A/N: This is my first fanfic ever...so please keep that in mind. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! ALL THE WORK OF STEPHENIE MEYER!!! ENJOYYY!!!


Everything was packed, and loaded into the car. This was it. I was leaving. I guess I should backtrack. My name is Isabella Swan, but I prefer Bella. I am seventeen years old. My parents got married at a young age and divorced shortly after I was born. My father, Charlie, stayed in Forks, while my mother, Renee took me with her to Phoenix. Renee just recently married Phil, the baseball guy, so I came to live with Charlie. Thus leaving my home in sunny Arizona to come live in this small, miserable town.

I had moved after my sophomore year in high school was over so I spent this past summer with my dad. Now, two months later I was moving to Massachusetts. Charlie had looked at Forks High School and from what my father and I saw, we decided against it. Even though he was sad to see me leave him once again, he had insisted on it. I shut the trunk of my black Audi Coupe and went up to the porch where Charlie was standing. I gave my dad a long hug and when we pulled back we both had tears in our eyes.

"Love you Bells," he said.

"I love you too Dad, and I'm really going to miss you," I replied. I hated crying, but I couldn't help it right now. I was going to miss him a whole lot. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and started heading towards my car. Just then a motorcycle pulled in the driveway. It was Jacob Black.

"Isabella Swan! Did you really think you could leave to go across the country without saying goodbye to me?!"

I jogged over to him through the constant rain and gave him a big hug. I was going to miss Jake too. He was my best friend. Our fathers were really close and after so many afternoons over my house, Jake and I had really gotten to know each other. We were both losing our best friends, but Jake was never anything but supportive. He was constantly easing my worries about making new friends and starting over. It felt like Jake and I had known each other for years instead of a few short months. I pulled away from our embrace to look up at Jake. I stood at about 5'5 and he was a good foot taller then me. I loved Jake like a brother and I was upset to leave him behind.

"Well Bells, I'm gonna miss this," Jake said.

"Me too Jake, me too," I could feel the new round of tears threatening to fall so I turned back to my car. Jake gave me a kiss on the cheek and then I climbed in.

"Call me when you get to the hotel," Charlie called.

I could only nod, because if I tried to say anything I knew I would crack and the traitor tears would spill over. I waved goodbye as I pulled out of the driveway. I went the speed limit until I hit the freeway. From there on out, I went a good 10mph over the speed limit; Something I never do. I wanted to get there now, just wanted to start my new life.


After a long ten hours on the road, I go to the hotel. Around 11:30 I called Charlie to tell him I made it safely to the hotel. I stayed one night and woke early in the morning. I checked out of the hotel and got back in my car to continue my drive. It was around 2pm and I was listening to Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls when I pulled into the campus of Mount Hope Academy.

I parked my Audi close to the main building and left my stuff in the car. I took my purse and walked into the main building. I looked around the common room. There was wooden desk straight ahead with two couches to my left and a table and chairs to my right. An old looking television hung on the wall. I tried my best not to trip on air as I usually do, as I walked up to the front desk, where a middle-aged woman with graying hair sat.

"Hello, my name is Isabella Swan," I said.

She looked at me and smiled, "Here you go Isabella," she said as she handed me a packet of papers with my name on it. "In here you will find your schedule, a map, dorm profile, and a room key," she continued.

"Thank you," I replied.

I turned on my heel and as I was walking out I saw a gorgeous bronze-haired boy walking by. He had a dark-haired girl on his arm. Then a blond skipped up to him and he started making out with her. I was completely disgusted so I kept on walking. I popped my trunk, and took out my suitcase and put my backpack on my back. My dorm was located in Smith Hall so I located it on my map. Luckily it was right behind the main building. I walked into the lobby and noticed that the décor was similar to the main office but it was more updated and homely.

My room was on the third floor so I went over to the elevator and pressed the up button. I was in room 305 so I made my way down the hall. I was about to open the door when it is was flung open to reveal a pixie like girl in front of me…