An- So hey everyone! First off, I'm going to thank you for hitting the link to open this story! So this is my first non Lord of The Rings story that I have written in over four years, so I'm a bit nervous about this. Also, I've never done a Danny Phantom story either, so that just builds on my nervousness. Anyway, here's some things that I should point out; Danny and Co are seniors, thus seventeen years old, 'Phantom Planet' (which I really didn't like) never happened thus the only people who know about Danny's secret are Team Phantom plus the bad guys. A few other differences might appear as the story progresses, so I'll point them out as we go. So I hope you enjoy!

Summary- Danny's life just got much worse; after a brutal ghost attack he's blamed, thus back to public enemy number one. Because of that, the ghost problem has been labelled a threat to national security. Not to mention keeping his secret is getting harder has his powers are growing once again, and with the GWI poking around it's only getting worse. Now it's up to Danny to try and make some sort of peace between the ghost zone and the humans before there's all out war and keep his secret while doing it.

Disclaimer- God these things are freaking stupid. Obviously, since I'm writing on a site called FANfiction, I clearly do not own.

Chapter One

Being slammed into a brick wall hurt, especially when it was brought on by an ecto-blast to the chest. It smarted even more when that ecto-blast was fired by your sort of ex-girlfriend who you hung out with not even three hours before.

"Got you now Ghost Boy!"

"Damnit Val," said the ghost boy, also known as Danny Phantom, "Why won't you ever believe me when I say that it's not my dog! I'm so not in the mood for this!"

And he wasn't; he had failed another of Lancer's tests, got into a stupid fight with Sam, been attacked by Skulker (three times in one day) and was yet again going to break his curfew. All he wanted to do was go home, take a nice hot shower and collapse into bed.

But of course Valarie, AKA the Red Huntress, had to go and choose this night to patrol the night skies over Amity Park. And since the newest incident involving the ghost dog Cujo, any particular truce they may have had going on had gone up in smoke.

He understood why she was pissed. This time Cujo had gone and trashed the Nasty Burger which cost Valerie her job, but he had only shown up afterwards to catch Cujo. He had been nowhere in the vicinity when the damage was done, but still Valarie thought Phantom had been behind it all in some attempt to get some sort of perverse pleasure in torturing her.

No amount of arguing to the contrary was helping Danny make his case.

Danny got to his feet, wincing at throbbing coming from his chest and looking up at the girl hovering on her jet sled a few feet above him.

"Can we please not do this?" Danny almost felt like begging, "Or at least take a rain check for another day?"

"Ha!" Val's voice laughed out sarcastically from behind her suit, "Now why would I do that when I have you cornered!"

Danny glanced around him and noticed that Valerie did indeed have him trapped in an alleyway. Or at least would have had him trapped had he not had the ghost power to phase through solid objects, including brick walls.

He wasn't going to remind her of that though; God knows she would whip out some new weapon that would block his intangibility. Danny could have sworn that Technus had somehow rigged Val's suit to give her new upgrades systematically, just to make him as miserable as possible.

Valerie aimed her gun at him again, and Danny barely held back a curse. Why could the woman not be reasonable for once? Just once.

When the shot came at him he easily dodged it, and for a fleeting moment Danny wondered if Valerie was losing her touch; that was too easy to get away from. Or so he thought, because not even five seconds later the blast circled back towards him without him realizing it, and this time he didn't dodge it.

The blast caught him in the lower back, pitching him forward with a semi-surprised cry. Danny flew forward, hissing in pain at the burning sensation that engulfed his back.

That one was new.

"Like it?" the Red Huntress mocked, "It locks onto a ghost's ecto-signature and zeroes in on it like a homing missile."

With that Valerie leveled her weapon again and fired, this time continuously. Danny jumped back to his feet and took off into the air; he had a better chance of avoiding them there than on the ground. Even when they missed him the first time, they came right back at him. He managed to dodge one a second time while another crashed into his arm the second time around.

Damn! Danny cursed and grit his teeth.

That was it! Danny wasn't really in the mood to fight her, but now it seemed like he had no choice. As much as he'd rather get out of there, there was no way he was going to let her keep that gun. A gun that would hit him no matter what was bad news, and if he didn't get it away from her now it would come back to bite him in the ass next time Phantom and Red Huntress met.

Two more shots were flying towards him and he went intangible. Instead of hitting him, they passed right through and splattered on the wall behind him. He had to stop her before she shot again.

"Sorry Val," Danny muttered under his breath.

The green ecto-blast formed around his hand and with a jerk of his arm he sent it hurtling towards the gun Valerie held tightly in her hands. She didn't get out of the way fast enough, and the blast did catch the gun…and it exploded. Valerie's sled spun out of control and hurtled backwards. She crashed into the same wall that he had crashed into earlier, and went down.

