A/N: Sorry about the delay. I came down with a huge cold (still have it) and then my computer got sick as well with a virus and had to be reformatted (ooo yay...) However here is the last and final chapter to Becoming Hermione. I apologize ahead of time for any weirdness in the last section. I wrote this while under the influence of cold medicine, and I was slurring words together horribly.
There are a few final notes to give to you all before you go reading, so here they are.
1. This is the last story I'll be writing (for a while at least). I'm tired of writing with the pressure that I have to post something, so I'm going to start writing the whole story then posting it.
2. I have about 15 story ideas floating in my head and I would like your guys' input on which one you would prefer first and the like. I'm not sure if I can just post a temporary "story" with the descriptions of each (if you could let me know, that'd be great). But for now, look at the end of this chapter for the titles and pairings of some of them.
Okay, that's it. Enjoy!
One Year later…
One morning at WWW, George was opening up shop, probably much earlier than he needed to. The sun was just rising and the shop had a slight chill, but nothing could wipe the smile off of George's face. Last night he had proposed to Sophia and she had said yes.
A year ago, he wouldn't have believed it if anyone had told him he'd fall for the shy, yet determined, little witch. Yet it had happened.
Sophia came from a well-bred, rich family. The Wilcox family was known for being very powerful. When George had learned of her wealth, he had thought she was just using him for some sick joke, but after three months of constantly showing up to help him work, he had finally given her a job. And, needless to say, she had worn him down. However when her parents found out she was dating a "lowlife Weasley," as they had called him, they had told her to choose between her family or George. She had chosen George.
George offered her to live with him in his newly remodeled apartment above the shop. They'd been living together since then.
George was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a scratching on the front door. Used to the sound, George opened the door to let Tarak in from the chilly morning. "Good morning, Tarak. What are you doing here so early?"
Tarak curled up into a ball behind the counter, where there was a large dog-bed set up. Over the past months it was more and more common to find the large wolf at the WWW. He usually stayed behind the counter as to not scare the customers. Heaving a sigh, Tarak stared up at his friend. 'Tarak tired from all the mating. Pup and Kitten always mating. Mutt and She-flower always mating. Tarak tired of it.'
George laughed, despite the blush on his ears of the unwanted information. "Tarak, Old Boy, you just need to find a mate of your own."
Tarak's top lip curled back in disgust. 'Ginger find she-wolf not stupid and Tarak think about it.'
"You're sure picky, Old Boy," George said.
'Ginger older than Tarak,' he said with a snort. He lifted his head and sniffed. He sneezed at what he smelled. 'Now where Tarak go?'
"What are you talking about?" George asked.
'Everyone always mate, now Ginger mate with girl-child.'
George blushed deeply. "Okay, one, Sophia isn't a child and two, be quiet. She's still asleep upstairs."
Hermione heard a loud crash followed by a stream of childish giggles. She quickly turned to see Gabriel, a small, smiling, pudgy child covered in food as he kicked his legs for attention. She flicked her wand to be rid of the mess. "Not hungry, I'm guessing?" she asked him. She picked him up and cuddled him close to her chest. "How's my big handsome boy?"
Gabriel giggled.
"You are a big handsome boy?" she asked.
Gabriel smiled and nodded.
"Yes you are," she crooned and kissed the crown of his golden curls. "You're such a good cub." The blond curls had definitely been a surprise, yet a pleasant one. Everyone had thought he would take after his Daddy.
Hermione heard the floo activate and saw Ron come through the fireplace. Not two seconds later, Remus came through as well. "Look, Gabe. Daddy's here!"
Gabriel let out a squeal and lurched towards Ron.
"Uff!" Ron grunted. "You're getting to be so big! I swear you weren't this heavy when I dropped you off this morning. What's Aunt Hermione been feeding you?" he teased.
Remus moved around father and son to kiss his wife hello. "Love you," he whispered.
Hermione kept her face tilted up to his and gave him a warm smile. "Love you," she said just as softly.
"Thanks for watching him, Hermione. I know he's getting to be a hassle," Ron said as he kept Gabriel from pulling his too-long hair. "Luna's just been so tired with this pregnancy; I thought to give her a small break."
"No worries, Ron. You know I love watching all the cubs," Hermione said.
"I know. You two should think of having your own cubs soon," Ron winked. "Say good-bye, Gabe."
"Uye!" Gabe grunted, oblivious as to why his aunt and uncle were as red as tomatoes.
As soon as Ron and Gabe had left, Hermione busied herself in the kitchen to clean up any sign of Gabriel's visit. In their year of marriage, neither Remus nor she had brought up the idea of having children, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to have the conversation yet.
