A/N: All right, yes I'm starting a new fic so sue me now. I can't help it the Plot Bunny Girls have been raping my mind. -insert perverted giggle here- Anyways, I'll be updating my other 2 fics within the next couple weeks. I just really needed to get this idea out there. It mostly spawned from I wanted to write a NaruTayu, and spiraled from there. Yes it is kind of a a Powerful!Naruto, but it'll be well earned power... as for what the hell that means, read on and I hope you enjoy. I might quickly add the chapter names are song names that may or may not be relevant to the chapter content. also I threw the gennin age from 12 to 15.

Prologue – Woo Hoo

-11 years ago, Night of the Attempted Hyuuga kidnapping-

The supposed Kumo ambassador, (Renai Tousen was his name, not that anyone really cares,) was running for dear life. He had failed, miserably, in obtaining Hinata Hyuuga by a small boy no less! He glanced at the bundle under his arms, the blond child looked to sleeping peacefully. The bruise from being kicked in the back of the head already gone. The kidnapper smirked to himself as he finally managed to get outside the village walls. Hey may not have gotten a Hyuuga, but the Kyuubi jinchuuriki, and Minato Namikaze's son no less. Of that fact he had little doubt, the resemblance was to close for the young child to be anything but his son. Well, unless Konoha had been dabbling in cloning, and these days who knows?

Several days later our ill fated ambassador met with a rather grim end. More specifically the end of a rather large zanbato, this one in particular was called Kubikiri Houcho. Zabuza Momochi sighed in irritation. Here he was minding his own business, practicing throwing his sword, and then this retard comes out of nowhere and gets stuck like a turkey. The masked nuke-nin looked and the new corpse and frowned as he spied a kumo headband. "Shit, knowing my luck now Kumo is going to be after me as well." Not two months ago the attempted coup on the Mizukage failed. Epically. It had been, in no uncertain terms, a clusterfuck of epic proportions. But hey, no sense crying over spilled milk, even if the 'milk' is the blood of your comrades in arms. Nope, not bitter at all. Zabuza sighed and picked up his blade and was about to hightail it out of there when he noticed a small blond child whimpering. It appeared he;d been nicked by the sword. Zabuza swore internally and checked the wound. To his surprise it was already healing, without a scar no less. 'Advanced bloodline perhaps... Maybe even a jinchuuriki... Either way I bet the kid is worth taking along, for awhile at least. He nudged the child oh so gently with his foot. "Brat get up."

Naruto, if you hadn't figured it out yet, looked up at the person calling to him. "Ugh... Hey No Brows... where am I?"

Zabuza's eye twitched ever so much. "Brat... Call me that again and I hit you with my sword on purpose."

Naruto, always one to push his boundaries decided, in a rare fit of judgment, not to push this guy. " OK... Are you going to make me go back?"

"Back? Back where?"

"Konoha... I don't like it there." Naruto tried, and failed to keep the sorrow from his voice. 4 years of mental torment flooding across his features.

The so-called Demon sighed and softened his gaze, "No, I ain't taking you there. Your gonna come with me. I figure I might train you."

The blond perked at that, "You mean you'll teach me things? Yatta!" He cried out happily.

Zabuza just grinned.


-4 years Later Naruto age 7 years 10 months-

Naruto glanced between the two people that had become family to him in his short life. "Haku... Brother... Keep him safe will ya? You know what he's like.." The blond said, capturing the person he saw as a brother in a hug.

The older feminine boy smiled down at his adoptive little brother. "That I will Naruto..." The two glanced over at a slightly put out Zabuza, his hand resting on his hip.

"Keep up that talk and I might not give you your going away present brat." Naruto's eyes widened and he let out a whoop for joy and pounced on the nuke-nin. Zabuza smiled under his mask. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he thought of the boys as his children and would miss the little blond ball of energy.

"What ya get me huh huhh huuuuh?""

Zabuza produced a bundle of scrolls, laughing as the child's eyes lit up. The boy did love to learn after all. "These 2 scrolls contain all the water and mist jutsu I know, and this one has instructions on how to keep up your sword work until your ready for your own style. Also it has the address for the man who made my sword. In a few years time if he's still alive try and track him down. It'll be worth it I'm sure."

The small group turned family stopped in a moment of silence. "I'm gonna miss you guys." The young blond said, breaking the silence.

"We're gonna miss you to Naruto." Zabuza said quietly, "Now go on don't keep him waiting, and do make his life as torturous as possible. He can teach you a lot, both about your family and Jutsu. But that doesn't mean you can't make his life hell to." All three grinned at that as Naruto gathered his small amount of possessions in a back back and started to head off. He turned back and waved.

"I'll see you guys again some time... Believe it." He smiled and ran off to where he was to meet his new caretaker. Zabuza and Haku gave one long look at Naruto running off before disappearing in a swirl of mist.

Naruto sighed as he searched around the hot springs before spying what would become an all to familiar sight, a long white pony tail sticking out of a bush that was giggling in a suspicious manner. The blond boy sighed and gave the man a swift kick in the rear.