"Crap!" Danny yelled out and flew down towards her.

Before she could hit the ground, Val's pulled her sled back in and landed on her feet. She gasped out in pain when she landed, but despite a few scorch marks on her suit, the explosion hadn't seemed to hurt her.

But of course, she took Danny flying down to help her as a sign of attack and raised her wrist towards him, the gun attached there already charging. He jerked to stop himself, knowing it was time that he got out of there. This was the perfect opportunity to make his exit.

His first move was to turn invisible and then take off once again. He moved in the direction of his house at top speed to put some distance between him and his opponent. He could here Val shouting out curses and threats at him as he escaped. Danny couldn't help but grimace.

When had Val gotten that creative?

"Good job Fenton," he groaned out loud as Fenton Works came into view, "way to go and give her another reason to hate you."

The only issue there was that blast he hit her with hadn't been that strong…had it? He hadn't meant it to be, but the gun had exploded. And since Valerie didn't use any cheap, easily breakable weapons, it meant that it had been him.

He sighed as he landed and transformed back into Danny Fenton.

He'd worry about that little mystery later because right now he was worrying about what punishment his parents were going to bestow on him for being late. Yet again.


"Mr. Fenton, I would appreciate it if you were to stay awake in my class for once."

Danny jerked awake at the sound of the voice. He looked up, blinking until his teacher came into clear focus. Mr. Lancer looked down at him in the usual annoyance and Danny did feel a little guilty.

As boring as Mr. Lancer's English class was, Danny figured it had to be a huge blow to the teacher's ego that he had been falling asleep in his class since freshmen year.

"Sorry Mr. Lancer," Danny apologized and waited for the order of detention.

Though it never came; instead the teacher made his way back to the front of the classroom. Maybe after three years of detention and no change in attitude or behaviour made him give up.

"Now class," Lancer began again, "as I was saying, the symbolism present in 'Old Man and the Sea'…"

A scrap of paper landed on his desk. Danny glanced over to see who had thrown it. One of his best friends, the techno geek Tucker, was looking at him with raised eyebrows. Danny and sighed and opened the note.

Dude, you look like crap. Where's Sam?

Danny winced as he glanced at the empty seat to the left of him, where his other best friend Sam should have been sitting.

He had run in ten minutes late (The Box Ghost had decided to be a nuisance on his way to school) and thus hadn't had a chance to talk to Tucker before class about the fight he and Sam had the night before. Or to ask advice on what he did wrong and how he could make her happy again.

He and Sam had been hanging out at her house with Danny trying to catch up on homework while Sam prepared for her newest protest, something about animal cruelty in the fast food industry. Danny made one small joke about how it was going to end up like the whole changing the menu incident from ninth grade and Sam freaked. she had screamed something about not taking her seriously and always trivializing everything that was important to her. In order to make sure he continued to be only half dead Danny had gotten out of there as soon as she started yelling.

Danny had faced down some of the most terrifying and strongest ghosts in existence, but he could honestly say he was much more scared of a furious Sam.

And since she wasn't here, Danny was assuming that she was still really, really pissed.

Skulker and Valerie all in a half an hour span. Sam and I had a fight. Tell you about it later.

Danny tossed the note back to his friend the moment Lancer's back was turned. Then he turned his attention to copying the notes being written on the board.

He hadn't even gotten the first word down when a shiver passed through his body. A moment later blue mist passed from his lips.

Fuck! Danny cursed angrily in his mind, I still haven't recovered from last night! I still have freaking second degree burns thanks to Val.

"Umm, Mr. Lancer," Danny spoke up suddenly, eyes darting around to see if the ghost was going to materialize in the classroom, "can I…"

"Use the washroom?" Lancer's voice was dry, "Of course Mr. Fenton. Why mess with tradition?"

There were snickers from his fellow students Danny had already leapt up and was dashing out of the room. The hallway he rushed out into was deserted by both humans and ghosts. He turned a corner, gave one last look around to see if anyone was there and then called out 'I'm goin' ghost!"

The white light gathered around his midsection and then traveled up and down his body. Once it was gone, so were the baggy blue jeans and blue t shirt above a long sleeved black shirt and was replaced by a black and white jumpsuit. Gone was Danny Fenton and left standing there was Phantom.

His ghost sense went off again and Danny heard a noise behind him. He whirled around, automatically falling into a fighting stance and gathering an ecto-blast in his hands. He was tense and ready for an attack, but all he got instead was a sarcastic, exasperated voice.

"Relax dipstick. I'm here to talk."


An- So there is my first chapter. I'm not totally a hundred percent sure of it. I think it's kind of shaky, so that's why I'm asking you to tell me what you think. Though please, if you won't be nice at least be polite. Give me praise or some constructive criticism, but please no flames. So that's all for now, and hopefully I'll see you next chapter! Peace, Love & Rainbows!