Remus forgot his embarrassment when Hermione started fidgeting around the kitchen. "You know, its times like these when you seem to forget you're a witch." He pulled out his wand and a short flick later, the entire cottage was clean.
Hermione jumped at the sudden magic, but shook herself out of her nervousness. Gryffindor bravery, Hermione, she pep-talked herself. "Where've you been all day?" she asked calmly.
Remus smirked and slowly stalked towards her. One of his favorite games since getting married was prey and predator. "Sirius and Rosie's."
"Oh?" She asked as she moved across the kitchen and further away from her husband. She started shuffling things around in preparation for dinner. "How are they doing?"
Remus moved a little closer. "Expecting."
"Expecting what?" she asked absentmindedly.
"A cub," he said with a smile.
"Really?" Hermione laughed. "What happened to Sirius saying he never wanted cubs?"
Remus shrugged, even though she couldn't see him. "What can you say? Us old men are starting to feel the pressure," he said as he moved right behind her.
Hermione gasped, "You're not old—Oh!" she jumped when she realized Remus was standing right behind her.
Remus pinned her to the counter by placing his hands on the surface on either side of her. "I know you haven't wanted to talk about it, but Moony and I have both been feeling it coming," he said.
"Feel what?" she asked hesitantly.
"The mating moon. The next moon is the mating moon," he said again slowly.
"Oh," Hermione's brow furrowed and she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth in thought.
Remus groaned and quickly swooped down to transfer her bottom lip between his own teeth. A few very thorough minutes later he released her lips. "I said to stop doing that. It's too distracting…very tempting," he said hoarsely as his eyes locked with her now swelled lips.
"Remus," Hermione said, pushing on his chest, "what does that mean? What's going to happen because of the mating moon?"
Remus forced his eyes up to Hermione's. "It means that I'll be feeling the urge to mate." Hermione's eyebrows rose in question. "I mean more than usual. If you were a werewolf, you'd go into," he paused and turned slightly pink, "heat. Luckily you aren't, because I wouldn't be able to stop myself."
"You can't stop yourself now," Hermione said cheekily.
"Hermione, be serious, please." When Hermione opened her mouth, he said, "And don't make that into a joke about Sirius." He closed his eyes for patience. "If you were in heat, I'd be able to smell it and I wouldn't be able to stop myself from impregnating you. Despite that, I'm still going crazy with the urge to mate."
Hermione looked up at him. "So where does this leave us? Do you want to have cubs?" she asked.
Remus nodded. "When I was younger I thought I'd never have any, but after doing some research I found out I can't pass my lycanthropy on to any children. Moony's confirmed this as well."
"Are you ready for cubs?" she asked.
Remus' eyes sparkled. "Yes. I want to have children with you. I want to fill this house with cubs," he said. "What about you?"
Hermione's eyes darted to the side. "I always figured I'd have kids someday, but it seems strange to be talking about it."
"Is it because of your job?" he asked.
Since she regained her memory a year ago, she'd been working hard as an apprentice at St. Mungos, however she didn't want to just focus on the treatment for humans. She also wanted to treat all races, even animals. She now was a part-time healer at St. Mungos, but a majority of her time is spent at a small hospital in Diagon Alley where she offers treatment to all.
"No," Hermione answered. "If anything, right now is the perfect time to consider cubs." She thought of all the times she babysat for her friends—her family. Little Lily Potter and her little brother, James; Gabriel Weasley, Ginny and Neville's pack of cubs. Those were some of her best memories, but that was much different than having your own. Hermione looked back up to Remus. She could the children she had with Remus. Their sons would have his same sandy-brown hair with dark-brown eyes that always held a glint of mischief.
"Alright," she said without realizing it.
Remus stared at her. "Really? You're ready?" he asked.
Hermione nodded. "I want to mother your cubs."
Remus smiled and barbarically lifted Hermione over his shoulder.
"Remus!" Hermione squealed. "What are you doing?"
Without stopping Remus answered, "You said you were ready for cubs."
"Yes, but it isn't the time for the moon yet," she said.
Remus chuckled. "You don't expect me to impregnate you on the full moon, do you?"
Hermione blushed bright red, realizing what that would entail.
"Don't worry, Mate. If you're pregnant by the full moon, Moony won't touch you," Remus said.
As he shut their bedroom door behind them, Hermione did some quick calculation. They'd be seeing a lot of their bedroom in the next couple weeks.
One more year later…
Kingsley greeted the nurse at the reception desk as he made his way through the Mental Ward at St. Mungos. "How is she today?" he asked.
