One Worded Thoughts

Summary - KakaxSaku. Sakura hasn't been in contact with her team for nearly three years. And now that they have returned to become team seven again, Sakura begins to see her sensei in a new light. Is her attraction to him based on teenage hormones or genuine affection? She finds herself utterly confused about where she stands with her sensei.

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I smiled. A real one this time.

It felt odd. It didn't feel right having the two sides of my lips pulled up, crinkling my eyes. I hadn't experienced this sort of happiness in a while; it would explain why the feeling was so foreign to me.

I was glad all the pain was gone. That everything had fallen back into place – like how it was always meant to be.

It is frightening how dangerous our world is. How corrupted everything and everyone has become.




I hated it. I would rather have everyone be a coward.

Because losing your two best friends and having to watch as they tore each other apart was a nightmare in itself.

But it was over. The worst was over. My friends were back, and we were a team again. And that is all that I had ever wanted, and that is how it is now and how I wanted it to be forever.

I could only hope that nothing would destroy it.

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Chapter One Smile

Every time, I close my eyes,

It's you,

And I know now,

Who I am,

Yeah, I know now.

I woke to the buzzing of my alarm clock, and tapped it lightly, rather than the sluggish way my old habits did. Crossing my arms I placed my head on the top of my palms and smiled at the ceiling. It would be the first morning in a while since the old team seven had a lesson together with their old sensei.

My smile turned into a grin as I thought of the literal meaning. Kakashi-sensei was a little older now. He too would share the joy of the reunion today; he had been waiting for their return just like I had. In the back of my mind, I pondered the thought that perhaps today he wouldn't be late, or maybe he would - just for old times' sake. Kakashi-sensei was never predictable.

I couldn't recall the last morning I woke in a good mood. Today would have to be a first in a while.

All night I didn't want to fall asleep because of the lack of trust I held for my ten year old alarm clock. I didn't want to be late to our reunion, so I thought if I stayed up all night I couldn't be late.

I realised as I stepped out of my house that I appreciated things a little more. I know – I'm talking gibberish, but really. It's as if all along I had locked myself up, and saw things but wasn't really seeing them up until l now. But now that the burdening thoughts have miraculously vanished after waiting for years, I can finally open up and appreciate what other things life had to offer.

My thoughts were interrupted by new thoughts as I realised the old meeting place was completely empty. I cursed silently. I had arrived too soon. Even Sasuke wasn't here, and he was always the early one. My expression changed accordingly as pessimistic thoughts invaded my mind. What if they don't turn up because they had better things to do? Am I the only one who looked forward to this reunion?

My thoughts fell silent. I felt broken again.

But I controlled myself. I had waited for three years; I could wait another fifteen minutes. I remained positive and told myself any one of them would be here soon.


That's all I ever seemed to be achieving. I leaned over the bridge and watched the water glisten in the sunlight as it ran through small rocks.

It helped calm me down, strangely. Even the sound and smell of the river below was sensitive and familiar to my nose and ears. I crumpled up a nearby leaf and watched the pieces scatter in the air and floated on the surface of the water, going underwater whenever there was a ripple. I sighed loudly.

"Why so gloomy on such a beautiful day?"

I jerked my head. Almost afraid. Not afraid because he didn't sound familiar –afraid because I hadn't heard it in years and that I still recognised the owner of the voice. How could I not? That lazy drawl was so distinct.

"Kakashi – sensei!"

He smiled his eye creasing smile. I felt my heart jump at the familiarity. I had not seen Kakashi-sensei for a while. Ever since Naruto and Sasuke had left, we never really kept in contact. We had missions, worries and life to deal with. But cutting worries out of the equation had allowed us to step up.

I smiled hugely back. He sure didn't look any older, but who could tell with more than ninety percent of his body covered up all the time? Nothing about his appearance had changed at all. He was even carrying his book around. It was a relief to know that he hadn't changed. It made the reality right now more believable.

"You're here early I see," Kakashi observed.

"Me? I'm always early. I'm your top student, remember?" I joked lightly.

He chuckled. "How can I forget? You're my only student who hasn't lost it, yet."

"I dunno sensei. I'd say I've already passed that phase." I smiled sheepishly.

"Really? Hm."

I watched as he feigned shock. "But what about you sensei? Why are you early? Is it because you're excited to see everyone too?"

I knew Kakashi-sensei would feel the same. I had a feeling he'd come early for the reasons why I did. I guess in ways he was predictable.

