A/N: yey! second attempt of Shiznat fanfic.. ^-^ hope you guys would like this.. this story came into my mind after i watched gokoujo seitokai.. ^-^

****edited, i think... waah! i still suck at my grammar T-T sorry guys...i hope you could bear with this***

thanks to those who pointed out my mistakes... i'll try to do much more better next time... ^-^

Chapter1: Flashback

'3 hours... it's been that long since I left that place' a blunette thought as she glances down on her watch. She looked outside the window of the bus she's riding and rested her head at the window glass, slowly closing her eyes with a slight furrowed brow. "Shizuru" a soft whisper escaped her lips before drifting off to sleep.


-A week ago...-

Natsuki Kuga, first year of Fuuka academy was sitting alone by the tree, looking at the bunch of girls not far from her. The girls were following a certain brunette with crimson eyes and angelic smile. Shizuru Fujino, the Fuuka student council president and her only reason to smile.

She admires Shizuru for her looks, grace, kindness, and a somewhat special smile that only she could only see. Her admiration for the kaichou grew into love as the days go by. ever since she met the kaichou during her last year as junior high, she never forgot the only person that dared to be close with the well known 'ice princess' and 'lone wolf'. She couldn't admit her feelings to the kaichou for she's scared to be rejected.

But she found a way to let her feelings be expressed yet not be known to the kaichou. A drawing, drawing of her beloved Shizuru Fujino in a cream colored parchment paper with a short poem at the back and an initial of 'K' at the lower end of the paper. She would always slip it inside the Student council office without anyone knowing or seeing that it was her who leaves those sketches. She acted like she doesn't know anything about the drawings whenever a student council staff or even Shizuru would ask her. The only person who knew of her talent is her friend, Mai Tokiha.

Her thoughts on were cut short when cold shivers went down to her spine and feeling a pair of crimson eyes staring at her. She blushed as she noticed that Shizuru was staring straight at her and just looked away for a moment. But when she looked back, Shziru was already gone. She let out a soft sigh and rested her back by the tree's trunk. "Shizuru" she whispered softly, closing her emerald eyes.

"ara! Is Natsuki just going to sleep after calling my name? ikezu!" a female voice with a Kyoto-ben accent said from Natsuki's left side.

The blunette opened her eyes wide in surprise as she looked at who's the owner of the voice that spoke. A sudden rush of red covered her face as soon as she saw crimson eyes looking straight at her emerald ones, with only a few inches of distance. "Shi-Shizuru?!" she yelled in surprise.

A smile was seen at the brunette's face upon seeing the blunette's blush. "Hello Natsuki, did you skip class again?" Shizuru said with a sweet tone of voice.

Natsuki could only nod in response and moved a little sideways to give Shizuru a space to sit.

"Ookini Natsuki." Shizuru said, sitting beside Natsuki in a lady like manner.

Natsuki felt her heart race as she was very close to Shizuru. She took a deep breath to fight the blush from creeping to her face and shook her head to remove the dreamy thoughts towards the brunette. 'Stop thinking of her! Before you blush again!' she mentally scolded herself.

Her desperation to stop her mind from thinking was a success when she heard the brunette called her attention. She looked Shizuru with a confused puppy look that made Shizuru smile even wider.

"kawaii! Natsuki looks cute!"

"Sh-shut up! What do you want?" Natsuki barked coldly.

"ikezu Natsuki!" Shizuru pouted, puffing her left cheek.

"mou sorry Shizuru... I uh… What can I do for you?" Natsuki said weakly, rubbing her neck sheepishly.

Shizuru smiled like she wasn't even sad and unrolled the parchment paper that she held in her hand and showed it to Natsuki. "That 'K' gave me another sketch of myself." Shizuru said shyly, handing the paper to Natsuki.

The drawing was Shizuru, sitting at her usual place in the setokai office while holding a cup of tea and smiling. At the back of the paper was a 4 line poem:

Crimson eyes that darted to my heart,

Angelic face that can be defined as art.

Sweet smile that only I can see,

Oh my goddess,I hope you could notice me.

"I see... another one for your collection huh Shizuru? How many have you got now?" Natsuki jested, covering her laughter of seeing her own work and playing dumb.

"mou Natsuki don't insult it. I appreciate these drawings a lot." Shizuru said with a small smile.

Natsuki's brow twitched. she felt her heart race as she heard Shizuru's comment. 'aww man! Don't blush Kuga! Before you give Shizuru a hint that you're that 'K'.'she mentally scolded herself. She took a small sigh and smiled a litle. "Really now, well I guess whoever gave you this must really admire you." she said blankly, handing the paper back to Shizuru.

Shizuru took the paper from Natsuki's hand and rooled it up again. "Admire? I guess so... but somehow I feel like this 'K' loves me rather than just admire Me." she explained. Shizuru placed her index finger over her lower lip and looked at the sky. "Although I wonder who is this 'K'. If 'K' is just an initial, I could only think of one person that could do this."

