for you, because you have your prince charming and he loves you so very much. So let's raise our glasses and toast to the future Isabella Marie Cullen…our friend, daughter and sister," she said in closing.

I don't think there was a dry eye at the table as we all bumped our glasses together and took a sip from our drinks. I immediately went over to Rose and hugged her tight, thanking her for saying such loving words.

August 23, 2014, Wedding Day…

I felt the butterflies began to flutter away in my stomach as I stood right outside the doors leading into the Terrace Room which is where the wedding was being held inside the Edgewater Hotel. The reception is to be held in the adjoining room, the Olympic Ballroom.

I had done a walk through with my wedding planner earlier this morning, before I was tortured by Ali's beauty team. According to her, they would need the whole afternoon and a portion of the early evening to have ready for nuptials. The Terrace Room was really gorgeous. The wedding arch was set up right by the fireplace, which is where Edward and I would exchange our vows and become husband and wife.

There was an aisle set up leading from the door entrance up to the arch and on either side of the aisle were ten rows of straight back chairs with five seats to each row. The chairs were adorned in ivory chair covers and accented with a navy sash tied into a bow in the back. To the right of the arch was a baby grand piano, in addition to about ten chairs which is where the members of the symphony band Edward hired to play, will set up. To the left of the arch is where the unity candles were set up.

Blue and white flower arrangements could be found set up strategically around the intimate room. The French doors that led out to the deck were wide open, allowing a slight breeze to flow through the room. Walking through the room and looking over everything made everything more of a reality. In just under ten hours…I will be Mrs. Edward Cullen and I honestly couldn't wait.

"Bells," Charlie said…startling me out of my reverie.

"Yes dad," I answered back with a smile on my face as I turned to look up into his handsome face.

"Are you okay honey? You seem like you're a million miles away," he asked concerned.

"I'm fine dad. Really I am. I was just thinking about how beautiful everything is on the other side of these doors and about how happy I am to become Mrs. Edward Cullen. I'm sorry if I had you concerned," I said with sincerity.

"You know baby girl, that I'm so proud of you. You have always been so strong and independent. I never had to worry about you…being okay. Never once, did I worry about if you would be well taken care of with Edward. I know you don't need for anyone to take care of you, you do just fine on your own…but Edward is the perfect balance you need."

"He allows you the space and independence you need to be your own person and he's there to step in when you need for him to. He's always been supportive of your dreams, even if it took you away from him," my dad said. I knew he had to be thinking about the time when I was contemplating going abroad to study for a year, after my freshmen year of college. However, in the end I discovered that I really didn't need to go abroad to study, because I was immensely satisfied with my studies at Dartmouth.

"It really means a lot that you like Edward dad and I really am so happy to become his wife. I know that I've always been independent, but I've found with Edward that I can still be independent and allow him to take care of me as well. We're just happy to have each other," I told him lovingly.

"I know sweetheart. You mother and I are so proud of you and I can go on with a clear conscious knowing that you really are okay and don't need your stuffy old man looking after you anymore," he said a bit somberly.

"Dad…I will always need you in my life. You just have to share me with Edward now," I told him with a smile.

Dad was about to say something else, but Carmen and her assistant Zafrina chose that moment to open up the double doors leading inside of the Terrace Room where our guest, family and friends all awaited to see Edward and I exchange our vows. More importantly…at the end of this aisle…my future husband awaits.

4 years later, May 13, 2018…

"Come on baby…you can do it," Edward said encouragingly.

"Just a little bit more and you'll be done," he said soothingly.

"Ugh…it fucking hurts! Goddamn you ED-WARDDDDDD," I screamed out as I pushed with all my might.

The shrill of a little baby's cry permeated throughout the room.

"You did it baby! You did it," Edward sang happily as I fell back against the pillows…exhausted.

"Congratulations Edward and Bella, your babies are both healthy and as beautiful as ever," Dr. Grady announced.

"Do you have names picked out for your sweet little babies," our nurse, Senna asked.

"As a matter of fact we do," I answered with a renewed sense of life. "Madison A'mya and Masen Anthony Cullen are the names we've chosen."

"Aw how cute. They have the same initials. Well let's not keep you waiting any longer to meet your sweet little babies," Senna replied.

"They both are at a great weight, considering they're twins and are 4 weeks early. Masen weighed in at 5lbs, 8ozs and 20.5 inches long and Madison was a little smaller at 5lbs, 3ozs and 19.25 inches long," she announced.

She placed both babies in my arms, as Edward sat to my right side and placed loving kisses on my forehead, cheek and then my lips. The delivery staff began to file out, giving Edward and me a moment alone to bond with our babies.

"I'll be back in awhile to take the babies to have a few test done, but I'll bring them right back afterwards," she informed us.

"Thank you," Edward said to her.

"They're so beautiful Edward. They both have your beautiful green eyes and Masen has your crazy colored wild hair," I told him with a smirk.

"I thought you loved my crazy colored wild hair," he said in his sex voice.

"I do love it on you, but if he's anything like his father…I'll be beating skanks off of him all throughout high school. You know what your hair does to me, so…"

"Yeah, I can see where you're going with that. That's okay, because maybe he'll get lucky and meet one special girl and no other girls will even matter…kind of like his father," Edward countered.

