Black Lagoon Season 3, Episode 1: The Only Way to go…is down

[Opening theme Red Fraction by MELL]

Title: The only way to go… is down

[Opening Scene]

"Donny get that fucking plane started, we've got company" yelled Chriton.

The cargo plane they came in was a piece of shit. An old C-130 Hercules; it didn't even have turbine engines just regular old propellers. A group of militia men wearing ski masks and carrying RPG's and Ak-47's rushed towards the plane. Following them were several jeeps armed with machine guns.

"You said we weren't going to have to go through this again Chriton. You told me everything will be fine. Trust me he says. What a load shit!" mouthed off Talia.

Her thick Russian accent slurred the words together but Chriton knew what she said. She sat there loading her customized AK-101. Bullets zipped and whined past their head as the loading dock doors closed up. The bullets ricocheted off the interior of the plane hitting the wooden crates filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars they just received. The planes engine light flickered and finally turned on. The propellers started slowly spinning as if it was waking from a long sleep. The hum of the engines made the cargo bay unbearable place to be but with the crates taking up the room they had nowhere else to hunker down in. Talia opened the gun ports that were placed on the bottom of the bay doors and fired out. Hercules rolled down the runway picking up speed putting distance between them and the Serbians. The plane finally took flight like the mighty spruce goose did. People always thought Chriton was an idiot for picking this plane but he simply told everyone "this plane has history to it. It may be bulky and fly like shit compared to the other cargo planes out there but this baby will put fear in the hearts of any men."

"Archer; where the fuck we headed too?" Chriton asked.

"Well OH fearless commander, since we can't go back home because ATF, CIA and any other acronym name that resides in the states is looking for us home is out of the question. We can't head to South America because you fucking broke the contract with the Columbian Mafia, and pretty much all of Europe is out of the question. The only place I can think of is this small spot in Thailand. It's a rough town but it will suit our needs and I think if we set up shop there we can make a pretty penny off the people there." Archer said as he placed his finger on the map.

"Roanapur, Thailand?"

"Yes sir, the shit holes of all shit holes. Where the scum of this planet decide to do business at; this place is a gold mine and for an arms entrepreneurship such as ourselves. We would do best there"

"Whatever you say Archer." Chriton said waving his hand in the air as he headed back down to the loading bay "you're the navigator I trust your judgment. Just make sure to tell the boys on the Phoenix the coordinates."

The plane banked left and headed towards Asia. Chriton wasn't sure of the situation he was in was a good spot to be in but he trusted his team and if he didn't trust them he would've shot them years ago.

[Roanapur, Thailand]

[Camera closes in from bird's eye view of the warehouse by the docks where the Lagoon Company resides]

Rock passed by Revy's room and proceeded down the hallway to the bathroom for a shave and shower. Benny was downstairs making the final preparations for the supply order for the Rip off Church and Dutch is sitting at the table drinking a Heineken and eating some over done scrambled eggs; just another day at the Lagoon Company. Business has been slow for the past two weeks for Dutch and his crew. After the big take down of the Japanese mafia where Rock and Revy were doing business in, it hasn't been booming as much. Hotel Moscow has been conducting operations around town but nothing that needed the help of Lagoon Company. The Triad was busy bulking up security around their new office 2 miles away from where their old office was and the rest of the scum were just drinking waiting for jobs to come in. They had no idea that a hornets nest was about to explode in their neck of the woods.

The next day around 12:38pm the phone rang. Dutch kicked the phone off the hook with his heel and it landed in his hand.

"Lagoon Company, whattaya need?" He answered.

"Dutch, hello this is Balalaika. I have a job for you that has your name written all over it. Bring your full crew to my office in half an hour"

"You got it" Dutch hung up the phone and threw on his vest.

He told Benny to get his shit together and hurried Rock to wake up Revy. Rock woke Revy up and they got dressed and headed out the door within 15 minutes. They drove though the city wondering what the job was. Usually Balalaika told them over the phone and rarely asked them to come to the office. Dutch knew it had to be something big. Rock stared out the window observing the city bustle around him. They arrived at her office and proceeded upstairs. They entered the office and there stood Balalaika and Mr. Chang from the Triad.

"Dutch so good of you to show up" Mr. Chang said.

"What's the job? I know it has to be a big one for you to call us over here" Dutch said.

"Yeah Sis, this fucking job better be a good one. I haven't shot anyone in 2 weeks and I'm getting fucking annoyed here" Revy said as she crossed her arms.

"Well Dutch it's not really but I have a hunch that something is going to happen. I only feel safe that my equipment is being handled by someone I can trust" answered Balalaika. "I want you to go to the Rip off church and bring in a shipment of weapons I ordered. It's a big shipment so I'll be sending a few of my men with you too."

"You're kidding right?" Dutch eyebrow rose up.

"No, no I'm not. See a new player came into town this morning and I have a feeling that this person will try to do something to my shipment. Don't ask why just call it a hunch of mine."

