Hey there readers. I'm glad they put a place for Monster Buster Club. Ain't it the best show ever?? Anyways here's chapter 1 of Alien Prom Night!


"Cathy, you go with Danny and try to find the alien. Chris and I will check out this goop that the alien left here for us," said Sam. "Everyone meet back at the school."

"Alright. Come one Cathy. Let's bust this thing," said Danny. And off they went, looking for the alien.

"The alien's around here somewhere," said Cathy.

"Yeah. The scanner's gone bizerk," said Danny. They were in an old chocolate factory of Singletown.

"Whoa. This place is deserted," said Cathy looking at the strange machines. "I wonder what-"

"Cathy, duck!" yelled Danny.

"Huh?" Cathy turned around and saw the alien. She ducked just in time as Danny fired the blaster.

"Darn it, I missed," said Danny.

"Hiiieeeya!!" yelled Cathy jumping up and trying to land a kick on the monster, The monster grabbed her leg and swung her around throwing her against the wall.

"Ahh, Oomph!!" yelled Cathy as she hit the wall.

"CATHY!! Oh you're so gonna pay for that alien dude!" yelled Danny. Danny continued firing shots at the alien, missing each shot. "Hold still." Finally Danny landed a shot at the alien's back. The alien turned around and glared at Danny.

"Uh oh,"

"Arrggh!!" yelled the alien.

"Ahh!!" The monster chased Danny, sending shots at him as well.

"Leave him alone!" yelled Cathy firing shots at it from the side.


"Danny, get the vacuvator!"

"I'm on it!"

"Arrggh!!" The alien slapped the blaster out of Danny's hands and ran out of the factory.

"It's getting away!"

"After it!"

Danny and Cathy chased the alien out of the factory and stopped at the park.

"It's gone," said Cathy breathing heavily.

"Let's go back and see what Chris and Sam found out about the goop," said Danny who was also breathing heavily.


"Did you get the stuff?"

"No. Those pesky kids got in the way,"

"Oh No,"

"What do we do now boss?"

"Just wait. It's all in due time"


So what ya think? I'd really appreciate it if you review. Criticisms are welcomed. Advice needed. Chapter 2 coming up!!