I am so sorry for such a long wait ! SOOOOO Sorry. But it's the episode | Chapter you have all been waiting for . .

Butch meets Kaoru's Family.

` Well in general this was supposed to be a Green Chapter , I decided to make it all the rainbow pairings.

Anyways , thank you so much for the 85 Reviews !

O x O x O x O x O


How About we Meet Em'

B l o s s o m s's P. O. V

I was laying down in my bed thinking of all the things that had happened in the last 24 hours. I was so glad Brick was back from America. I mean Brick and Butch, the both of them. I blushed to myself and sighed, I sat up on the bed and went on my laptop to see who was on, suddenly I got an I.M from Brick.

I gasped a little and it said . .

Hard Red Brick : Sup Leader Girl ?

I giggled at his username, since I was way to simple and obvious.

Sweety Blossom : Nothing Much, thinking about stuff, and you ?

Well then again, mine was too.

Hard Red Brick : What are you thinking about ?

Sweety Blossom : Stuff . . .

Hard Red Brick : -_- What KIND of stuff ?

Sweety Blossom : Important stuff . .

Hard Red Brick : Ugh Nevermind. .

I mentally frowned at this.

Sweety Blossom : Are you mad . .

Hard Red Brick : Nah . .

Yeah, he defiantly was, but to keep talking about this was useless. So I decided to tell him.

Sweety Blossom : Haha Well I was thinking about . . . How my sister just found out were the freaking Ruff and Puffs !

Hard Red Brick : Aw man , I thought you were thinking about me L

Sweet Blossom : Hey! This is serious . .

Hard Red Brick : Ugh, I know I know. But what are we going to do about it, the secret was bound to get out someday, but at least its your sister, not some reporter guy.

That's true, it was bound to get out someday . .

Sweety Blossom : You'd be surprised how big of a mouth my sister has.

Hard Red Brick : Oh wow Hahahah.

Sweety Blossom : Yeah. . .

He stoped writing to me , but just when I was about to sign out . .

Hard Red Brick : Uh Blossom . .

Sweety Blossom : Yeah ?

Hard Red Brick : I missed you. .

My eyes widened and I gasped out loud. I blushed, but I was so happy and I had no clue why and after a minute . .

Sweety Blossom : I Missed you too . . . 3

Wait, did I just put a heart. Fuck my life. Oh my god , but then to my surprise . .

Hard Red Brick : Good Night . 3

And with that he logged off.

I was left with my mouth touching the floor, then I felt a rush. I felt like jumping up and down on my bed screaming happily.

"DINNER TIME!" My mother yelled from the kitchen.

I stood up off the chair, and sighed heavily trying not to look to excited. I walked out the room and went downstairs, to find my sister sitting in the table already. She had a smug grin, oh man she was up too something.

"Why, hello Bloss…Momoko" Kuriko smiled.

I sighed, "Hi."

"What did you do today?" Kuriko asked.

Oh you know the usually, beat up bad guys. Train to get stronger. Fly across the skies of Townsville. Hang with the rowdy ruff boys. Nothing really, just the usual normal, unmoral life.

"Nothing much…" I simply said.

"Oh…" Kuriko said.

I didn't even look at her. She was so annoying. Finally, my mom sat down at the dinner table and set the food down in the middle.

"Momoko, Your father and I have been meaning to talk to you, but your never home anymore…Its like your hiding something from us" My mom said sounding all to motherly.

I stood quiet for a moment, I hated lying to my Parents. I hated it, "Oh Sorry, I'm always with Miyako and Kaoru."

My father spoke up, " Yes, and those other three boys…"

I sighed, "Yes,dad, Mayuko, Kai, and Masaaki"

"Ah well, if there is anything you would like to tell us…you must tell us, but first your not allowed to go out starting Monday if I don't meet at least one of those boys, I want to know just who my daughter is hanging with" My father said strictly.

"Oh…Well, but…"

"No Buts…" He simply said.

I sighed, "Yes Father…May I be excused…"

"But you haven't touched your…" My mom started.

I cut her off, "I'm not all that hungry."


I went upstairs and into my room and got in my bed. I hated lying to my parents. I've been doing it for much to long. Now, my parents want to meet one of the boys? One of the rowdy ruff boys? Oh god, is it me or did life just get much more complicated?

