Disclaimer: I wish I owned Twilight.

A/N: This is chapter 2! (no duh.) That's about it. It's pretty random and weird, since I don't actually like having a plot. I just wrote it all from my stream of consciousness. Please review!

My mouth dropped open, and I could practically hear the sound of everyone else's jaw drop too. Emmett was laughing, while all the girls looked like they had a pencil shoved up their butt. The gym teacher's big basketball boobs looked like they had deflated a little bit. Edward's face looked completely serious. Then the talking began.

"WHAT? How did I ever fall for a gay guy?"

"Now he can't go out with me!"

"What the hell, Cullen. What the hell."

"Dude, that is just wrong on so many levels."

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"


Who ever said the last one really scared me, were they going to make a move on Edward? Ms. Amber cleared her voice.

"Well, are you like absolutely positively sure that your absolutely posi-----"she asked.

"YES! I'M SURE!" Edward screeched. "I LOVE BOYS! I THINK THEIR


"I HATE YOU!" the substitute yelled, tears running down her eyes. "EDWARD, YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!"

Okay that went a little too far. The guys looked like they wanted to puke even more, if that was even possible. Lauren was staring into oblivion and shaking her head back and forth.

Among all of the disgusted face, Mike Newton's face stood out. His face was twisted into a mischievous grin. Although I wasn't sure what he was smiling about. I mean, he can't possibly be interested in Edward.

She ran out of the classroom. Of course the boys were watching her boobs bounce. Some of the girls looked at their own cleavage a little insecurely. Edward turned around and smiled.

"I am not gay. I only said that because she was stalking me." he said. "I am going out with Bella. Please do not take any of this seriously."

"Yeah right. Why wouldn't you want her stalking you unless you were gay?" some guy said.

The bell rang and everyone immediately dashed to the locker rooms. I splashed water on my face as I heard the other girls gossiping about gay Edward. I had to admit, I never saw that coming. I walked over, and Lauren immediately spun me around.

"You're going out with a gay guy?" she said condescendingly.

"You really are clueless, aren't you?" I said. "Edward only said that because he didn't want Ms. Amber to stalk him anymore. You guys actually believed that?"

"Well, yeah!" she said while popping her gum and twirling her finger around her hair. "I mean, he basically yelled it!"

I rolled my eyes and just went to change.

Edward was standing right outside the door, waiting for me. He still looked normal, but his words were pretty convincing...No Bella, don't think that way! He immediately kissed me, not that I minded of course. Of course he was trying to prove to everyone else that he was not gay, he sounded really convincing. He pulled away, and swept a lock of hair behind my ear.

"'Hi' to you too." I joked.

"Bella, you understand." he almost pouted. "I only said that because I wanted her to stop stalking me. Now the whole school thinks I'm into men."

"Do I even want to go to the cafeteria for lunch?" I asked while I started walking to my locker.

His face contorted into a mix or pain and confusion.

"Oh well, I'll have to go someday. Might as well get it over with." he said.

"Alright." I said, while imagining the possibilities.

Edward opened my locker in a swift motion and took out my text books. Everyone was staring, and they really sucked at 'whispering'. Then we bravely walked to the cafeteria. He never stopped holding my hand, or if he did, then he would sling his arm around my shoulders.

"Why don't you just tape a sign to your forehead saying 'I'm not gay'?" I joked.

"Yeah, then everyone will believe me." he said, looking pretty miserable.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being gay, I mean I heard it can be pretty fun!" I said enthusiastically. "Ok, that went out wrong."

He grinned a crooked smile that turned into a sigh. Then he kissed me again, and people started whispering louder. I pushed open the doors.

All eyes were on us, but I just kept staring at Edward' deep green sweater. This could not be more mortifying. He still had his arm around me, and we just walked straight to the Cullen table.

"Amazing Edward." Rosalie sneered.

I think Edward was too depressed to talk or something. He just sat there, looking at the table with a death glare.

"Um, Edward?" someone said.

I turned around, and it was Mike. He was blushing. I felt very, very scared. Then I glanced over to Edward, who looked like he just ate a werewolf

"I heard your, uh, speech at gym." he said quietly.

"Mike?" Edward said.

"Yes Edward?" Mike said.

"Please go to hell." he said quietly.

"Well, can I at least read a poem to you? Okay, I'll read it." he said quickly, before whipping out a little scrap of paper from his pocket.

"Edward, oh Edward,

ever since I met you,

I noticed your eyes,

a beautiful golden hue.

Edward, oh Edward

your red luscious lips,

match up perfectly,

with your sexy little hips.

Edward, oh Edward,

today you're in luck,

because I invite you to my house,

and all night we will f—"


Edward pressed his face into the table. I don't think he would ever speak again.

"So, does that mean you're not interested?" he asked.

Speechless, we all set our head down on the table.

A/N: Haha, the poem was my favorite part. So I'm currently studying for finals, so I might not add another one-shot for 2 days to 1 week. Hope that was fun to read! REVIEW! I got 9 reviews last time, but there was 78 story alerts. Well I can't force you, but I'll give you a virtual hug! :D
