The Twelve Days of Christmas

Day three: Pudding

Nellie Lovett hummed to herself as she mixed the raisins, currents, nuts, cherries and other ingredients thoroughly. Her family had always had a large Christmas pudding for desert Christmas day and with the money coming in from all around at the moment, what with the customers that were made into pies (waste not want not and all that) the customers that bought the pies, and the occasional customer Mr Todd let by.

'They've become more common now that I think about it… Maybe it's the spirit of the season getting to him…' Nellie thought, grabbing another bowl and whisking the eggs, port and brandy, before tipping it over the dry ingredients and mixing it together.

But the bottom line of it was, Nellie Lovett had always had a family dessert.

And now that she had a family again, well.

She wasn't going to let it go to waste.

Sweeney had been shaving a customer when he first smelt it. It was a soft fragrance, wafting up from the kitchen below, spicy and sweet rolled into one.

The day long absence of Mrs Lovett was explained as he recognized what he smelt. It seemed his customer had noticed the enticing aroma as well, for he licked his lips, and winked at him.

"It seems you are a rather lucky man, Mr Todd."

Sweeney was still trying to revive himself from shock over the wink, and simply raised his eyebrows in question.

"The way Mrs Lovett cooks, that pudding is sure to taste as good as- if not better than- it smells. And it does smell a treat…"

Sweeny had to agree (silently, of course) as he collected his fee from the now clean shaven man. The entire room was awash with the scent of cherries and raisins and brandy…

He noted that his mouth was watering slightly, and scowled lightly. He didn't even like food.

But that smell… It was as though she was trying to bring in customers through scent!

He pushed down a chuckle at the idea, inhaling deeply. He gave up, and stalked to the door, intent on finding the source of his irritation.

And the pudding too.

Nellie grinned in triumphant as she sat her finished pudding on the bench, steam rising off of it in soft whips. It smelt delicious; she couldn't wait for Toby and Mr Todd to try it. They would be speechless, and would ask for thirds, eyes full of admiration and love...

At least, in her mind they would. A smile plastered on her face, she left the room to go clean up.

Sweeney opened the door a crack, before reaching up and grabbing the bell as he slipped inside, ensuring his presence went unnoticed. Shutting the door quietly, he turned and almost let out a yelp of alarm.

Toby was standing a few feet from him, a mischievous look on his face. Seeing the barber open his mouth (no doubt to yell at him) he quickly placed a finger to his lips, ordering quiet.

Sweeney tried not to belt the boy for giving him orders, but quickly forgave the child when he silently pulled out two spoons from a draw.

Two roguish pairs of eyes met.

A smirk and a grin were shared.

So was a pudding.

It was about half an hour later that Nellie heard laughter, and the clatter of cutlery. Curious, she followed the sounds to the kitchen, where the sight before her made her gasp.

Sweeney and Toby froze at the sound, the first with a spoon digging into the half devoured pudding, the other with the handle sticking out of his mouth. Both eyed her guiltily as she stood, gobsmacked, staring at the two.

Sweeney released his spoon, and it clanged against the bench. Toby swallowed. Mrs Lovett's eye twitched.

Sweeney cleared his throat.

"Ahem… um… Good evening Mrs Lovett…" he glanced at Toby, the two sharing a wild eyed look that was oddly reminiscent of frogs just before you stepped on them. Sweeney looked back at his landlady, decided he was a dead man, and thought he may as well be a comfortably full one.

He picked up his abandoned spoon, dug a large amount of pudding out and said

"You know Nellie, this is rather good" before he placed it into his mouth with a smirk.

Toby gaped, his opinion of the man beside him changing rapidly.

Best barber in town?

Of course.

Most likely.


It would bloody well seem so.

He thought dead might be added rather shortly.

Nellie felt her eye twitch.

This was just too good to be true.

They thought she was angry!

On the contrary, she was ecstatic; not only did they seem to enjoy the pudding, but they were sitting next to each other without throwing glares and insults!

Sweeney's remark had even caused Toby to stare at him in wonder.

It was a huge break through, in her opinion.

She grinned internally, a wicked idea coming to mind.

Sweeney knew immediately that he had gone too far. The shocked look on her face was instantly gone, replaced by a murderous one he had only seen once before; when he had looked in the mirror after the Judge's escape.

"What the hell are you two doing!?" she hissed venomously, storming towards them.

"I- Ah.. We.. That is..." he stuttered. He could feel Toby trembling beside him, and thought briefly to try and pin it on the boy.

"He did it! He offered me the spoon! It's not my fault, I swear!


Somehow he didn't think Nellie would buy it.

She was right in front of him now, and she reached around his side. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that she was reaching for the knives!

"Now list'n to me, both of ya." Her voice was trembling- from rage no doubt.

She drew back, a large knife positioned carefully in her hand.

"You will never-"

She moved around to stand between them;


She jerked the knife to the right and Sweeney waited for the boy's head to fall to the ground.

It didn't.

"Eat off the bench 'gain!"

Sweeney turned to see Nellie lifting the remains of the pudding with the flat edge of the knife onto a plate.

"It's no' hygienic!"

Later that evening the kitchen was once again full of quiet laughter, the smell of the (considerably smaller) pudding wafting around the warm room.

Toby had fallen asleep against Nellie, his light snoring filling the few silences. Sweeney was desperately trying to forget his stuttering, and Nellie was enjoying tormenting him, her hand stroking Toby's hair gently as he slept.

The two moved their spoons to the last bite of pudding at the same time, and Nellie pulled hers away quickly.

"Go on Luv…" she motioned, but Sweeney ignored her.

"You have it Mrs Lovett."

She smiled gently, and shook her head.

"I made it for you. You 'ave it."

Sweeney glanced at her briefly, before scooping up the final bite. He stared at it in silence for a moment, before putting the spoon down, picking the pudding up and breaking it gently in two with his hands. He popped one piece in his mouth, and offered the other to his landlady.

Nellie took it after a moment, and with a smile also put it in her mouth, savouring the sweetness she knew didn't come from any ingredients.