Miyakos P. O. V ( Her Mansion )

I can't believe Momoko's little sister, Kuriko, now knows were the Ruffs and the Puffs. This has been one of the craziest weeks ever. Suddenly my bed started to vibrate. It was my phone, I smiled at the name that was calling, it was Boomer, or Masaaki.

I picked up the phone and answered, " Hello?"

"Miyako! What are you doing right now?" He said sounding happy.

"Hmm, at home, why?" I said.

"Can you come out?" He asked.

I blushed, "Wait, where are you?"

"Outside your mansion" Boomer said giggling.

"Its not a mansion" I said.

"No…it's a mansion…" Boomer laughed.

"Fine… I wont come out of my MANSION" I said emphasizing the word Mansion.

I felt him frown threw the phone, "Fine your house"

I giggled, "Uh ill be right out…"

I quickly hung up my phone and jumped out my window. Yes, having powers paid off a ton when it came to trying to sneak out. Yes, I felt like such a rebel. And no I have never used my powers to sneak out until now.

I walked out the front gate, okay so I did live in a mansion, but I hated admitting it. I saw Boomer standing there waiting, I quickly smiled to myself and walked up to him. I had to admit, I never thought Boomer and I would become so close, but now its like he's my everything, my best friend.

"Miyako!" He smiled.

I smiled and walked over to him, he lifted me up and spun me around into a hug.

I laughed, "Why did you come here to late?"

"Can't I say Hi to my counterpart?" He said.

I blushed, "Yeah you can."

"Is that a blush a see?" Boomer asked.

I blushed harder now, "No!"

He giggled me and he still held me in is arms from the hug from before. I didn't mind, even though he didn't seem to notice it.

He smiled at me and held me closer, so maybe he did notice. I blushed harder now, that I was turning the color of a tomato.

I cut the moment by asking, "Can you belive someone knows that were the ruff , and puff alliance now?"

Boomer nodded, "I know, its crazy."

I nodded, "Yeah" I looked at my cell phone and at the time, it was getting pretty late, I looked up at boomer, "Its getting preety late…"

He frowned, "I know…"

"So I think I'll go inside…" I said kind of frowning too.

He nodded and gave me one last tight hug, I put my arms around his neck and hugged back. Oh god, what is this feeling? He looked at me with his arms still around me and my arms still around his neck. We were centimeters apart. I looked into his eyes and started blushing. I wanted to part, but something was defiantly not letting me do so. Suddenly my phone started vibrating and I let him go quickly. Now I felt empty, that was really hard.

"Its my grandma." I said, "I better go"

He nodded, "Yeah…"

We stared at each other one last time and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and blushed and ran back inside flying into my room, running downstairs into the kitchen.

"Miyako?" My grandma asked setting the food on the table, "Where were you?"

I quickly had to come up with a lie, even though that wasn't like me at all, "I was in the Bathroom." I smiled.

"Oh okay, Miyako its like your never home anymore, where do you go?" My grandma said concerned.

"Oh, I'm with Momoko and Kaoru all the time" I said giggling.

Well, that wasn't really a lie.

"Oh, well I feel like your hiding something from me" She paused and I looked down and frowned, "If there is anything you need to tell me, you ca tell me"

"Yes Grandma, I know" I smiled eating the rest of my food. I frowned mentally knowing that I really had so much to tell my grandma, but I couldn't.

K a o r u's P.O.V ( Skate Park )

"Yo Kaoru!" Butch yelled.

I was just about to go down the ranch when heard someone calling my name. I knew that voice, that fucking voice. I busted my ass down the ranch, but someone caught me before I hate the bottom.

"That was a close one." Butch said laughing.

"Bastard!" I hit him on the top of his head, "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Keeping an eye on you" Butch said smirking.

I blushed a little but shook it off before he could notice, "An eye on me?"

"Yup" He simply said.


"Some guy can take advantage of you" Butch said.

I busted out laughing, "Im Buttercup the Green PowerPuff Girl, aint no one ever take advantage of me"

Butch raised a brow, "And what if I took advantage of you?"

"I DARE YOU" Before I realized what I just said and to who I just said it too, I became a little scared now.

Butch smirked, "Oh god. You shouldn't have said that, teasing me and shit.."

I rolled my eyes and started to walk home, I decided to have a little fun.

"You going home?" Butch asked.

"Nah…" I said simply walking in front of him.

"Oh to Momoko's house?" Butch asked.


"To MIYAKOS HOUSE?" Butch asked.