"No, actually...I forgot about the meeting today. And I happened to decide to go for an early morning stroll around the block and coincidentally ran into you and remembered."

"Oh." I tried to not let the disappointment be evident on my face. But I couldn't help but let the act slip; so much disappointment couldn't be ignored.

"Ha-ha! Sakura, you're still so gullible," he suddenly laughed, surprising me. I wasn't used to him joking so casually like this. I kind of liked it.

He put his palm on my shoulder softly and smiled that same smile he gave me the day he told me everything was going to be okay. I figured he was trying to make me recall that specific memory deliberately to make me see how he was right all along. And I couldn't help but smile back. Because he had kept true to his words. Everything was okay now. Heck, everything was more than okay. So I passed his cruel joke. I'd have to bash him the next time he tried to pull a trick on me like that again.

There was a pause of silence. We stood like that, his hand on my shoulder. Connecting us. It was sort of nice in a weird way.

And in an instant later I heard another voice. Just as warm and familiar as the last.


I whipped my head reflexively with a grin so huge I was sure it would have scared Naruto, behind him Sasuke trailed after, following him like a shadow. Quiet and graceful like he'd always been. But a different vibe bounced off him, not of revenge or hate this time. An aura which was almost approachable. Naruto jumped into my open arms and we hugged for what seemed like hours, I eyed Sasuke in his embrace. He was watching us. Crossing his arms over his chest, leaning onto the bridge - smirking. Disguising his excitement, I was sure.

"Ah, I missed you Sakura-chan!"

"I missed you guys just as much," I smiled at Naruto and stole a quick glance from Sasuke.

He smirked back. And that was more of a welcome I could ever want from Sasuke.

"Alright team, let's move it. I want to see those new techniques of yours," Kakashi-sensei interrupted, smiling down at Naruto and Sasuke. "You two sure grow fast," he commented.

"And you haven't aged one bit, old man," Sasuke remarked with a smirk, already making a head start to the training grounds.

Kakashi-sensei stared after him. "I see Sasuke hasn't changed," he sighed.

Naruto grinned. "Kakashi-sensei! To the training grounds!" Naruto encouraged, throwing his fist into the air. Something I missed him doing. Sensei still knew how to get Naruto worked up.

I smiled. It felt good to smile again.

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I remembered the days when I used to dread training. It was always so early in the mornings, and we'd find ourselves waiting for Kakashi-sensei for hours, it was a complete waste of time - time that could have been used for extra needed sleep. And sensei's confusing and torturous teaching was obnoxious sometimes. But now, things are a little different. Like I had mentioned I was more appreciative. Appreciative to the fact that this training is what keeps team seven's bond so strong and unbreakable.

Besides, it was great having the permission to bash Naruto for no reason. He was afraid of me now. I kind of liked that. I liked being the strong one, even if it meant I'd grow muscles on my arms and become that much less feminine. It was an equal sacrifice. Equivalent exchange you could say. Though sometimes I did worry about it. I didn't want to scare every man I met and die lonely. Though I wasn't interested in a relationship right now. I had more important things to focus on, and my friends would keep me occupied for long enough.

I relaxed my muscles, and leaned all my weight on my arms, and stared into the tree above me. Kakashi-sensei was there, reading again. He really hadn't changed at all.

"Hey sensei?" I called.


My lips quirked up in a half smile. He was so focused on his novel, his eyes continued to skim the pages, not lowering his book nor looking up. He was pretty talented if he knew how to read and listen at the same time. Though I expected nothing less from my sensei. For a moment I thought of all the times he had saved my ass in battle and how I had helped him out only just once that day. The thought made me laugh.

"Yes, Sakura?" He encouraged, noticing my continued silence.

"Since when did you sit in trees?" I laughed.

"Hmmm. Well, I thought it would be better for me to supervise you kids from up here –clearer view."

"Kids? Sensei, we're not kids anymore. You know that."

After the pause, I figured he had ended the conversation to continue reading, so I watched Naruto and Sasuke spar for a moment instead - until Kakashi-sensei suddenly dropped from the tree and landed a foot away from me. He always moved so stealthily and silently; silent as the flight of an owl. Sure it was cool when we had first met our sensei, but it was rather annoying now. Though I still wished I could be just as sneaky.

He lay on the grass and propped his head up with one hand and the other holding his novel. I perked my head at him, and he glanced back at me.

"What is it?" He mumbled from under his mask.

I choked back a chuckle. "What happened to supervising us?"

"Well, you're apparently not kids, so I still don't need to continue babysitting you, do I?"