Natsuki looked at Shizuru with cold sweat starting to form to her forehead.

'Does she?!' she thought anxiously.

"I wonder if it's Reito-kun…" Shizuru ended her sentence, making Natsuki flinch.

Natsuki shook her head and looked above. 'it's not that Kanzaki! Couldn't you feel that it's me that do these pieces of my heart?!' she thought sadly. She took a deep breath and spoke in a dead pan voice. "What if the 'K' person is a girl, what would you do Shizuru?"

Shizuru rested her head at Natsuki's shoulder and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth and comfort of Natsuki's shoulder. "Hmmm, I would thank her for admiring me. But if it's love she wants, I believe I cannot return her feelings." Shizuru said in a tired tone of voice.

If Shizuru's last words were a knife, it would've killed Natsuki's heart. It was too painful for her to hear those words, but still she hid it from the brunette.

After 2 days Natsuki received a letter of invitation from a prestigious school. she opened the letter and read it as she slumped back to the headboard of her bed.

To Miss Natsuki Kuga,

We, The Miyagami Private Academy would like to incite you to transfer on our school. Due to the talents and skills you possess, and also your intellectual capability could be sharpened by our best teachers. We would be honored if you would consider our plain and simple request.

Miyagami Private Academy Seitokai-cho,

Kanade Jinguuji.

Throwing the invitation aside, Natsuki stood up and went to school. She never told anyone of the letter except her busty orange-haired friend, Mai.

"what's your decision in this Natsuki?" Mai asked curiously.

Natsuki just laid her head at her desk and muffled a reply which Mai could only hear. "I dunno… I like this school… I like Fuuka…"

Mai eyed Natsuki with a grin on her face. she poked Natsuki's head to get her attention and said in a teasing manner, "you like Fuuka or because of the Fuuka Seitokai-cho?"

Natsuki could only bury her head between her arms and mumbled words low enough for Mai not to hear. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel? If you do that, you won't be all confused." Mai said, rubbing her temples.

"I'll stutter and freeze in place"

"A letter?"

"Embarrassing if I have to put my name"

"Audio tape?"


"Video tape?"


"AH! How about a messenger?"


Mai sighed and lean at the backrest of her chair, closing her eyes while rubbing her temples. She couldn't suggest anymore since Natsuki always decline everything. "whatever, just remember if you transfer, TELL ME. And keep in touch alright?" she said in defeat. Natsuki waved her hand in agreement as she faced the direction of the classroom door. 'Maybe I should atleast try…' she thought weakly.

But a pang of jealousy hit her heart when a certain brunette together with Reito Kanzaki, laughing and smiling at each other. All Natsuki could do was to bury her face again in her arms and prevent her emerald eyes to start crying.

-The Next day-

After class, Natsuki grabbed all the courage she can muster and went to the seitokai office to talk with Shizuru. 'Alright Kuga! You can do this!'she encourage herself with a determined look on her face and a piece of newly drawn picture of Shizuru in her hand. As she reached the chestnut colored door, she gently grabbed hold of the door knob and silently opened the door. But with only a few inches of opening, she quickly heard Shizuru having a conversation with Reito. She had no intention of eavesdropping. She thought that she wuld just close the door again and leaves. But her body didn't agree with her mind as she was frozen to her spot as soon as she heard Reito's question.

"What if it was girl Shizuru?"

"Ara! Natsuki also asked me that question. Nevertheless, I would answer you like I answered Natsuki.i could only befriend her and thank her for admiring me and that's that."

Natsuki heard a soft chuckle from Shizuru which made her heart feel like dying.

"Although if it was a guy, hmm I think I like to get to know him personally. Ne?"

A sound of laughter and drinking of some liquid echoed the room.

Hearing Shizuru's words were enough to crumble Natsuki's heart. She clenched her fist, making her drawing crumpled up. 'I never had the chance to her… Never'she thought. Throwing the parchment paper to the floor, Natsuki could only run away from her place. 'I have no more reason to be here.'

Her running ends her up to the Mashiro Kazahana's office/house (A/N: it looks like a house more than an office). "Maybe I was really intended to leave…" she whispered to no one as she entered the house with a sad look on her face.

"Kazahana-san?" she called out to the wide receiving room.

The sound of wheels rolling could be heard in the room as a woman in a wheelchair and a maid like woman that's pushing the wheelchair entered the room. "It's a pleasure to see you here Kuga-san. What can I do for you this afternoon?" Mashiro said with a soft smile on her face.

"Expulsion…" Natsuki said in a sad tone.

"Pardon?" Mashiro asked, trying to clear what Natsuki said.

"I want to transfer to a different school, starting tomorrow. That's why I need a voluntary expulsion paper from you." Natsuki answered flatly.

Shock could be seen on the two woman's faces as Natsuki cleared her words. "are you sure about this Kuga-san? Would you like to reconsider?" Mashiro said, trying to make Natsuki change her mind.