Revy leaned up against the door while Rock stood perfectly still. Benny just looked at Dutch waiting for him to say no but no words came out of his mouth.

"Don't worry Dutch you shall be well paid for this."

"Alright, you got yourself a deal"

Revy's mouth hung open and they left the room and headed back down to the car. Revy was just staring at Dutch as they drove to the Rip off Church. They were followed by two flat bed trucks and a black Land Rover. Dutch made a right and headed back to the warehouse; the flatbeds kept going towards the church.

"Dutch are we seriously fucking doing this? We aren't errand boys, we don't fucking do this shit. Ugh! I can't believe we're doing this" Revy moaned out in agony followed by a long drawn out sigh.

Dutch just stayed quiet.

"Revy, I think this will be something different; though I too have a bad feeling about this. Did you see Ms. Balalaika's face when she said she had a bad feeling something was going to happen? This women has been through a lot and seen a lot and for her to get a bad feeling about this say's a lot" Rock said.

"No one asked you rook!" Snapped Revy

They arrived back at the warehouse and immediately headed to the Lagoon. Dutch started her up and Benny hopped on the radio. Revy stayed outside with Rock as the Lagoon pulled out from the docks and sped to the Church. The Lagoon soared through the water. Dutch was really pushing it just to get to the Church. Mean while back the Hotel Moscow's office.

"Chang did you see who it was that arrived this morning on the plane?" asked Balalaika.

"Yeah I did, my men found out a shit load of information on this guy. His name is Chriton, born in Denver, Colorado. His family was gunned down by armed robber's blah blah blah sad story there" he said.

"Yes yes just get to the important things."

"Ok, he's wanted by several agencies throughout the world. Considered to by highly dangerous; he's ex military like you. He's an arms dealer that has psychotic tendencies and is extremely smart. Oh right, says that in the last report given about him the he and his team of 3 ambushed a navy seal and SAS group on a night raid sent to capture him. He captured them and tortured them for information then executed them." He scratched his chin as he flipped through the dossier.

Balalaika just sat in her chair with her hand holding her face. She glanced at the phone and looked away then glanced back at it. She picked it up and dialed her Lieutenant. He answered; she calmly spoke in Russian ordering the Lieutenant to proceed to the abandon airfield west of the docks with a platoon of her men. She said she'd meet them there.

"Chang get yourself and about 20 of your men over to the Rip off church and provide over watch for the shipment. This is job is going to get bad in awhile. We need to get rid of this guy." Her eyes were slightly shaking. "GO!"

Chang rushed out of the office knowing full well that if Balalaika was nervous he should be nervous too. He got on his phone and told his men everything. They piled into their trucks and headed to the church. The flatbeds arrived at the church. Eda was waiting outside with Ricky and trucks full of crates. The Lagoon arrived moments later. They pulled up to the newly made docks down the hill of the church; made specifically for water shipments. Revy tied the boat down and got off with rock. Benny stayed on the boat while Dutch went topside with the others. There was nothing wrong everything was proceeding to plan. Eda looked at Revy and Rock and smiled and Revy. Her grin was misplaced and Revy was feeling embarrassed. Rock didn't notice anything and went over the shipping documents with Dutch. Eda strolled over to Revy.

"Sailor boy is looking good Revy, still haven't done anything have you?" Eda asked as she poked her head over Revy's shoulder.

"It would be best if you stayed out of my personal business bitch!" she whispered.

"Touchy today aren't we? No bother here but maybe he's not into you that way Revy. I can see him leaning towards a woman that's into religion." Eda snickered.

"Unless you want an asshole in your forehead you better shut the fuck up"

"Ok, ok Revy but green isn't a good color on you"

The crates were slowly placed onto the flatbeds and the Lagoon. The heat that was beating down on the men was slowing their pace. Dutch and Rock decided to give them a hand while Revy and Eda argued amongst themselves. As all of them were preoccupied in the corner of their eye they saw a figure come out of the jungle. The man had dark black hair slicked back with a pair of thin black sunglasses on. He had a black tactical vest on with camouflage pants and steel toed boots. He looked like as if he was ready for a battle. He carried double colt 45's and a M14 rifle with scope slung over his back. Revy could see this guy had killer written all over his face yet she was drawn towards him for some reason. Eda was taken back by the male. She unclipped her pistol restraint waiting for him to pull his weapon but he didn't. He walked past Dutch and Rock and just stood in the middle of everything just taking in the scenery.

"Hey asshole, mass is over why don't you go back home before you get hurt" Eda shouted.

He turned his head towards Eda and cocked it diagonally as if he didn't know what she was talking about.

"Are you the person I should speak to place an order?" He asked.

"Now isn't a good time come back in a few days and we can handle your order" Eda replied.

"Well that just won't due because in a few days you and this church won't be around let alone exist" he answered.

"What did you say?"

