Alright, guys. New fanfiction ftw? Not that I need anything more too add to my to-do list, but I just couldn't resist this. .;;
Before I say anything, these are the thanks I need to make.

---Microsoft and Bungie for creating Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, and Halo 3---
--RoosterTeeth for the creation of the ever-amazing Red vs Blue; all characters within this fanfiction besides my own belong to them.--
-George Michael for his song 'Freedom! '90' which inspired the title for this fic. (As you can clearly see.)-
And to my good friend RvB Freelancer Tex for her creation of 'The Wish of Red vs Blue' which chiefly inspired my motivation to finally write this. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! She is in my Favorite Author's list so go check her out. =D

But what is this exactly about, you ask?! Well, this could be considered a sequel to my previously completed fanfiction 'Dragonheart: The Reality?!' but it really will make no reference to it, so you can read this and then that or vice-versa if you so desire. Essentially, my character, Corey, (or me rather) ends up in the Red Base, and becomes a member of the Red team. But what will he (or I) think of the Red team, especially a few certain members? What drama will ensue and how will the amazing Blue team be involved, you ask?! Well, without further ado, the first chapter!!

Chapter 1, Arrival

"Moan," I said, looking at my paper. It was 11 PM; I still had crap from Biology to finish.

"Meiosis is.." I mumbled, writing the answer down. I was bored…My parents were both asleep by now. I really wanted to do something besides homework. I figured it could wait…I switched off my bedroom light, and snuck into the hall. I made my way over to the opposite side of the house. I listened to my parents room, where I heard my mother's faint snoring.

"Yay." I whispered to myself, walking back through the kitchen and to the computer. I switched the monitor on and thought for a moment. What did I want to do? The forums I were on were probably boring…No one was on Star Wars Galaxies at this time of night. I figured that I should watch some Red vs Blue! I haven't seen that in a couple weeks.

So I watched a few episodes and PSAs. That lasted me about an hour. Finally, I decided to go to bed. I finished my Biology homework, and hit the hay. Soon, I was asleep! I vaguely remember dreaming about Red vs Blue, but I can't exactly remember…

"Uhn.." I groaned. What time was it? Mom hadn't woken me up for school, so I figured I was fine.

"What the hell is this?!" A voice nearly shouted. Without warning, my blanket was jerked off me, leaving me exposed to the outside world.

With a gasp I sat straight up, adrenaline shooting through my body. This obviously wasn't my house!

"Who the hell are you?" a gruff, deep voice asked. I looked around. It was a round room, and I was on a couch. In front of me was a tall red-armored person standing over me.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked in response. I recognized that armor—it was from Halo. Oh dear. The person in front of me dropped the blanket and walked out of the room. Mouth open, I watched him leave, still sitting on the couch.

"Simmons! Come here!" I heard from an adjoining room.

Simmons? Like Red vs Blue Simmons? What?!

Soon, the red-clad man came back into the room, followed closely by a maroon armored man. They were definitely wearing the Master Chief armor…what was it called? Like, SPARTAN, or something.

"Simmons, what do you make of this?!"

So, I thought, if the maroon one was Simmons, then the red one must be Sarge! Holy Crap!! I'm in Red vs Blue!!

"Well, sir.." Simmons said, looking over me, "It seems to be a minor."

"A minor!" repeated Sarge, "Impossible!"

"That's what he is, sir."

"Uh.." I asked uncertainly, "What's going on here?"

Sarge and Simmons exchanged glances, not sure what to say.

"You mean you don't know?" Sarge asked quickly.

"No.." I responded, "Do you?"

"How should I know?!"

Standing up, I sighed. Sticking my hands into the pockets of my jeans. I was trying to keep my cool because frankly, I was nervous as all hell. Here I was…in an online webshow. I wonder if there was an episode with me in it?

"Well…is there a ship I can take.. or something?" I asked.

"We have no ships." Simmons said.

"Oh…" I said silently, "So I guess I'm stuck here?"

"Sure, but—" Simmons started.

"Wait! He could be a spy!" Sarge shouted, "From those evil blues!"

Simmons looked at Sarge. "How would he get into the base without us knowing?"

"I have no clue! That's what makes the plan so diabolical!"

