2 Years Later
The sun was bright and shined brightly down on the grass fields behind Diaspro's palace. She laid in the grass in a white sundress next to Robert, a friend she had made at a royal event and had been seeing for the past two years. On her other side, Storm sat in the grass playing.
"Look at him! He likes the daisy's!" Robert said as he picked up Storm.
Diaspro was thankful to have him in her life. As she decided to go public, she still did not want to betray Sky and have all that drama in her life. She stayed secret for a while but soon met Robert. At first she did not want to tell him about Storm because she was afraid of what his reaction would be. But, once they got closer, she realized he could be trusted and let him in on her secret.
Surprisingly, he was very accepting and even offered to let the press think that he was the father, if, of course, she wanted him to pretend and be her boyfriend. She gladly accepted and had a great two years with him so far.
Robert was kneeling on the ground tying Storm's shoelace when he suddenly turned around and put Storm right next to him so they were both facing Diaspro. He pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a gorgeous Diamond ring.
"I love spending time with you, and you are my best friend Diaspro. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else besides you. Will you marry me?"
Diaspro looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity in them.
"Of course I will!" Diaspro then hugged him and he put the ring on her finger. Diaspro was the happiest she had ever been.
Sky sat at his desk and nervously looked at the tabloid magazine that Brandon had just brought in. Brandon was the only person who knew about his child with Diaspro and keeping it a secret was starting to get harder. However, this tabloid stopped his suspicions.
"Mysterious man comes out as Storm's father?" Sky said aloud as he read the headline. He continued to read the article which speculated about Diaspro and Robert's relationship and if they were ever going to get married.
"Looks like you are in the clear pal!" Brandon said excitedly.
"I guess so…"Sky said, still baffled that he did not have to worry about the rumors anymore.
"I just can't believe that they believed it that quick. No one suspects me of it at all? I mean the dates don't exactly add up." Sky said after putting down the magazine. At that same moment Bloom had just walked into the room and heard what Sky had just said.
"Suspects you of what? I don't suppose you have been ordering hits on any enemies have you?" Bloom said jokingly. Brandon remained serious and Sky made a pathetic attempt to laugh with her. Bloom then saw the magazine on the table and picked it up.
"So they have finally figured out who Diaspro had a fling with have they? Well maybe they will finally stop putting her in all the articles and put is in them. I think we deserve it more than her at least." Bloom said. She still did not like Diaspro after Sky had told her about Diaspro trying to get him back by making a secret meeting with him.
"Those magazines only print scandalous things. Surely you do not want any scandal to be associated with us do you?" Sky asked.
"I guess not. I just think we are more famous than her and deserve more credit. But you're right. I am glad that nothing is scandalous about us, right honey?"
"Sure. Anyways, Brandon can you take this away? I don't care to read the rest of it." Sky said as he reached for the magazine. He did not finish the article but did not care to since he did not care about Diaspro's life anymore.
"Wait! I want to read it!" Bloom said as she snatched up the magazine before Sky could get it. She began to read through it. Finally, after she was done she put it down and did not say anything, she just stared at the tile.
"What's wrong Bloom?" Sky asked, unsure of her sudden silence.
"You were rumored to be the father, but now this new guy has cleared things up. I guess I just never considered the fact that you two would have had sex, I thought I was your first."
"Bloom, you were! Those are just stupid rumors, like I said before half of the stuff printed in those magazines aren't true."
"Yeah, you're right." Bloom said in a monotone voice. She then walked out of the room. Sky hoped that she would forget about this and go back to being herself soon.
"She cannot find out about Diaspro, it will ruin our entire marriage." Sky said to Brandon.
"Yeah, but why did you lie in the first place. Bloom is a pretty accepting person, she might have been okay with it if you had just told the truth in the first place." Brandon said.
"I did not want her to change her image of me, I want to be the perfect person for her."
"There is no such thing as a perfect person bro. That's just how life is." Brandon then walked out and Sky sat back down on his desk chair.
Later that night while Sky was in meetings with important political people from Eraklion, Bloom snuck out of the castle without him noticing and took a carriage over to Diaspro's. She wanted to confront Diaspro about all of these rumors once and for all.
It was easy enough to get past the guards considering that she was a royal herself, and it was even easier to find Diaspro's room because of the noises being made by a small child. Bloom crept up to the source of the noise and found the child sleeping in a small bed with guards on each side to prevent him from falling off the bed.
Bloom stared at him for a while and noticed how his nose looked exactly like Sky's did. She thought that maybe she was just imagining things but she looked again and it still looked like Sky's.
"What are you doing here?" A voice said from the doorway. Bloom looked behind her and saw Diaspro standing at the door.
"I need to find out the truth about this child and his parentage."
"And why do you need to know that?" Diaspro said as she began to walk into the room, closer to Storm.
