By Silver
I wish you could see
How much I love you
But you'll never know
You'll never find out
I'll keep it to myself
I'm afraid that if I tell you
That you would no longer
Talk to me at all
I fear the rejection
The pain all over again
I know if I lose you too
I'll break inside
Into a thousand pieces
Not that you would know
My grip would slip
I know you'd still hold on
You're strong, not weak
Like me, so pathetic
I'm not even worth your time
You shouldn't talk to me
I'm not good for you
You have no idea
How much blame is on my shoulders
It's my fault for almost everything
I should've just left it be
Never have told you
And your pleads fall on deaf ears
I will no longer stay
In a place that I have none
But don't morn or cry
Don't say false words
To make me stay
Or force yourself…
I'd rather have my heartbreak
A thousand times over
Than for you to be in misery
I would rather see you happy
And be in pain than see it switched
So go, be happy, I'll stay here
I'll go nowhere and stay in pain
I'll be in sorrow and misery
And maybe I'll finally end it
I don't need to stay anymore
And as much as this will hurt us both
I still want to say it
At least one time
"I love you"
Too bad nothing can change that
Not harsh words, cursing, nothing
And I think out of all the people
You would understand
How much one-sided love hurts
So this is my final farewell
To you