Staring at Sarge, I raised an eyebrow, and then looked to Simmons. "…Seriously?" I asked.

"Sir…I don't think he's a spy." Simmons responded.

"Hrrmm…" Sarge replied, staring at me. "I'll keep my eyes on you, boy.."

There was an awkward silence as Sarge and Simmons satred me down, my gaze shifting between them.

"So, let's introduce you to the rest of the team." Simmons said, breaking the ice. Simmons motioned for me to follow, so I did, awkwardly stepping around Sarge as I did so.

We walked into a kitchen and dining area. Two other team members, who I knew to be Grif and Donut, were sitting at a table. As they looked over at us, I realized they both had no helmets. Grif had sandy brown hair and a rough stubble on his chin. Donut was blond—his hairs just lighter than mine.

"Hey!" Donut shouted cheerily, walking forward. "Who are you!?"

I took Donut's gloved hand awkwardly when he offered the shake. "Uh.. Hi." I said awkwardly. "I'm Corey."

"Hi!!" Donut said releasing my hand.

"Oh, right!" Simmons said, "That's Donut…I'm Simmons, that's Sarge, and the one at the table is Grif."

Grif only responded with a grunt. I waved to them. Sarge was leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed.

I gave a sheepish wave to the others. I had already known their names, but I had to play dumb. I noticed Simmons glanced at Sarge and Grif, then to me and Donut.

"Hey Donut!" Simmons said quickly, "Why don't you give Corey a tour of the base?"

"Okay!" Donut said just as cheerily as before. He turned and tugged on my sleeve. "Follow me!"


Simmons eyed Donut and Corey as they left the room. When they were gone, Simmons gave a relieved sigh.

"I still think he's a spy." Sarge grumbled.

"We need to talk." Simmons said sternly, ignoring Sarge. "there's something fishy about that kid."

"Fishy?" Grif asked, looking up. "Seriously? You think the kid's fishy but you don't think us being shot into the future and all the other shit that's happened isn't?"

Simmons sighed. "It's different. Teenagers don't just randomly appear in the rec room!"

"So. People don't destroy the present and get shot into the future either. What's your point?"

"Well, I—"

"I say we let the kid stay if not for a few days. If things get bad, we can kick him out or just shoot him." Grif said just after rolling his eyes, yawning.

Simmons looked at Sarge for back up. "As much as I hate saying it—and I really do!—Grif is right." Sarge made a gagging sound in his helmet.


"So, this is the rec room—you've seen that all ready." Donut said, pointing everything out. "We usually sit on that couch while we watch that TV…"

"No kidding." I said sarcastically.

"Down this hallway," Donut said, tugging at my arm again, "Are the bedrooms! Each base has four…the first one is Sarge's room, then Grif, then Simmons, then Me, and THIS room"—he pointed to an open room with a lot of boxes stacked inside—"Used to be Lopez's room but when he left we turned it into a storage room. You can probably sleep there."

At least I might get my own room, I thought. But I just nodded politely at Donut and followed further down the hallway. In the last room were the showers and bathroom. Which donut mentioned, as if I couldn't see that for myself.

"And now lets go see the outside of the base!"

"Oka—Whaa!!" I started, but Donut grabbed my arm and pulled me through the hallway. I swear, by the time this tour is over my arm would break!

At a half run, Donut pulled me through the rec room and into the—

"This is the kitchen!" Donut announced quickly, running past the other three. "Coming through!"

I realized Simmons had his helmet off, but all I could see was a head of brown hair. Next thing I knew I was bring pulled up a ramp into blinding sunlight.

Holy crap, it was hot! At least 80 degrees!! Sure, that's not too bad, but it was hot for me! I let my eyes adjust to the heat.

"Damn." I mumbled.

"This is Blood Gulch! Our happy little home. Over there is the Blue base.. and this is our base.. and that's about it."

"Huh." I replied. "So.. do you know the time?"

"I think it's about seven at night…or the morning. The sun never sets so I wouldn't know."

"It's always daylight?" I asked. "That sucks."

"Sometimes…but the base has no windows so if we turn the lights off its all good."

"Right…" I mumbled, "Well, I'm going back in now."

"Mmkay!" Donut said, following me.