"Same as usual. Go on back," the nurse said with a sad smile.
"Thanks," he said with the same sad smile. He made his way back through a now familiar route to one of the private rooms. Inside a silent little witch sat in front of an enchanted window looking at a nature scene. He stepped closer and set the small bouquet of flowers in front of her. "Good morning, Dora," he said as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Tonks looked up to him, but her gaze remained slightly distant. She smiled, "Good morning."
He pulled up a chair next to hers, taking in her appearance. Her hair was her natural mousy-brown hair was a lot longer than before. It reached past her boney shoulders, which showed her malnourishment even through the sickly-gray patient gown. "How have you been?" he asked.
Tonks frowned. "They won't let me go to work. They won't let me go home. Can you help me tell them to let me go?"
"You know you're here for a good reason," Kingsley said.
Tonks only 'harrumphed' and looked back out the window. Her voice suddenly became wispy and saddened. "How is everyone?"
"Good," Kingsley said. It was good that she was questioning about the others. "Harry and Hannah have another son. They say three is enough for them. Lily is starting magical preschool this year and James and baby Connor are a handful. You know your cousin had a baby recently, too. Rosie wanted to name him Sirius Jr. or Regulus, but Sirius said he wanted to start fresh with a name outside the Black family. So he named him John Thornton, Thornton after the thorn of his mother's name, and John after Remus."
"Remus," Tonks said softly as tears formed in her eyes.
Kingsley bit his cheek at his slip. He hadn't wanted to bring him up. "He and Hermione are doing well. They're looking for a new place since Hermione's pregnant again."
Tonks continued to cry silently.
"The spare room was tight as it was with the triplets, so they thought to get a bigger place. Apparently there's a big chance of multiples because of Remus' condition. Hermione's expecting twins this time. She calls them her litters."
"What are their names?" Tonks asked.
"Their names. Their triplets' names."
"Apollo is the oldest, then Elena, then Fabian. Apollo looks just like his dad and is the most independent of the three. Elena has Hermione's smarts. She's already walking and talking. Fabian is the quiet one."
Both were quiet for a time, just the quiet sounds of Tonks' tears filled the room. "Thank you Remus," Tonks said after a time. "For coming here all the time and talking to me."
Kingsley slid off his chair to kneel beside her. "I come here because I want to," he said. "I miss seeing you every day; hearing you laugh."
"Kingsley," Tonks said questionably.
"Excuse me, Mr. Shacklebolt," a nurse said from the door. "It's time to leave now."
Kingsley nodded to the woman before looking back at a confused Tonks. He grasped her hands in his and kissed the backs of them. "I'll be back again tomorrow."
"Wait," Tonks said as he rose to his feet. "Kingsley, wait! What does that mean?" she asked.
Kingsley stopped at the door. "It means I wish that you'd move on with your life."
"I-I don't know if I can do that," she said.
Kingsley nodded slowly. "That's for you to decide," he said before backing out of the door, leaving Tonks with a whole new set of thoughts swirling in her head.
A/N: I know some of you are not going to like this ending, but I wasn't sure how to leave things with Tonks. So some of you can believe she stays insane and the others can believe that she moves on with her life with Kingsley or whatever.
Thanks for all of your guys' support over the years! I hope you'll keep me in mind as I continue writing and posting (just with a lot bigger gaps)
Seven 'Wives' for Seven Weasleys (Bill/Hermione) --This one WILL be first; sorry for the wait!
Life of Loneliness (Draco/Hermione)
Mail Order Bride (Severus/Hermione)
For the Good of All (Peter-ish/Hermione) --Don't be grossed out, there is a twist to this one, and she doesn't really end up with Peter
Un-named time-travel (Remus/Hermione or Severus/Hermione)
A Werewolf's Bride (Fenrir/Hermione)
The Dutchess (Severus/Hermione) -- Yes, off of the movie
Through the Ashes (Harry/Hermione)
Temptations of a Gypsy (Severus/Hermione) -- Got the idea off of Hunchback of Notre Dame--Disney version! :)
Witch and the Werewolf (Remus/Hermione) --Yes, another beauty and the beast
??Geisha?? (Harry/Hermione) --I'm looking at something based off the story Memoirs of a Geisha, but with HP characters... I'm still working out details
Snape's Daughter (Oliver/OC) --Look! Hermione's not in this one! lol
So there's a brief look. There are a couple other ones that aren't ready to be talked about yet, but these are the ones I'm looking at.
As always,
Hope all is well! :) Forever!