Things To Ponder
Question One
A.N: So raise your hand if you knew this is the story I was putting up. Haha, yes, this will is going to be my new series. I won't be updating again until 50TTDWYB is over, but here is the first chapter! Hope you all enjoy!
If You Were Sending Someone Packing Peanuts, What Would You Pack Them In?
Alice hopped down the stairs, humming a quiet tune to herself. No doubt that she would ask us a question at this time. Earlier today she had announced that there would be a question that was really hard to answer. They were called 'Things to Ponder' or something like that.
But I was pretty sure she just wanted to know what each of us answered. I mean, I've heard a few of those questions and man, did they make you think...A lot. I have never actually over thought any of them. No one cared to hear my answers. But now Alice was going to make sure that each and every answer was heard and debated.
"Just spit out the question Alice," Rose instructed, looking up from her magazine. She was seated next to me on the couch. We had nothing better to do, except to sit here with Edward, Emmett, and Jasper, waiting for her to come down. "We can see that you want to ask us so just go ahead."
Alice smiled in response. She took a seat on the floor, crossing her legs. "If you were sending someone packing peanuts, what would you pack them in?" Her smile grew into a smirk as a confused look on my face took over. What the heck would you send them in?
"If you were sending someone packing peanuts, what would you pack them in," Edward repeated to himself, making sure he got the question. Of course he did. He could hear her perfectly, and think about more than one thing at a time.
Emmett blinked, wriggling his eyebrows. "Why the heck would someone send packing peanuts to someone? Is there a point to that!? It's packing peanuts for goodness sakes!" Why did I know he was going to say something like that?
"Emmett's right," Jasper added. "One of the very few times he ever is...Anyways, why would someone be giving someone packing peanuts? Last time I checked Styrofoam isn't an ideal gift. That would suck for the person to be receiving it." Packing peanuts aren't that bad...Okay, maybe that wouldn't be the best gift.
"Unless that person packs things a lot," I defended, shrugging my shoulders. "I mean, does that stuff get expensive? I know card bored boxes do. So if they're known for giving a lot of things, then I guess they wouldn't have to spend on packing peanuts."
"That would be true, but seriously. Why would someone being giving them packing peanuts in the first place?" Alice replied, staring at me. "Do they have no idea what to get that person? Wouldn't you just give them money so they could buy those packing peanuts themselves? Really now."
"You're right. Money would be more useful than a box of Styrofoam peanuts," Rose added. She pointed down to her shoes. "Couldn't you get someone clothing? Or better yet, something other than Styrofoam peanuts?"
Edward chuckled, glancing at his sisters. "Well, technically regular peanuts could be a good gift."
"Not unless a person is allergic to those said peanuts," I pointed out. Now I didn't know anyone that was actually allergic to nuts, but I heard they could be really deadly. That would really stink, having to watch everyday for nuts.
"They wouldn't be allergic to packing peanuts then, since they are only made of whatever Styrofoam is made out of," Alice added, agreeing. "But I still don't get who would take them as a gift? They're used for packing, not for gifts!" She rolled her eyes. "Cause I want a box of packing peanuts for Christmas! That's the only thing on my list! I've been a good girl, I hope I get them."
Emmett chuckled, a smile growing on his lips. "He Jasper, I know I probably won't forget, but can you remind me to buy Alice packing peanuts this Christmas? I'm sure she'll love it. But who knows, I don't know if she will be a good girl this year..." He started to laugh, while Alice just glared at him.
"Thanks Emmy, glad to know you approve," Alice replied, rolling her eyes. She didn't like it. Emmett would most likely buy her packing peanuts for Christmas too, knowing him. "Anyways, I doubt you know where you would be able to buy them."
He raised an eyebrow at her comment. "That's what you think." You know what, I really don't wanna know...
"Emmett, I love you and all, but I really don't need to know all the things going on in your head at all times," Rose remarked, sliding towards me on the couch. On the other side, Emmett placed an arm around her. "Seriously, how do you know all of these things?"
"Actually, don't answer that please," I stated, looking him in the eye. His chuckles shook the couch.
"I am Emmett. The amazing Emmett does not reveal any of his secrets to anyone. No one else should know about what he does, or is doing at the times he is needed. No one is going to know. It is all for him and him only," Emmett replied, laughing even more when he was finished. I didn't know Emmett had it in him to talk in third person.
"Why the heck are you talking in third person?" Jasper asked, giving him weird looks. I agree. Third person got annoying, but if you were really that bored it could be very amusing. "It's hard enough for you to talk in first person, so don't bother."
"Thanks," Emmett replied, smirking. "By the way, I think I'm getting sick of packing peanuts. I mean, how long can you really talk about them anyways? It's just Styrofoam!"
"Blah blah, it's just packing peanuts. Nothing really ever happens with them. They aren't amazing or anything. Now if they came in assorted colors, that would be cool! That would be awesome if they were glittery or something like that," Alice stated, smiling. "That would be cool."
"That would be," I replied, thinking. Would it really help if they were different colors? And I think it cost more to do so. "But really, green is fine too. It's not that bad."
"You girls do realize you're getting off topic, right?" Edward stated, nudging me softly. He turned to look at Alice. "I'm amazed you are cause you're the one that told us these questions would be fun to discuss. To hear what others had to say."
She rolled her eyes on him, but decided to go back on topic. "So what would you pack them in? This question is useless, but it get's you thinking."
"It's not that useless," Rose stated. "Someone could be sending packing peanuts."
"Not very likely though," Jasper added. Emmett was thinking. Weird. Emmett and thinking usually don't go well together. That or his thoughts end up badly.
"Oh!" Emmett exclaimed, his eyes getting big. "You would pack packing peanuts in packing peanut butter!"