He walked closer to Revy and circled her like a shark circles its prey before the kill. She had her Cutlass out already in hand gripping the gun firmly, waiting. Eda had her pistol out already aimed at the man's head.

"I haven't seen a woman look this good in a long time. A woman like you is a rare breed. Something not just any man can handle." He said as he rubbed his mouth eyeing her like a piece of meat. She turned and held the gun to his head with her eyes locked onto his eyes.

"I wouldn't get fucking closer unless you want to experience what life after death is like" Revy said.

"Oh you're a feisty one. My name is Chriton and what's your name?"

Ricky came up behind Chriton and held a shotgun to his back ready to pull the trigger.

"Sister, should I prep a casket for this guy?"

"Listen Chriton I suggest you leave now with your life because if you don't you won't have a fucking life" Eda said firmly.

"Alright then, I can see I made you mad. I shall take my leave then, but not until I get a name from this lady."

"Lagoon Company" a low voice said behind Chriton "and it'd be best not to make threats to someone who will kill you with no hesitation next time"

Chriton turned around to only see Dutch standing tall. Dutch's glasses reflected the sun back on to Chriton's glasses. Chriton nodded and told them he'd keep that name in mind and that he'd be seeing them very soon. Chriton backed up slowly and turned and walked back into the jungle.

The men were all finished loading the crates onto Lagoon and the flatbeds. Dutch, Revy and Rock walked down the hill and back onto Lagoon. It was mid afternoon almost 6pm and the loading had taken longer than expected because of the heat. Benny was sleeping on the Lagoon before Dutch woke him up. Revy and Rock stayed topside as the Lagoon floated out from the Rip off Church's dock, the motor on the boat wouldn't start. Dutch tried it again but all it did was make a sputtering sound.

"Shit." Dutch said as he sighed.

He got up from the chair and climbed on down to the engine room. Topside Rock started to ask Revy about the mysterious male.

"Hey Revy what did that guy say to you?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Nothing? He must've said something because you were ready to kill him on the spot" rock said.

"Why does it matter to you what he said? Are you jealous that another man is talking to me?" she said jokingly.

"Forget I mentioned it" Rock said as he looked the other way.

Revy slightly smiled and pulled out a cigarette and started smoking. "Why the fuck aren't we moving god dammit?" Revy shouted. She got up and went to the back of the boat and looked down the engine room and started talking to Dutch. Rock peered out to the horizon to only see several black figures moving in fast towards the Lagoon.

"REVY! We've got company." He yelled.

She looked up at Rock and looked to the horizon where he was pointing. She ran to the main cabin and picked up some binoculars and ran back outside. She got up on the crow's nest and looked out to see 10 men armed with sub machine guns riding skidoo's towards them.

"Dutch hurry the fuck up because in about 5 minutes we're going to be shitting bullets!"

Dutch hurried with fixing the engine. Turns out the engine was sabotaged somehow. He quickly fixed it and ran back to the main cabin and flicked on the ignition and started it up. The Lagoon came back to life. Dutch popped it in reverse and shot out from the docks. The men on the skidoo were closing in. Rock went below deck as Revy went back up topside with her pistols in hand.

The flatbeds followed Mr. Chang as he escorted the trucks back personally to Hotel Moscow. Following the flatbed were several suburban trucks loaded with Chang's personal guard.

"I can't believe Balalaika got scared over nothing. It's been 5hrs and nothing happened, whatever had her spooked was pretty much nothing" Chang said to the one of his fellow guards.

They drew closer to Hotel Moscow but something was different about Roanapur at the moment. There was no one on the streets; it was a complete ghost town.

"Fuck me" he said, and then it happened.

An explosion blew Chang's car off the road and into another building. The flatbeds came to a screeching halt. On rooftops of the buildings troops began firing down onto the convoy of flatbeds. Chang crawled out of his car and stumbled outside finding cover behind one of the flatbeds. From both sides of the street the convoy was taking fire. An RPG came rocketing down from the building and careening into a black suburban. The truck exploded into fiery fragments of flaming sheet metal the men behind it flew back into the wall. He called Balalaika and told her that the convoy was under fire. She told him and his men to forget about the convoy and just get back to Hotel Moscow. She was taking fire too from an ambush at the abandon airfield. They agreed on retreating back to the office to reform a new strategy. All hell has broken loose all because the appearance of one man, a man named Chriton.

[Ending credits, EDISON- Don't look behind]

[End of episode 1, season 3]

[Next episode of Black Lagoon].

Mr. Chang and Balalaika are sustaining multiple deaths due to 2 ambushes planned by a new comer to Roanapur. The arms dealer named only by Chriton; him and his crew has put Hotel Moscow and the Triad in a tight spot. Meanwhile Lagoon and company are being pursued by armed gunmen riding skidoo's. What can they be after? Is it the cargo or their lives?

[Next episode 2 of Black Lagoon: A date with destruction]