"Touché," I replied. I'm just glad that Maddi has my hair color. It makes me feel like I actually had something to do with making these babies, aside from carrying and delivering them," I told him honestly.

"Well let me tell you something, Dr. Cullen…you had the most important role in all of this. You got to bond with our babies in utero and because you are a superwoman…you pushed not one, but two babies through your "hoo-hah" without the help of drugs. So please don't be sad if the babies look like their daddy…it's better me than the mailman," he joked.

"I know sweetie. I'm just so happy to finally see their little faces and hold them in my arms. Speaking of holding, why don't you go and tell everyone that the babies are here," I told him.

"Not yet love, I just want to spend some time with just you and our babies before the madness begin. You know once they come in, we probably won't get to hold the babies for several hours and I'm too selfish to want to share you and them with everyone right now…even if they are our family and friends," he said honestly.

"That sounds good to me. Why don't you hold your daughter and I'll try to feed Masen, since he's starting to get fussy. Maybe by the time I'm done with him, Maddi will be ready for her feeding. At least we can have that out of the way before our family and friends come in. I refuse to breastfeed in front of your brother. I'd just be asking for a ripping," I told Edward as he took Maddi from my arms and sat in the recliner next to the bed.

"Bella, if I haven't told you already…thank you. For being with me, loving me, marrying me and giving us two beautiful kids. Everything we've been through is so worth it in this moment. I couldn't ask for anything more. Everything we set out to accomplish we've done. I can't wait to start our lives with our children in our new home in Boston. I can't believe that construction is finally finished on the house."

"Thank you so much baby for everything," he told me as tears filled his eyes and he stood to kiss me.

Our lips locked together in an intense, yet gentle kiss. That's how the nurse found us when she walked into the room with our family and friends not too far behind her.

We pulled apart and looked into one another's eyes and said at the same time, "Damn!"

A.N. {The flood of tears begins now} That's all she wrote folks, the ending to my first baby. I hope it lived up to your expectations and it wasn't disappointing. I still do plan to do 5 outtakes for this story…over time. I've finally decided on which outtakes I plan to write.

The White Party

The Honeymoon

Bella's Dilemma on Studying Abroad

Senior Prom

Bella & Edward Bringing Home Babies

Don't look for these outtakes right away, like I said above they will be posted over time. If you're interested in reading them, then please put me on your author's alert. My focus now will be on my other story…Doing Things Her Way.

A few things pertaining to this chapter…

The Metropolitan Grill really is a restaurant in downtown Seattle and while I've never personally been to Seattle (although my husband did have the option to be stationed there 2 years ago and turned it down…ass), I do have family that lives there and have been told that the food is good there.

Also, the Edgewater hotel really does have a Terrace Room and Olympic Ballroom. I made a slight adjustment to accommodate the story in reference to the Terrace Room. It only has a maximum capacity of 50 people at one time and in my vision, Edward and Bella had at least 75 people attend their nuptials…so let's just assume the Terrace Room is able to accommodate up to 100 guests at a time. Please check out their website to see the phenomenal pictures of the hotel itself. You'll have to click on the link for 'special events' to see pictures of the ballroom and other party rooms the hotel has to offer.

Finally, if you happen to wonder about what everyone is doing since leaving college I'll give a quick outline.

Alice owns her own clothing line and is a make-up artist

Jasper is a prosecuting attorney

Angela is a college professor at Howard University

Ben works for the FBI in Washington D.C.

Rose owns a high end detail shop

Emmett is a firefighter

Jake owns his own insurance company

Ness is an accountant

James is lawyer

Victoria is a runway model

Logan is a psychiatrist

Edward is a surgeon

Bella is an anesthesiologist

Alice & Jasper lives in Hollywood, California

Angela & Ben lives in Washington D.C.

Rose, Emmett, Nessa, & Jake lives in Seattle, Washington

James, Victoria, Edward and Bella lives in Boston, Massachusetts

Renee, Charlie, Esme and Carlisle lives in Forks

Logan lives in New York and is married to a socialite, his mother, Laura also resides in New York and is over Lively Records

Laurence Lively died in prison 2 years ago from a massive heart attack

Virginia Denali was last seen working as a greeter at Wal-Mart in Arizona.

Alec is now Alecia, thanks to his newfound love for the guys on C-block in San Quentin Prison

Lyndsay is still rotting away in prison where she supposedly has found God and is studying to become a minister

So long all…I hope you continue to follow me on my journey with my other stories. Thanks again for your support!

**I will post one more chapter, after this, with all the songs from this story for those who may want to download or just know what songs were used, without having to go back and look through each chapter. After that, there will be no new chapters added to this story. I will post the outtakes under, "SBTC Outtakes." I will also be posting the links for a lot of the things from this chapter on my profile page. Eventually, all my links will be moved to my website and removed from my profile page. If you're following my other story, I will post the link to my website in one of my updates as soon as it's ready.

One last thing…I'm looking for someone who would be interested in creating a banner for this story. I plan to post this story on Twilighted at some point and would like to have a banner to go along with it. If anyone is interested, please PM me. Thanks!

©sweetmahogany 2009