Disclaimer: Well, ya know- what I'm going to say, so why say it….but still, I own nothing.

A/n: Thank you people for my reviews and stuff, keep 'em coming. I hope your enjoying the story so far, I'll try my best to make this the best story you've ever read…well, fanfiction at least. I already know the direction I'm going for this story because there will be a sequel, and this is the last chapter of the story- even though without it I'll have no other hobbies, I loved writing this story. Warning: Short Chapter.

Chapter Summary: The final chapter of Sunset goes into the sequel.

Quote of the Chapter:"Trying to forget someone you loved is like trying to remember someone you never knew."

Chapter Seventeen: Epilogue

By the time Jacob went home it was well past sundown. Charlie had barley pulled up when Jacob got into the stolen Camalen car and drove back home. I went downstairs to greet him, only to find that he had an insane and depressed look about him.

"Dad- what's wrong?" I asked, jogging down the stairs as I saw his face. He looked at me, surprised, as if he hadn't noticed me there until I spoke. I walked over to him, grabbing his small suitcase from him and setting it near mine which was still by the door.

"Hello- Bella- how was your time at Billy's." he said, putting on a brave face and walking towards the kitchen, ignoring my question. Charlie wasn't one to really talk about him feelings very much- especially to his daughter, but he wasn't very good at hiding stuff, if something was truly wrong with him.

"Are you hungry, Bella?" Charlie asked, putting something in the microwave.

"No- dad, but what's wrong?" I asked again. This time he had the excuse of not being able to hear me over the loud beeping microwave. I gave up knowing that if it was really important I'd find out soon. I walked back upstairs when I heard Charlie go sit down on the couch and put the television on. It was still on the news channel.

"Yes- very horrible, Dean." said man, "All our hearts here at channel five are with the parents of these alleged victims. Seattle Police Department has yet informed us on the conclusion of this case, yet no more children have been disappearing in the last three days. Perhaps this is the end of the child serial killer's raid upon Seattle Washington; we can only hope. Now back to Ginny Blake for tomorrow's weather." It was quieter; perhaps Charlie had turned off the television- I could tell why.

I walked up to my room, closing the door quietly behind me. I went to my 'slower- than- syrup' computer and checked my e-mail, which took about thirty minutes just to find that I had no e-mails at all. My clock read 10:15, so I decided to just go to sleep, having nothing else to do. I quickly changed into my pajamas, and climbed into bed.

I was walking through the forest, it had to be past midnight by now, and ahead I saw a small figure in the shadows, crying. I ran towards it, when I finally got to it, it had stopped crying. Her face was paper white, with dark black eyes, shivering in the cold of night.

"What's wrong?" I asked the little girl, she looked up at me, and shook her head, "It'll be fine- but what's wrong what's happened to you?" I pressed, but she continued to shake her head.

"He's coming- he'll kill you- just like he killed me and all the others. Your next." she touched a hand to my face, her cold, dead hand.

My eyes flashed open and I jumped up, falling off my bed. I groaned, and tried getting out of the blankets that were wrapped tightly around me. I suddenly felt someone presence nearby. I quickly looked up and saw him there standing there- as still as a statue, looking at me uncertainly. I stared back, unable to comprehend him being here right now.

"Sorry." Edward apologized and flashed out the window. I jumped off the floor and ran towards the window.

"Edward!" I whispered, loudly out the window, wondering if he had left already. Did I just imagine his presence or was he really in here? If he had been- how long had he? I whispered his name again, my heart racing.

I looked out into the darkness, and saw nothing. I gave up after a few minutes and sat on my bed, not feeling tired anymore. I wanted Jacob right now to comfort me, but he was probably asleep or on patrol with the pack. Why was Edward here? Or why did I think Edward was here? And who was that child in the dream? Why was none of my questions being answered?

I laid back on my bed, opening my eyes wide, to try and hear if Edward was there. If Edward had come why did he say sorry then just run away. I took a deep breath, wrapping my blanket around me. Through the curtain I saw the nearly full moon, shiny brightly against the cloudless night sky. I looked up at it, my heart racing fast.

I went over to the window again, leaning against it, looking outside the window, wondering- or hoping if he was out there he would come back.

Soon sleep took over me- thankfully, a dreamless sleep. But what lied ahead I was uncertain of now- at first I thought I could just be with Jacob and be done with it; but knowing my past- I knew I couldn't get what I wanted without paying a price.

A/n: Well…*sobs* this is it, the story is done. *turns happy* well now I can work on the sequel, yay! Anywhoo How did you like the story? Be honest. Again this is my first fanfiction for Twilight, so it's probably bond to suck a bit- but still tell me in your review. Finally I can change this story from WIP, to COMPLETE, awesomeness- open a bottle of firewhisky (Harry Potter reference.) So please, please leave a review. And sorry for such a short epilogue, this A/N is probably longer.

Sequel Info. : If you are interested in reading the sequel, which (SPOILER ALERT) does include Edward/Bella, please author alert me since it'll be the next story I'm writing. But don't look forward to it too much because it might take awhile to get out, who knows. Also if you have some suggestions for the sequel don't hesitate to contact me with them, you guys help a lot when writing these stories and it makes it a heck of a lot easier. Anywhoo, don't have much on the sequel yet, but my profile will probably have some updates weekly, so you can check that out if you want. Bye for now, love ya all.