"Then where in the world are you going?"

"To some friends house…" I simply said.

Butch raised a brow, "You don't have any friends besides that"

Oh I was really going to have fun with this now.

"Well, he's not really a friend something like that though…kind of" I said.

Butch was cut off guard, "Wait HE?"

"Uhm Yeah.."

"WHO!" Butch asked more like yelled at me.

"Nah you don't know him" I said.

"Oh, but I would love to meet him" Butch said annoyed now.

I turned around to face him, "Do you think I look to boyish, shouldn't I go change into a skirt or something?"

Butch's eye twitched, "I'm going home…"

My eyebrows went up and I was cut off guard, "NO wait I was just kidding!" I caught his hand in mine, and I could defiantly tell he was angry.

He turned to face me and started calming down.

"I was just playing around…" I said.

"Don't play around like that…" He told me kind with a mixture of calmness and saddness with a bit of angry in his tone.

I couldn't do anything else, so I just nodded slowly. We stood there for a minute face to face, but we weren't staring at each other. I could feel him looking down at me. I looked up at him and suddenly I couldn't look anywhere else. I forced myself to look away.

"Its getting late, I better get home." I said.

He didn't say one word, so I started to walk. I heard footsteps on my trail, and they were very close behind. I didn't bother to look back because I knew they were Butch's. He followed me all the way home. I turned back five feet away from him and gave him a light smile. He returned it, he watched as I went in the house and then he left.

I got inside and found myself blushing crazily. Wait what the fuck? Was I blushing!

"Kaoru's home!" My little brother Shou yelled out," And she's…blushing!"

"BLUSHING?" My older brother Dai asked.

"I am NOT blushing." I said annoyed.

"Who made my little girl blush? ILL BREAK EM'" My father yelled out coming into the living room.

I rolled my eyes.

"Dinner is ready!" My mother yelled form the dining room.

I went into the dining room and sat down. My Father and Brother came in the room staring me down. I sweat droped.

"Did you know your daughter was blushing?" Dai said laughing.

My mother shot her head up from serving the food on our dishes, "My Kaoru's in Love!"

My eyes widened, "What are you talking about?"

"Usually when someone blushes for no reason, is because their in love" My mother said giggling happily.

"Ugh whatever…" I said annoyed.

"Aww Kaoru dear, so tell me about your day, you never home any more" My mom said.

"Oh well you know, I'm always with Momoko and Miyako" I said, and with the RowdyRuff Boys, saving the day all day everday, but other then that I didn't do anything today, "Same old same old."

"Oh yeah, and with those boys too" Dai said.

"Didn't one of them fight, that guy you were on a date with? If you ask me he was all muscle no fighting skills." Shou said.

I nodded, "Yeah, that was Kai"

"Ah yes, Kai" My father started, "You should invite him for dinner tomorrow at 7"

"Heck invite all of your other friends!" My mom added.

I almost gagged, having all of us at one dinner table was a bad idea, "Ah well…okay"

"Excellent!" My father said, "I could teach some of my moves!"

I mentally laughed, he was Butch from the rowdy ruff boys, he didn't need to be taught moves.

"Yeah" I laughed.

Oh god, what did I just get myself into just now?

THE NEXT DAY . ` Bricks P.O.V

It was about 12am and the girls still weren't here. I wonder what was keeping them. They always came at around 10am. Since it was a Saturday.

"The girls are late…" Butch said getting annoyed.

Boomer came in the room, "They just texted me, their parents didn't let them out that early, so there on there way now"

I raised a brow, "Parents never let them out?"

"That has really never happened before…" Butch said wondering.

Boomer shrugged, "I don't know, but were about to find out. Here they come now"

They girls came into the room without, saying a word. Blossom and Buttercup flopped themselves down on the couch and signed heavily. Bubbles sweat droped and came up next to me.

"Whats wrong with them?" Boomer asked Bubbles.

Bubbles shrugged, "Their parents wouldn't let them out because they suspect something is up, and how there never home and stuff."

Boomers eyes widened, "Are you serious?"

Butch and I went over next to our counterparts and flopped ourselves down next to them, "Is this true?" we asked in unison.

Blossom and Buttercup sighed and said, "Yes."

"You know, this could be a problem…" I said.

"Oh and it gets worse!" Blossom said.

"Much worse…" Buttercup said annoyed.

