Disclaimer : Itachi and the whole Akatsuki belong to Masashi Kishimoto. The other characters were created by my twisted brain.

Warning : Mature content. If you can't stand to read sexual scenes or swearing, then bye bye !


The whore and the nukenin

Chapter 1

The crying girl

Itachi and Kisame were running since daybreak. They started to feel exhausted. Their last mission went quite wrong, Itachi being injured, but they managed to complete it.

"It's late. We should find a place to spend the night", Kisame said.


"There's a house outside the town. Pein advised me to go there. The owner knows about us."

"And he's still alive ?"

"It seems he's quite useful to Akatsuki."

"Fine. I'll follow you."

Kisame led the way through the dark streets. This town was more than gloomy. It was known as a kind of shelter for nukenins and criminals of all sorts.

"I hate full moon…", Itachi whispered.

"What ?"

"It reminds me… nasty memories… And it's no good for discretion."

"Don't worry, we're almost there."

The said house was quite big. So much for discretion, Itachi thought. Music and laughs could be heard from the outside. Kisame got closer to the door and knocked.

Itachi remained behind, still looking at the moon. He felt something touch his cheek. Something wet. Rain ? No, there was no cloud… He started to look for the origin of this little nuisance… When he finally saw her. A woman… silently crying while she was watching the moon… she looked so… sad… vulnerable… and yet…

"Itachi ! It's ok !"

Itachi, still looking at the girl, didn't answer.

"Itachi !"

The Uchiha casted a nasty look at Kisame.

"Yeah, I heard you. I'm coming."

When he looked back at the girl, she had disappeared. He followed Kisame in the unknown house. Half naked women almost everywhere.

"What the hell is it ?"

"A brothel… didn't I told you ?"

"Obviously not…"

A fat woman, around 40, came to the two Akatsukis.

"Welcome to my house. How can I help you ?", she asked.

"We just need somewhere to rest… and sleep", Itachi answered.

"To rest only ?"

"We have no money…", Kisame said.

"Please… Pein-sama is a good friend of mine. Consider yourselves as my guests. You can do whatever you want, here… except killing my girls or customers, of course", she laughed.

"Ok, then ! I'd like one of your most skilled girls to massage my whole body. I feel really tensed, tonight…", Kisame said.

"Fine. Ayako !"

A kinky-looking woman joined them. She took Kisame's hand and drove him to the stairs. Kisame blinked at Itachi before climbing the stairs.

Itachi sighed, then winced. His wounds began to hurt again.

"What would you wish, sir ?"

"I just need a bed. Alone."

"I am sorry, but I can't give you that. Every room has a girl. But you don't have to… use her."

"I don't care. Could you give me some surgical spirit and bandages ?"

"Are you injured ?"


"One of my protégée could help you. She can heal wounds."


"Fine. Follow me, please."

They took the same stairs Kisame went earlier. Itachi was forced to admit that, although it was a pleasure house, the decoration was in no way vulgar.

The matron knocked at a red door on the first floor.

"Yume. I come in."

She opened the door. The bedroom was only lighted by candles, and a bit by the moonlight. The bed was large, with something that looked like red silk sheets and pillows. This, plus the decoration, gave an impression of warmth.

"Yume, this man belongs to Akatsuki. Obey him. He has wounds that need to be healed."

"Yes, Kazuko-san."

The voice came from the window, at the opposite of the door. Itachi looked at the owner of this soft voice.

It was her.

He could see her better, now. She had long light brown hair, half of it put into a bun at the back of her head. Some locks were hiding the left part of her face. Her face was delicate. Her skin seemed as smooth as silk. Her lips were plain, slightly colored in red. But there wasn't enough light to allow him to see the color of her eyes. Although tears were gone, her eyes remained full of a feeling Itachi wasn't able to identify.

She was wearing a kind of red and gold kimono. It was only closed at the waist by a small silk belt. The collar was low, completely exposing her shoulders, neck and the upper part of her bust.

And something incredibly unusual happened : when their eyes met, Itachi felt his heart skip a beat. He hoped he wasn't starting to blush.

She was looking at him, no emotions visible on her face. She left the small balcony of the room and walked toward him. As she walked, Itachi got more than a glimpse of her legs.

"Take good care of him, Yume."

"Yes, Kazuko-san."

The matron left the room, leaving them alone in a complete silence.

The whore started to unbutton Itachi's cloak… who stopped her by seizing her hands.

"I can do this on my own."

She blankly looked at him.

"As you wish."

Itachi let her hands go, and got rid of his cloak and shirt, revealing his torso. He had 2 deep wounds : one across his chest and one across his back. Both were still bleeding.

"I need to clean them. Sit down, please."

Itachi sat on the edge of the bed. The young woman came to her closet and took a bottle and some cotton. Then she sat beside Itachi.

"I'll start with the wound on your back. Can you show it to me ?"


Itachi turned a bit, exposing his back to her.

"I'm sorry, but the disinfection might hurt a bit."

"I'm used to it."

He couldn't see what she was doing, but he felt strangely enough confident. He jumped when the cotton imbibed of alcohol touched his skin. But it wasn't painful. Just a bit cold.

"Does it hurt ?"


"I'll take it as a no."

Itachi muffled a giggle.

"Sorry. It's just cold."

"I'll start the healing."

He felt her warm hand touching his wound. The warmth spread to his whole back. The pain disappeared.

"Is it done ?"

"Yes. Can you face me, now ?"

He did as he was asked. He didn't jump this time, but the softness of the cotton was soothing him, like a soft caress… yet, he shivered a bit when she put her hand on his chest.

"It seems you're not used to be touched like that…"


She started to heal the wound. She suppressed a smile when she felt his heart beating a bit faster.

"It's done."

"Thank you."

"You have a very soft skin, for a nukenin…"

Without waiting a potential answer, she stood up and went to put the bloody pieces of cotton in a small bin.

Itachi felt weird. It was the first time he let someone other than an Akatsuki member touch his body.

"You should rest, now. I can heal wounds, but you need to sleep."

"Yes. But…"

"I know. You want to sleep alone."

This statement surprised Itachi. He looked at her, puzzled.


"It's not a problem. I'm not sleepy, tonight. Don't worry, I'll stay away from you."


"You can undress, if you want. I won't be watching you."

She walked to the balcony and sat there, watching the moon again.

Itachi was lost. She was a whore. She was supposed to tease him, to make him horny… But she was just distant, unconcerned… He was curious… and exhausted.

He lay down on the bed, his pants and sandals still on, and quickly fell asleep.

The following morning, Itachi woke up easily. He felt extremely good. Was it the healing ? Or the fact he slept like a baby ? He then realized he was in the bed. He thought he fell asleep on the bed. He also noticed he was only wearing his boxers. He looked at the balcony. The woman was still there. But she was sleeping, her head against the window. He got out of the bed and got dressed. Once this was done, he walked toward her. She looked more… relaxed.

He hesitated. Should he wake her up before leaving ?

What the fuck is wrong with me…

He hurried toward the door and slammed it when he was out of the room.

He met Kisame in the corridor. The shark seemed very pleased.

"How was your night ?"

"Calm. I just slept."

"What ??? That's all ???"

"I was exhausted."

"Oh well. Let's go, now."


Once they were out of the brothel, Itachi casted a quick look at the balcony. The woman wasn't there anymore. Itachi felt a bit uneasy… just a bit. Kisame patted him on the shoulder.

"Problem ?"


"Let's go, now."


I don't know what is the color of her eyes, Itachi thought.