From under his mask I could tell he was smiling from the way his mask scrunched up on the sides of his lips and his eyes that seemed to smile too. I smiled back. I noticed I had been doing that more often. I smiled more in the last few hours than I had in the last few years. Strange isn't it?

"I guess I did say that didn't I?" I looked down, and started picking at the grass. "But you know sensei, I think I prefer if that way. I prefer you babysitting us. If you didn't, it wouldn't feel the same."

I watched as Kakashi-sensei lowered his book and eyed me.

"And it wouldn't feel right if I didn't babysit you. It's part of my job." His eyes smiled again.

" You're right." It was nice to be able to talk to Kakashi-sensei like this.

"I always am."

"Oh, whatever sensei."

And we stayed like that, for the rest of the afternoon. Sasuke and Naruto hadn't tired out, still determined to beat the other up, and showing off their new skills to each other at the same time. Kakashi continued reading, and I lay down in the shade too next to Kakashi-sensei, enjoying the cool breeze and the peace within me. I tried to focus on relaxing every muscle. I stretched my body as far as I could, hearing the pops and cracks in my joints in the process. Closing my eyes, I felt the warmth of Kakashi's body next to me, I hadn't realised how close he was; it made me crave his warmth. I slowly started to feel myself drifting away; my eyes became heavier, even when they were still closed. The warmth of Kakashi and the silence was making me so tired I decided to take a nap, just a little one. Now where was that warmth coming from again? I didn't know or care what the source was anymore by that point; I just clung closer to it.

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I sat up and realised how cold it had suddenly gotten, the action made my head feel light and dizzy. The sun had disappeared completely and the wind was chilly. My eyes searched for Kakashi, but he wasn't lying down, he was walking at a casual pace to where Naruto and Sasuke were creating chaos.

Silent as an owl.

Why were we leaving already? What was his rush? But I paid no more thought to it.

Naruto and Sasuke had let go of their fight faster than I thought they would have; proof that they have matured in ways. They were both laughing and joking, their arms slung over each other's shoulder, both exerted and walking like two drunken men. It was such a sight; I wished I had a photo of it. But with no camera, I instead, tried to engrave the image into my mind.

"Sakura! Did you watch me? I'm stronger now aren't I?" He began to boast.

I nodded in absolute agreement. Watching Naruto and Sasuke smile and boast again, made my heart do flips. They were like my brothers.

"Well then, time to go home?" Kakashi had appeared after them, looking distracted himself.

"Yeah, I'm beat," Naruto yawned loudly, popping his neck. Sasuke and I nodded in agreement.

"Tomorrow we'll meet at the same time and place. Is that okay with everyone?" Kakashi asked almost too politely.

All three of us nodded in unison.

"Good. See you three then." Kakashi waved and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"What's his hurry?" Sasuke cocked a brow at Kakashi's departure.

"Oh, who cares? Maybe in a rush to read the latest book pervy sage wrote or something," Naruto blew it off nonchalantly. "Hey let's get some ramen!"

"Are they even open?" Sasuke asked with obvious doubt.

"Of course they are, even if they were closed, they would be open for their best customer," Naruto grinned. "Me!"

I could already feel myself getting used to this. And I thought it'd be a nice change, so I let it happen, I let myself become attached to these people again. How could you not? No matter how idiotic they were I always thought they were charming in their weird way, I loved them all as my friends and family almost, even sensei. I chuckled silently at the thought.

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"Sakura, why don't you spar with them?"

It was day two and we had met up at the bridge, waiting for our sensei for nearly an hour. Though it had worn down Naruto's patience, it had not put a dent into the positive attitude I had today.

"Sensei, I'm pretty sure they're doing fine on their own," I muttered lazily.

"It's not their training I'm worried about Sakura, it's yours," his tone really was concerned.

"I don't have a sparring buddy like them, what am I suppose to do? Kick myself?" I replied with heavy sarcasm. "Besides I might be able to learn a few tricks if I watch them."

I really couldn't be bothered training. I enjoyed watching them better. Watching them be together reminded me that we were together again. For the past few years, what I was seeing now was only possible in my dreams, which is why I tended to think everything was a dream whenever I woke up in the mornings or whenever I was away from them. That is why watching them was so reassuring to me.

"Well, you can try kicking me instead."

I looked up at him to see whether he was kidding - but he was serious so I smiled at his offer. "Okay."

We both got onto our feet and started searching for a suitable area.

"We won't be needing too much space," Kakashi stated.