Jiraiya of the Sannin did not appreciate his research being interrupted. He turned on the boy a scowl on his painted face. "Brat..." He growled out.

Naruto, having dealt with Zabuza for so long, was less then intimidated. "You practically stole me from my family on the premise of teaching me things... So make with the teaching."

The toad sage groaned. Maybe near black mailing that Nuke-nin was a mistake after all...


-2 and a half years later, Naruto Age 10 years 7 months-

Jiraiya sighed and took another swig of sake. Who knew parting from the little blond brat would be so hard? As infuriating as the kid had been he'd filled a spot in the Sage's life he hadn't realized was empty. He mused though the kid was in plenty good hands, after all if you couldn't trust your teammate who could you trust? His thoughts flickered to Orochimaru and he groaned, bad example. But Tsunade wasn't as bad as the Snake. Or so he hoped at least. He grinned to himself, Tsunade would have to be wary... The kid absorbed information like a sponge no matter what it was. And despite how enamored with the young child she had become he doubted she was truly ready for the appropriately named Maelstrom. He shrugged doff his worries, after all the kid had signed the Toad contract and was able to contact the Sannin through them if he needed help of any kind.

He sighed again and ordered another round. He'd still miss the kid. Reminded him so much of the boy's father, and mother for that matter. Crazy red headed woman that she was.


Naruto smiled as he followed Tsunade and Shizune out of the village. Oh he would miss his Ero-Sannin, but who was he to pass up the chance to learn new things? The young boy may not have had a total grasp on his personality but he knew he loved t learn and experience new things. He flashed a toothy grin, Tsunade had promised to teach him the finer parts of chakra control and even medical chakra. He was so excited! Sure he himself had little to no use for it but if an ally ever needed healing he would like being ready.

Ahead of him Shizune and Tsunade were discussing where to go next and what to do. "I say we hit Tanzuka, it's nearby and-"

"And is chock full of gambling halls... You think we should be corrupting a small child Tsunade-sama?"

The Slug Princess scoffed. "He traveled with Jiraiya for over 2 years. The boy is most assuredly corrupted." They were interrupted by a young laugh. They both turned to look at Naruto who was wearing a mischievous grin.

""I have to agree with Tsunade-Baa-Chan there Nee-chan. I am a very good poker player amongst other things." He laughed at the expression on Tsunade's face. It was torn between irritation and happiness over having gotten a hold of a an excellent good luck charm.

Shizune palmed her face in exasperation. The next few years were going to be taxing on the young medic.


-2 and a half years later, Naruto age 12 years 2 months-

"C'mon Baa-Chan don't be like this. You know I need to strike it out on my own sometime and this time just feels right for me." Naruto said trying to calm down the blond woman. His mother figure was currently smothering him between her ample cleavage almost frightened to let go.

"I know... I just worry." She said finally releasing him and allowing his lungs to gather oxygen once more. She had taught him the best she could in the time they had, and while he was no prodigy in the field he was pretty talented. In a few years he would probably be as talented as Shizune. She smiled down at her surrogate son. She closed her eyes briefly remembering her younger brother and lover. Reaching around her neck and took off the necklace that hung around her neck and put in on him. Both Shizune and Naruto were wide eyed at that.

"Tsunade-sama are you sure..." Shizune trailed off hesitantly.

The Slug Princess smirked, "If there's a soul alive that can break a curse it's Naruto. Besides you've got the slug contract... If you need anything you can call. And I expect letters once a month. Understood?" She glared at that last part.

Naruto gulped. "Yes Ma'am!" He smiled and gave her one more hug. "I'll miss you..." His voice dropped to a whisper, "Kaa-san."

Tsunade wiped a tear from her eye before ruffling the younger blond's hair. "Same... Son... Now go on and get before we make you stay." They broke apart and smiled. Naruto gave Shizune a quick hug before departing off to parts unknown.

Shizune looked at her master and best friend and sighed, "It's going to lonely with out him..."

Tsunade couldn't respond and merely turned and walked back to the hotel they were staying at.


2 weeks later Naruto found himself on the outskirts of Rice Country. HE wandered aimlessly lacking a real purpose when he was stopped by a noise. More specifically a long string of curses.

"Mother fucking piece of shit asshole! Damn the cock suckers lucky throw with an explosive tag!" Naruto, being the inquisitive person he is wandered towards the voice coming upon a red headed girl a couple years older then leg laying on the ground bleeding, her left leg torn open. He smiled a bit, finally something to do!

With hands in the air he stepped into the small clearing. "Excuse me, but would you need some help?"

Tayuya, (as if you didn't know), whirled around at the voice, her eyes narrowed. "What do you want shit head?" She growled out, attempting and failing utterly at looking threating.

Naruto sighed, "I'm a medic looking for something to do."

Tayuya paused at that, "Your... a bored medic?"