"How so?" Butch asked.

"Lets see yesterday, the my parents and apparently buttercups too, were complaining about that we were always out and never really home." Blossom started.

"And did you tell them you were with the same people your always with…" Butch asked.

Buttercup nodded, "Yeah, that's not the problem…"

"So then what?" I asked confused.

"They want to meet you!" Blossom and Buttercup said in unison sighing.

"What?" Butch asked, "What for?"

"They just want to meet you, want to make sure who I'm or should I say we're hanging with" Buttercup said aggravated as to the fact that the people that their parents were going to meet were the fucking rowdy ruff boys, "Besides, my father wants to meet you because of the wrestling match too…"

"Well…that doesn't sound to bad…" I said.

"Yeah, Buttercups parents and my parents met today, and all of us are going to be meeting up at Buttercups place for dinner tonight, all of us, including the professor and ken…" Blossom said.

"Is that all?" Butch asked.

Buttercup sighed, "You don't get it…"

"They don't trust us anymore…" Blossom said.

"They know somethings up…as to my grandma too, but she didn't ask to much…" Bubbles said.

"Damn…" I said.

What if we get a distress signal while were there? What if they find out? For whatever the case if, we have to make a good impression, so they would get off our cases and fast.

"We need to make a good impression…" Blossom started, "So we need to dress up…"

I nodded, "We need to get them off our cases, and fast…"

The team nodded.

"At 7:30pm we all have to be at my house." Buttercup said.

"Well at times like these, I say we go shopping!" Bubbles said happily.

We all fell animated style.

"Well, we do need to dress up right?" Bubbles said.

"Good point.." Blossom nodded.

"Fine whatever…" Buttercup said.

"I say we all buy the same outfits, but in our signature color in them" Bubbles said giggly.

"Yeah, or we might as well write, WE ARE THE POWERPUFF AND ROWDYRUFF on our foreheads…" Butch said sarcastically.

Bubbles frowned.

"Hey she just made a suggestion cut the sarcasm bro" Boomer said protectively.

Butch laughed, "Cute, little boomer is protecting Bubbles."

"And what if I am…?" Boomer said challenging him.

Butch raised a brow, "Then that's all you bra!"

I laughed, "Real mature guys…"

Had to admit it, but when my brothers Butch and Boomer fought each other it was funny, because nobody wins, its like they both let each other win, but want to keep going. Wait that doesn't make sense…

"And these are the idiots we have to bring home to meet our parents…" Buttercup said.

Blossom laughed, "MEET OUR FATHERS"

Suddenly, that sent chills down my spine. I saw Butch tensing up too. This was most defiantly going to be a long day. Today.

7PM . XO xO xO

"You guys ready to go yet?" I asked already dressed up.

We went with Bubbles idea, and we didn't look half bad at all. All's I know is that I looked good in whatever I was wearing, although it wasn't to fancy. The girls were all wearing dresses, yeah even buttercup, nice and classy dresses. We were all untransformed. It felt kind of weird, the powers being a part of us and all. Just didn't feel complete with my Brick outfit on.

"These girls take forever…" Kai said almost falling asleep.

"Awe come on Kaoru you look fine!" Momoko said.

"Hell NO!" Kaoru started, "Why'd you have to straighten my hair for?"

"BECAUSE IT LOOKS NICE!" Momoko yelled.

Kaoru rolled her eyes, "Whatever…"

The girls walked down the stairs.

"ITS ABOUT TIME!" The boys yelled.

Miyako sighed, "Where are the professor and ken?"

"They went ahead." Masaaki said simply.

"Yeah he got tired of waiting!" Kai said annoyed

"We'll get their in no time if we fly!" Masaaki said.

"No! Were going to get messy if we fly" Miyako retorted.

We all sighed.

"Better start walking then I guess" Mayuko said.

He started walking, while we followed close behind.

"Are you guys… you know… nervous?" Momoko asked.

Everyone seemed to tense up at the sudden question. Mostly because this is probably the first time any boy met Kaoru and Momokos father.

"I Guess…A little" The rowdy ruffs said in unison.

Suddenly we came to a complete stop. We were in front of Kaoru's house.

"So…We have to go in.." Kai said nervously.

"Yup…" Masaaki said.

"Leaders first!" The greens and blues yelled.

Blossom and Brick rolled their eyes and sighed and made their way to the door.

CLIFFY. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?


Please review . :3