But Natsuki's blank expression aswell as her cold tone of voice made it clear to to Mashiro that the blunette wouldn't change her mind. Mashiro could only looked at the windowpane and heave a sigh. "Let's make it this way Kuga-san; I'll give you one day to think about your decision. I'll give you this form with my signature for your transfer. Give this to the seitokai to be processed or rip it apart if you want to stay. Fumi?" Mashiro said, looking at her maid that gave Natsuki a piece of document.

"Think about it Kuga-san." Mashiro said, looking at Natsuki examining the paper.

"Thanks Kazahana-san. I bid my leave now." Natsuki said in a dead pan voice. She stood up and left the house/office.

'Maybe I should try again…'she thought as she walked to the Fuuka garden.

There, she found Shizuru alone. The brunette was sitting by one of the benches and looking at the rose bush with a smile on her face. "Shizuru?" Natsukin said absent-mindedly.

Shizuru turned to see Natsuki and she patted the empty space beside her, inviting Natsuki to sit with her.

Natsuki just nodded and sat beside Shizuru. "You seem happy… did you find another drawing?" she asked.

Shizuru shook her head and said, "No, I just had a wonderful afternoon. How about you Natsuki? You look a little down." Shizuru asked in concern.

Natsuki just forced a smile on her face and put up a fake chuckle. "I'm not down! Ehehe… by the way Shizuru." looking at Shizuru straight in the eyes. 'C'mon tell her Kuga!' she closed her eyes for a few moments and took a deep breath. "Shizuru… I like you" she said in a slight jested tone to avoid getting nervous.

Shizuru just smiled sweetly to Natsuki. "I like you too Natsuki, you're my best friend." She said in a sweet tone. "Oh I almost forgot to tell you Natsuki. Reito-kun said that he'd like to spend time with me more, since he said that he's developing a special feeling towards me." Shizuru said in a cheerful tone.

Natsuki felt like her world had just crumbled to pieces. "o-oh, ehehe that's great Shizuru. I um… happy for you…" she stuttered, putting up a façade of smile. She pretended to look at the time and stood up. "I forgot, I need to do something. Sorry I have to go…" she bowed her head and turned around. "Sayonara, Shizuru…" she said in a soft yet cold tone of voice before running away with tears on her eyes.

'I never had the chance!'

-The next day at Fuuka Seitokai office-

"Are you sure about this, Kuga-san?" a mousy haired girl with glasses asked as she took the expulsion paper from Natsuki.

"Aren't you going to fate that bubuzuke woman?" a blond girl said in a loud tone.

"That's wait, Haruka-chan. But still, Kuga-san this is an important document. I think we need Kai-" The mousy haired girl corrected and adjusted her glasses.

"NO! We don't need her opinion… look Kikukawa-san, Suzushiro-san, it's already been decided. So just sign that paper and I'll be on my way." Natsuki growled softly.

Yukino Kikukawa, the secretary of the Fuuka seitokai, just obeyed Natsuki's request. She signed the paper and gave it to Natsuki. "Kuga-san, where are you transferring?" she asked softly, eyeing Natsuki with worry. But Natsuki only looked at the expulsion paper with a sad look and tucked it in her bag. "Somewhere far from here." Natsuki said flatly.

Haruka Suzushiro, the Fuuka Executive Director of the Suzushiro Executive Team, slammed her hands on the table. "You're giving up that easily? Tch! the equipment of Fuuka finally submit to giving up!" she shouted. "That's delinquent Haruka-chan…" Yukino corrected, sighing. Natsuki just looked at Haruka with a cold stare and took a deep breath. "Loud mouth, take care of her alright? And Yukino, please tell Mai that I'll be writing to her. As long as Shizuru doesn't notice I'm gone, I beg you to not tell her anything." She requested. She walked to Shizuru's desk and traced her hand at the table surface. 'I'll miss going in here.' she said in her mind.

She took out a parchment paper from her bag and slips it under the laptop on Shizuru's desk. She placed her index finger over her lips and looked at both Haruka and Yukino, giving them a sign to keep silent and keep it a secret.

"I'll take that as a farewell promise Kuga-san. Now go away! The seitokai office is for authorized personnel only!" Haruka said in a harsh tone, crossing her arms and looking away. Natsuki could only smile a little as she bowed her head and left the office.

Outside, she saw at the other end of the hallway both Shizuru and Reito, holding hands. She could only smile as she gazes on her goddess, only her goddess. She turned away and stretched her arms. "Now! I guess I need to get the bus to that school." she said with a fake smile and tears rolling down her eyes.


Natsuki woke up from her slumber with cold sweat on her forehead. She wiped the sweat off and looked around to see that the bus has come to a stop. She grabbed her bag and went out to see and island by the far end of the long bridge. "Miyagami Private Academy... suits its majestic title…" she said to no one. She swung her bag to her back and walked to the bridge that leads to the school.

A/N: i hope i could do much more better... T-T honestly, i lack my daily supply of caffine that's why i can't really concentrate on anything much.. no coffee= extreme headach for me...

but thanks to those who liked this... i'll update asap!