Naruto shrugged and dropped his hands to side and walked over to her and without waiting for permission got the work on her leg. Her admittedly smooth and milky white leg... Which was so soft despite the damage... And, he shook his head clearing it of the thoughts, a slight blush adorning his cheeks. "Something like that... So your a ninja I assume?"

Tayuya missed the blush or she might have castrated the blond. "What gave it away dumb ass?"

"The award winning display of stealth by shouting your position to the world." He said with a playful grin. If looks could kill though, he'd be a smoking hole.

"Ass fucker... Bah... I can't believe I got this hurt." She said crossing her arms in defeat. The blond obviously wasn't going away soon and besides, he seemed to be doing his job well. And was far less creepy then Kabuto.

Naruto shrugged, "Eh, it ain't that bad really, mostly tissue damage. Won't even scar. So what village you from?"

Tayuya looked him over. "Why do you want to know?"

Another shrug from the blond, "Bored, looking for work and training. Consider this my resume." He said finishing up on her leg before standing up, offering a hand to her. One she begrudgingly accepted.

"Well... I guess I could take you to Orochimaru-Sama..." Naruto froze, he had heard nothing but bad things about Orochimaru from Tsunade and Jiraiya, but then he shrugged it off. He'd rather judge with his own eyes first. After all there's a side to every story.

He grinned at the red head. "Sounds like fun... By the way my names Naruto. You are?"


"Well all right then Tayuya-chan, lead the way!" He proclaimed in an overly dramatic fashion, ignoring his new traveling companions eyes twitch ever so slightly.


-2 years 8 months later, Naruto Age 15 years-

The Snake Sannin had been wary of Naruto initially, but was not about to give up the chance at acquiring a jinchuuriki. He had taken to teaching Naruto the intricacies of Sound Jutsu, and through that a greater appreciation of music. Say what you will about the man but he knows his Musicals. But somehow the boy had managed to worm his way into the snakes twisted and depraved heart, a feat thought unthinkable. He even let the boy sign his Snake contract and taught him the jutsu's that went with it!

Oh sure they had their differences, mostly on the matters of human experimentation, but that was primarily carried out on Oto prisoners and traitors. Wardrobe was another thing they diverted on, no matter how much he tried Orochimaru could not convince Naruto of the wonders of the 'Ass-Bow'. Despite what you might think about him the man knew how to run a village. After spending time with the young jinchuuriki he'd even begun to rationalize attacking Konoha and gaining immortality better. Not by much but we'll take improvements where we can get them. The sneaky blond had even managed to steal the heart of one of his Sound Four. Not that a casual observer could tell though. The two made a wicked battle combination, Naruto had taken to playing a violin in combat much the way Tayuya used a flute. Together they could create illusions Orochimaru himself had trouble breaking out of.

Today though, today was the day the gennins were graduating and Naruto had politely declined the opportunity. "Being a shinobi of a Hidden Village isn't for me.. Yet. I want to see the world, listen to the stories, the music and knowledge it has to offer before I tie myself down."

Orochimaru nodded to his apprentice, "I understand... And I applaud you figuring it out now instead of being forced to go Missing nin. I do hope Oto will be high in your list of potential villages."

Naruto laughed, "Higher then Konoha!" They both laughed at that. Naruto held no real love for the place. Not even after traveling with Jiraiya and Tsunade. Mind you his adoptive mother wasn't a huge fan of the place either, especially after how she heard they had treated Naruto. "But thanks for letting Tayu-Chan come with me, obligation free."

The Snake Sannin grinned, "It's less paper work then marking her as a missing nin. She would undoubtedly follow you after all. Now go on, you know she doesn't like to be kept waiting." They both shuddered ever so slightly at that.

Naruto started to head out then turned around briefly, "I'm meeting Kaa-san and Ero-Sannin at the Chunnin Exams in 6 months. You'll undoubtedly be there.. Somehow... So look me up. It'll be a twisted reunion of sorts."

The Snake grinned at the prospect. Naruto had, wisely, not informed the other 2 Sannin just who he had been training with in his letters. Oh well, who doesn't love surprises?


Naruto ran up to the gate, grinning at the waiting red head. She scowled at him, but softened her smile slightly. "Where to next?"

Naruto pulled out a worn and slightly tattered scroll, opening it up to a slightly faded name and address. "I gotta see a man about a sword." He said with a grin looking out past the fields towards the horizon. Tomorrow was shaping up to be a fascinating new day.











A/N: GAH and I finish! Originally there was more intended for the first chapter, and it was in itself gonna be way different. But I like how it turned out here in the end and I hope you readers do to. I think it works better this way anyways... Sorry if people seem OOC (Orochimaru) but hey this is a fanfic and automatically AU in my POV. So deal.

Fun facts: Naruto is 15 and wields all 3 f the Sannin summon contracts!

Notable Techniques:


Hidden Snake Hands

Miscellaneous Medical Techniques.


Decent Level of kenjutsu

Hidden Mist no Jutsu

Skilled Sound Jutsu (Both Nin and Gen)

Moderate level of Taijutsu

And thats all you really need to know for now.. more will be revealed later!