Prolouge - Destiny

Victoria was in her own little world, dancing in the middle of the junkyard by moonlight. As she spun gracefully around, she felt someone's peircing gaze from the shadows. She stopped and looked curiously towards the pipe to see a pair of brown eyes staring back at her.

Victoria smiled. It was the magician, and her soon-to-be-mate, Mistoffelees. He blushed when she caught him staring, but walked over to the beautiful white queen with a smile on his face. "Sorry I disturbed you. But you were just so beautiful and graceful, I couldn't help but stare." Misto said sweetly. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to almost be mates with this amazing tuxedo tom.

"You didn't disturb me, I can dance anytime. Right now I'd rather be with you." She gave him a pretty smile before walking up to him and giving him a quick kiss. She then held herself against him in a tight hug, enjoying the softness of his black fur. As they let go, Misto layed down on the ground patting the ground beside him. She layed down, cuddling close to him as they looked up at the starry night sky. Victoria sighed, content.

Misto glanced at her. "Why are you sighing?"

She smiled at him. "Oh nothing... just that you're the best tom a queen could ever wish for."

It was his turn to smile. "Well I have a little present for the most amazing queen." He shifted over a bit, pointing toward the stars with one paw, gesturing for Victoria to follow his gaze. She looked up at the stars and watched as they rearranged themselves to spell:

"Misto + Vicki

Now and Forever"

Victoria looked at Mistoffelees, who had gotten up and held a hand out to help her up. She took his paw, he gently pulled her up off the ground, and then gently turned her around so that she was facing away from him. She stood there, silently waiting, when suddenly there was a flash of electric blue light from behind her. Though she was curious, she did not turn around, not wanting to ruin the surprise. Then she felt Misto's paws reach around her neck and attach something to the front of her collar.

Not able to stand the suspense any longer, she spun around to face him. Misto was grinning and holding a mirror so she could see what it was. It was a small silver charm in the shape of an 'M' that dangled from her collar. "'M' as in Misto?" she asked.

"Well...yeah. Now that charm will remind you of me whenever I'm not there. It's my promise to be with you forever." Mistoffelees explained seriously. With a touch of his paw, the mirror disappeared and Victoria folded herself into his arms.

Sitting quietly watching the scene from the other end of the junkyard was the calico tom, Mungojerrie. He smiled at the sincerity in both cats eyes and saw how much they really loved each other. Vaguely he wondered if he would ever find that kind of love. The only cat in the tribe that he was really close to was his sister, and partner in crime, Rumpleteazer. He hoped that one day he would find that queen that was destined to be his mate, like it seemed Mistoffelees and Victoria had found each other. But Jerrie could only wait for his touch of destiny to come.