"We won't? Why not?" I asked curiously. If I wanted to show off my techniques, then I would need plenty of space.

"We'll focus on your close quarter skills," Kakashi replied in his monotone. "This will do nicely."

I assessed the area with a few glances and looked at Kakashi-sensei. "Why close quarter?"

"Well, I recall it wasn't your best area." He began to walk back a few steps till we were at least two metres apart. "Ready?"

I rolled my eyes and got into position. "Ready."

I had gotten better at close combat, Tsunade had taught me a great deal. She taught me how to control and direct my chakra to wherever I wanted it. She taught me that the more chakra I could control in one area the stronger the blow will be. My strength had come from Tsunade's training. I was grateful to have been her student, even for a brief time.

I lunged at Kakashi-sensei pushing my upper body towards his direction, readying my chakra for a blow to his face. He had stopped my arm by grabbing my wrist about to pull me towards the ground, but before I hit the ground I placed my knees high onto my chin and readied my chakra into my feet and quickly sprung my legs out like a spring, placing both my feet against Kakashi-sensei's calf, the force had pushed against him. I was attempting to break his balance and to bring him to the ground with me.

Instead of falling like I had intended, Kakashi flipped backwards and slid a few metres away. "Nice," he complimented.

I smirked as I recovered from my fall."You haven't seen anything yet." And I quickly closed the distance between us in an instant, and began to throw kicks and punches. I aimed at his ribs and his face mainly. I was allowed to hurt him - just a little.

But none of my blows were successful; he was blocking everything I threw at him.

"You've got to try harder than that if you want to hurt me."

I grinned back. "I'll bring you to the ground." That was now my new objective.

I threw a punch at his shoulder and spun around to kick him in the ribs in the next step I took. He grabbed my ankle this time and spun my leg around so that my whole body twisted with it; my face plunged into the grass before I could do anything else. "Looks like I brang you to the ground instead," he said almost smugly.

I slowly rised, my anger slowly rising with it. "That's it." I started to sprint towards him; I was going to tackle him to the ground, whatever it took for me to beat him. I would force him to the ground. I will not be the weak one this time. I had enough chakra build up to achieve that at least. I sprinted and ran into his shoulder pressing myself as hard as I could against his body with so much force Kakashi-sensei began to lose his balance, and just to be sure he didn't escape I held close to his chest, wrapping my arms tightly around his shoulders. In the next moment he was flat on the ground between my legs. I cheered happily at my victory.

"I told you I'd bring you to the ground!"

I glanced at him for a second. He was panting quite heavily; it was all I could hear. Did I tire him out so much that he was exerted already? Maybe sensei was getting rusty. "Ha! And you're already tired. I could go for round two!"

I stopped boasting after his continued pause. I leaned closer to sensei; worried. What if I did hurt him that bad?

"Uh - Sensei? Did I hurt you that badly?"

"N-no," he suddenly sucked in a sharp breath.

"Then why are you so quiet? Oh, I know. You're ashamed that you lost, right?" I smiled cheekily.

"Y-yeah," he muttered in between his heavy breathing. I sat like that just watching him breathe heavily and staring at me in a way I couldn't comprehend. His expression at this moment held so much complexity, it confused me. "Sakura, please get off me." He suddenly spoke, his tone sounded unusually low and slightly strangled, almost pleading.

"Oh! Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. I realised I was straddling his waist, so I slowly got up and allowed him to get up. When he rised I watched and noticed how his eyes were so intense. His gaze was dark – hard to decipher. For some reason, it didn't suit Kakashi-sensei.

"Sensei? Are you sure you're o - "

"Of course I am, I'm just...a little old, that's all." His voice was husky and a little distant; it sent shivers down my spine. A weird reaction.

Kakashi-sensei had round up the two boys and we headed home; the day had ended. The sun had set. And tomorrow would be another day.

Kakashi had put me back into training mode. Whenever I could, I would train. I couldn't let myself be distracted by anymore emotions. My happiness for Naruto and Sasukes return would need to be suppressed so that I could concentrate. Now that they have returned I wanted to be strong enough to protect them as well, so that they wouldn't be taken away from me again.

I was ninja after all – a konoichi who had expectations to live up to. And I wouldn't be meeting those expectations if I were bludging all the time. I had to shape up, and I decided my sensei would help me.

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I already have the next few chapters written up, so there will be updates according to the reviews I receive. Though I expect a lot of criticism instead of praise as I have not written stories nor read much in the past year or so because of school and now my writing skills are a little off. :P So bear with me!