This story takes place a few years after Breaking dawn, so you shouldn't read this if you haven't read the book yet. Contains spoilers.

I'm not sure whether I'll write more chapters or not. It all depends on you. Please review and let me know what you all think.

Twilight isn't mine, it's the glorious Stephenie Meyer's.


I stood completely still, my eyes closed, listening to the lively music of the forest. A squirrel was chattering a few trees away, trying to scare off a curious little bird. Insects were buzzing everywhere, accompanied by the birds welcoming the spring with their energic songs. It was a very refreshing sensation to feel the forest coming to life again after the long winter.

After a few very long seconds I took a deep breath, smelling everything that surrounded me, and there it was; very feint and hard to distinguish from the other, stronger scents, but still It tempted me and made my throat tickle in anticipation. I opened my eyes at the same moment that my feet left the ground and I flew through the air toward my prey. The scent got stronger, as I swiftly closed the distance between me and the bear. Then suddenly I heard quick footsteps, and another scent hit me. It was Emmet, speeding up from about a hundred meters to my right. I quickened my pace, but he was gaining at me, running at full speed. The bear was close now. Its musky male scent caused my throat to burn of thirst. I spotted it, as it was eating some nasty smelling berries from a bush. I lounged for it, teeth exposed, dripping with venom. Then, suddenly out of nowhere Emmet hurled himself over the bear, causing both of them to tumble at least ten yards back. I let out a snarl as I gracefully landed where the bear had been less than a second earlier.

"Damn you Emmet!" I cursed. "You knew I was going for that one."

"Off course I did and that's why I decided to pick it as my first catch of the day."

Emmet looked really pleased with himself as he took a firm grip of the beast's head and snapped its neck.

"You'll just have to accept that I'm always going to be the strongest vampire around here, little sister." Emmet's taunting smile got even bigger as he saw my angry expression.

"Don't think you'll get away with this unpunished", I spat out through my clenched teeth before I turned around and sped away. A roaring laughter rang through the woods behind me. I snorted loudly and then tried to empty my mind and refocus on the hunt. After a few minutes I caught a scent even more tempting than the bear; mountain lions. I headed straight for them, as fast as I could. It was a mother and her two young ones. The grown lion was on her guard and sensed me coming. She gave a warning growl as she stood protectively in front of her young. For a split of a second I pitied her, I knew how she must feel. I had been in her situation myself…

That disturbing thought caused me to slow my pace a little, but I braced myself and threw myself over her and snapped her neck with my teeth. Then I quickly killed the small ones too. The younger beasts always tasted better then the older. Their blood was much sweeter. As I finished my meal I remembered the first time I had killed a young mountain lion and the guilt I had felt afterwards. Emmet had off course laughed at my pathetic behavior. My brow creased at the thought of him. Oh he was soo gonna pay for stealing that bear.

Since I hadn't been that thirsty to begin with, the three mountain lions were enough, so I headed back to find Alice and Edward. I found Alice very quickly, or well she actually found me.

"Edward is just about to finish his Elk and Emmet will catch one more bear before he's done", she exclaimed in her sweet voice, clinging like a bell.

I sighed and jumped up to sit on a tree branch. We didn't have to wait long for Edward to come. He smiled as he spotted me in the tree, showing his perfect white teeth. They were even whiter than his shirt that, as usual, looked just as perfectly clean and in order as it did when he had put it on. I looked down to see several holes and bloodstains on my designer dress that Alice had bought me. When she noticed where I was looking she just sadly shook her head and sighed.

A light vibration in the tree told me that Edward had landed just beside me on the branch. I looked up to see his beautiful golden eyes looking back at me. My breathing quickened as I was completely dazzled by his presence. I followed the line of his jaw with my fingertips. Then his lips crushed down on mine and he kissed me passionately. It felt as if jolts of electricity went through my whole body. I completely forgot everything except his soft lips and smooth skin that intoxicated me so. I intensified the kiss and pulled him closer as I leaned backwards.

"Bella, watch yourself!" Alice shouted.

My eyes shot open and it took me just about a sixteenth of a second to remember where I was. Then I realized I was leaning out from the branch and was going to fall off, with Edward on top of me. I let out a little squeaking sound, but before I could react more, Edward had already caught me and held the tree trunk in a firm grip.

"Oops", was all I could say, a little embarrassed by my clumsiness.

Edward just laughed and his beautiful voice sent butterflies down my stomach.

"Bella, Bella, Bella. What am I going to do with you?" he said smiling. Then he gave me a soft kiss on my brow.

"So it wasn't enough for the lovebirds to wreck down half the house last night?" Emmet's teasing voice came from under the tree. My mood sank at once. I had been so wrapped up in the kiss I hadn't even noticed him coming. I shot him a sour glance. He just smiled back innocently.

"You will pay for earlier, Emmet" I said in a harsh tone.

Edward made a face as he read his brother's mind.

"That wasn't very nice of you, Emmet", he said and then looked at me.

"Do you want me to kick his ass, love?" He smiled sweetly at me.

"No, that won't be necessary. I'll come up with something."

Then Alice sniggered.

"Oh I sure like that idea, Bella", she said with a crooked smile on her lips.

"What idea?" I said confused.

"Oh, you'll come up with it later", she assured me.