"Don't play around with me just tell me the truth! You at least owe me that!" Bloom said, starting to get angry.
"How do I owe you anything? It is not my fault that Sky failed to tell you he was already taken. He is to blame here for cheating on me and being untruthful! In fact you are the one who should owe me Bloom. You put me through a lot of pain an misery."
"And you don't think you did the same to me?"
"It is completely different, I was engaged and pre-" Diaspro began to say before she realized that she did not want to tell Bloom the truth.
"What? What were you about to say? "
"Nothing, I was just really hurt."
"You were about to say you were pregnant!"
"I was not!"
"Tell me, you have to or, or… or else I am going to hurt him!" Bloom said as she conjured up a fireball in the palm of her hand and held it in Storms direction.
"No! Why would you hurt an innocent person? Leave him alone!"
"Then tell me the truth!" Bloom was fuming at this point. She was so angry that she did not notice that Diaspro was murmuring an enchantment that formed a shield around the child, who was still sleeping.
"If you have a problem with me, take it out with me, not him!" Diaspro said.
"Fine! Have it your way then. I hope you know that I am way stronger than you though." Bloom then transformed into her winx form and Diaspro did the same.
Bloom started firing energy balls at Diaspro and Diaspro kept shielding them.
"Is Sky the father or not!" Bloom yelled over her blasts. The fight had moved out into the main hall now and they were flying all over the hall.
"My life is none of your business!" Diaspro yelled as she sent an attack on Bloom.
"It is my business if you had sex with my man you bitch!" Bloom yelled. She sent a blast towards Diaspro that made her fall to the ground. She was so fed up with trying to protect Sky and did not care anymore if he got hurt.
"Fine! You want to know the truth?" She began as she slowly got up from the ground. "Yes, Storm is legitimately Sky's son! We had sex multiple times before you came into the picture!"
Bloom then sank to the ground and was shocked. Her attacks had stopped and she seemed stunned.
"Now can you please get out of my castle? You have caused enough damage here and in my life, I don't want to ever see you again. Oh, and don't tell anyone. I finally got it covered up so you and Sky don't have to worry about having a royal scandal in your perfect little castle." Diaspro said bitterly as she walked over to Bloom.
Bloom remained there and Diaspro finally had to call the guards to take her away and back to her castle.
"Bloom! Where have you been? And why do you look so exhausted?" Sky said as he rushed to the door where his palace guards escorted Bloom in.
Bloom was silent for a while, but then finally spoke up after the guards had left them.
"How could you…you have betrayed me again." Bloom said as she began to cry.
"What do you mean? I didn't do anything darling!"
"Don't call me that! I am not your darling! You have a child! You lied to me about being a virgin and about your entire relationship with Diaspro, I trusted you and you lied!" Bloom said through her sobs.
"Oh god, you were at Diaspro's?" Sky said in horror. This was his worst nightmare realized.
"Yeah, and she told me everything. You had sex multiple times? You know how I felt about that! I can't trust you anymore!" Bloom said. She was starting to get angry and could feel it making her more powerful.
"Bloom, I only did that to protect you, I did not want you to think less of me!" Sky said, pleading with her.
"It does not change the fact that you are that type of person, and that you are now a dirty rotten liar." Bloom said. She could not control her anger anymore and suddenly unleashed a great amount of energy that burst everywhere and knocked Sky out.
Bloom then sank to the ground and could not believe that her whole marriage was based on lies. She looked around and saw missing pieces of wall everywhere and then blacked out herself.
"Diaspro! Look at this! Bloom must have been super pissed after she visited you!" Diaspro's best friend said as she put a tabloid magazine down on the chest. Diaspro briefly glanced down on it and saw a picture of Sky's castle, which seemed like a bomb had gone off in the main hall.
"Wow, I guess so! I don't really care though, I have more important things to worry about today!" Diaspro looked into the mirror and watched her hairdresser as she curled her long blond hair. Today was her wedding day and she did not want anything to ruin it.
Of course Sky was going to be there since their kingdoms now had a treaty and it would be rude for him not to come, but she was not sure if Bloom was coming or not. Despite their presence, she was determined for today to be perfect.
Soon enough, she was standing at the doors of the patio, ready to walk into the garden. The doors opened and she looked down the long lane to see Robert. He looked handsome in his white tuxedo. The sky was bright blue and had a few clouds in it, and it was breezy yet still warm.
As she walked down the aisle on her father's arm, she felt complete with the perfect wedding she had always dreamed of with the perfect guy. Despite all of her troubles, she was happy with her life and would not change it for anything.
The End!
Sorry that this took so long to write! I hope that all the readers enjoyed this! Diaspro is one of my favorite characters and I have always wanted to do her justice and make her out to be the good person for once, as well as make Sky the bad one since I'm not a big fan of his! Anyways, reviews are appreciated, as long as they aren't telling me how I should write the story, especially since I am done writing this one!