Disclaimer: All characters are hereby property of Atlus. I wish I did own them, but that's impossible!!! But I do own a copy of the game! Some OC's also belong to their respective owners.

Chapter VII: Answered Questions, Part Two

"Mine. It was MY life."

As soon as Minato said those words, everyone was speechless for a minute, not knowing what their reaction was going to be, until Kanji stood up and said, "That's bullshit, man. If it WAS your life, how is it that you're here talking to us right now?"

When the blue-haired male heard Kanji's response, he smirked. He wasn't surprised at all, as if he already knew what the reaction was going to be.

"Hehe... Man, that was certainly expected." he snickered.

"Huh? What do you mean it was expected?" Yukiko asked. "Have you already experienced this?"

"Yeah." Minato replied with a hint of sadness. "My former team mates didn't believe me at first. But then, Yukari walked up to me, kissed me in the lips, and said: 'Welcome home.' I can't blame them though. I was dead for a year before that happened.

"Well, that was nice of her, but seriously, how can you explain your so-called resurrection?"

"To be honest, I don't think I can explain it without a sense of exaggeration, so... can I?"

"Sure you can, bring it on." Yosuke said, full of courage. "We're prepared for anything, right guys?"


"Well said. Now then, I'll start to when the Dark Hour began."

Meanwhile, in a location unknown and unreachable by any normal living being, two entities are taking place in a gamble that could and might destroy the world as they know it.

"So, what do you think? Do you think he'll be able to stop us again?" one of the voices asked.

"Probably." the other voice responded. "I mean, he's been chasing us all over this filthy planet, foiling our plans one by one then we flee to another location, think of a new plan, fail, then start all over again. And every single time we run away, we lose a moderate amount of power. Right now, we are in OUR LIMITS!! Think of a new plan already!!"

"Sheesh, calm down. I know that bastard Minato has destroyed our plans sometimes--"

"If by 'sometime', Christopher, you mean all the time..."

"Well, yes, Katherine. He has stopped us from destroying Earth all of those times we tried to. But know, I have a new plan!"

"Oh there he goes again with his plans..." Katherine mumbled to herself.

"Hey, I heard that!" Christopher shouted with a quick glare, which had no effect whatsoever on his twin sister. "Tch... As I was saying earlier, I have created a new plan, but it will need most of what's left of our remaining powers for we will have to do summoning, a LOT of summoning."

"If it's for the destruction of this disgusting world, I'll do it."

"Excellent. Now, before we begin... How about we visit our arch nemesis first and warn him about our new plan?"

"Geez... Fine..."

"... and that's about it. We prevented The Fall by defeating Nyx. The Lost were cured because Apathy Syndrome disappeared. All of us have forgotten what happened in the last two months until Graduation Day. That was the day I died, becoming the Great Seal on this world, preventing Nyx and The Fall from ever happening again."

"Nice story you got there. But it still doesn't explain how you were reincarnated." Naoto stated with a serious look on her face.

"Well... I'll tell you all I know if you promise to not be angry at me, okay?"

"We promise. Now tell us." Yukiko said truthfully.

"Uhh... Okay then..." Minato said, shuddering. "..."

"Hey, why aren't you saying anything?"

"Well... um... How can I explain this as honestly as possible... Okay. I have no idea how I was reborn. That's it."

"WHAT?!" shouted Yosuke loudly. "Whaddaya mean you have no idea?!"

"I-I-I r-really don't know, o-okay..."

As soon as Yosuke shouted, Souji had noticed a sudden change in Minato's attitude was happening. From the calm, cool and collected person who never seems to be affected by anything at all, he turned into that of a spineless coward, ready to cry the very moment you try to surprise or scare him.

"Master, let me try to explain what happened to these people." Orpheus pleaded within Minato's psyche. "There were numerous events that happened at the end of the month in which you became the seal."

"Quiet, Orpheus!" Minato shouted, causing everyone, including the civilians who just arrived to glare at him, wondering why he did such a thing. Because of this, the policeman on patrol went to the table Souji and the others were.

"Crap! He's gonna come here!" said Chie while panicking slightly. "Hey, Naoto-kun! Can you just tell the guy that nothing important is happening here?!"

"I'll try to." Naoto said before she stood up to talk to oncoming officer. "Excuse me. You're the new officer, aren't you? Kuzunoha-san, if I'm correct. There's nothing to see here. Nothing important at all. Just a reunion with some old friends. So please..."

The law enforcer didn't budge an inch when Naoto was talking, he only stared at her. Yet he nodded, understanding what she was talking about before turning around to re-patrol the area. Then he called the black cat near him, signaling that it's time to leave.

"Was that Kuzunoha-san's pet cat?" asked the hat-wearing girl while walking back to the table she came from. "Well, it'll be rude to ask. So I won't."

"Hey, Minato. Did your Persona just tell you something?" Souji asked.

"Yeah," Minato replied while massaging his temples. "Orpheus said some things about what happened at the end of March, or something like that. I don't really know if he can explain it fully, though. But I do know someone who might. Igor."

A/N: Hurray! Hurray! I'm finally done with this! Man... Ever since school ended, I've been running out of things to write... *long depressing sigh*Anyways, the new Velvet Room will be shown in the next chapter. And the Velvet Room I'm using will be Minako the Dragon Maiden of DW's fortune teller tent, for the idea is kinda fresh for me. I mean, really. A room available to those only with the power of the wild card, now open to anyone, pretending to be a normal stall. Meanwhile, the assistant will be ToonyTwilight's, Taralesca or Tara for short. Just one thing, ToonyTwilight, I won't do the dual knives. She'll be a normal assistant, who will still say kupo a lot because it's kinda cute...

Side note: Christopher and Katherine were made by HopefulRage, originally sent to be assistants. I asked him if I could do something else with them and he gave me his blessing.

Please support greengale2 with his story! He's one of my friends and I was the one who suggested to turn his story to a fanfic! So please, support him!