I thought this would be fun to write! :)

Oookay, so this is set in a high school, I'll try to make it as original as possible, and because it is based off the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, it should come out okay seeing as that movie is just awesome!!! You don't need to have seen it to read this though :)

Pairings: It's kind of complicated, but not really... KaiTala, TyHil, and some interferences, and some others that aren't as important.

Italics: Thinking


Contains: CRUDE WORDS, SEXUAL REFERENCES. Not for the faint hearted. There will be no graphic lemons in this story, hence the T. :)

Please enjoy :)

The Taming of the Wolf

Who's That Guy?

Miss. Woppit was sat at her desk, fingers busy on her beloved laptop, looking completely contempt with what she was doing. She looked way too busy to be disturbed, so for a moment, the girl remained at the door, looking in ponderously.

"Come in dear, I don't bite... girls..." Without so much looking up, she spoke as though she knew the girl at the door had been stood there for ages, yet not said anything... for some reason she couldn't quite work out. Nevertheless, the nervous girl swallowed and walked in.

"Uhm, I'm new here, it's Tatibana. Hilary Tatibana."

On that note, the clicking of the keyboard keys stopped. She raised her head and through her big, almost misty glasses, stared at the new brunette with somewhat alarm.

"Oh," She immediately closed her laptop and held out her hand. "Do sit down. Ignore the pun, by the way."

Hilary raised an eyebrow whilst sitting down at the opposite end of the desk. "What pun?"

Miss. Woppit fluttered her eyes innocently and grinned. "Nothing! So... you're the new addition. Oh, but of course, here at Shrew High, it's not all addition, algebra- it's about finding who you are, expressing your freedom through your work and the wonderful people you will meet."

Suddenly a mud ball splat against the window, causing Hilary to jerk.

"See? Wonderful people!" The Counsellor grinned, and took off her glasses.

"Oh, yes, I'm excited about making new friends," Hilary said, finally finding a way to smile.

"Yeees, I'm sure you will, love... now, I presume you've already seen the Principal? What class do you have now? Oh, and while you're here..." Hilary looked on curiously as Miss. Woppit dived into her draw and pulled out a leaflet. She slammed it in front of Hilary and grinned. "A sexual health flyer. Just in case."

Hilary's eyes widened. "O-Oh..."

"Oh, no need to be embarrassed. It's a perfectly natural thing for kids your age to want to touch each other. I'm your sex education teach, by the way," Hilary's eyes widened even more. "Aaand if you ever have any other problems, you come see me, that's what I'm here for." She pointed at a notice on the wall that read:

Miss. Woppit

Guidance Counsellor.

Talk to me!

"Duh. Haha," The woman glanced at the clock. "The coc--clock," She cleared her throat. "AHEM. Excuse me, clock is wrong. You are actually five minutes late for your first lesson, now. Sorry about that."

Now Hilary's eyes had just about popped out of their sockets. "I'm a little... confused. Have I walked into the wrong school? What is this?"

Obviously, Miss. Woppit noticed her bemusement. "It's called high school dear, you'll hear the term 'cock' quite a lot here. With my job you never escape the word. You obviously haven't ventured far enough. I'll have one of my prefects give you a guide."

"I wasn't referring to... that.. but... oh..." It was hard to speak when your mouth was hanging open like a horse singing opera.

"Of course you weren't. And I don't mean a guide to the depths of underpants, either."

"I-I would have never of guessed," The brunette blushed, rolling her eyes.

And out of all the positive things she could be thinking about, like meeting new people, there was only one thing that she pondered. Good God. Just what sort of school had she joined?


"Mariah Wong," Hilary stared at the girl's hand for a second, wondering whether she was going to turn out just as weird and twisted as the counsellor. It seemed all fine so far, she looked okay, held a friendly smile, and apart from having bright pink hair, she seemed normal...

She finally took her hand and shook it quite timidly. "Hilary Tatibana, I'm new here."

Mariah raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know. That's why I'm your guide."

Hilary didn't fail to hide her surprise. "O-Oh! It's just.. from the way Miss. Woppit went on, I half expected you to be male..."

The rose-haired girl snorted in laughter. "Hell no. The only part of my body even close to possessing male tissue is my vagina."

Hilary stared. Oh... my... God. Am I dreaming?

Then Mariah laughed again in her face, throwing a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "Oh, your face. Seriously, I'm kidding girl! I'm still innocent and intend to keep it that way until I'm eighteen."

A sigh of relief escaped her mouth, and must have been pretty damn noticeable as Mariah giggled again. "Thank you! For a second there I thought you were as crazy as Miss Woppit. She seriously freaks me out."

The girl giggled and began to pull Hilary along. "Oh, don't mind her. She's a horny old bat working on a pornographic novel. Hence why it's only written on paper. She gets no action herself." Hilary looked slightly bewildered but nodded and smiled to show she was listening. "No one's as crazy as good old perverted Miss. Woppit." She bit her bottom lip, suddenly re-thinking. "Ah, well. Maybe not as crazy as Tala. That's one dude you should stay away from."


Mariah shook her head. "Meh, think Miss. Woppit times ten, although not in her perky light. Actually the complete opposite." Hilary gulped. "But don't worry," She shoved her arm around her, giving her a friendly squeeze. "Enough about them. I'll show you the best room in school- the lunch room. Fancy a coffee?"

The new girl nodded and smiled sheepishly, before looking back at the wild crowds of what seemed like jungle animals. Well, the school certainly didn't lack in character.


After the coffee that actually turned out to be hot chocolate, Mariah started to show Hilary around, giving her a quick tour of the grounds but was more interested in warning her who to stay away from and who was okay to befriend- even though Mariah wasn't popular, and Hilary never had been, they were still forbidden by the laws of 'coolness' not to mingle with the real nerds.

And the conversation they caught explained why.

"My beast is bigger than yours."

"Oh, I highly doubt, my beast is at least 5 inches."

"Woa, no way!?"

Hilary had no idea what they were talking about, and quite frankly, she'd kill herself if she ever found out. Or, perhaps she did know, and referring to a 'beast' as five inches totally defied the point. But denying it to herself seemed to work.

"Well, they're not creepy.." She looked at Mariah nervously.

"You haven't seen half of the creepiness yet. See, Tala, he-" But Hilary wasn't listening, and looking completely in another direction.

Mariah followed her line of gaze and it led back to a certain boy- and suddenly she felt a great feeling of dread. Anyone but him, please. "Uhm, Hilary?"

The brunette was in a major trace, her eyes fixed on this one guy- never had she seen such a fine male in flesh before. Dark, mysterious hair, a feeling of purity and down-to-earthiness not even coming close to the vibes she was suddenly receiving. "Who is he?"

The rose-haired girl rolled her eyes. "Don't even think about it- that's pretty boy Tyson Granger, the prince charming for all homosexuals. I'm clueless as to why, he has such a mommy's boy face, and is so pretty and angelic looking, but really... oh. Well I guess I can see why gay guys like him."

"What, gay guys?" Hilary raised her forehead into a crease.

"Yeah, you see him, over there?" Mariah pointed to a tall, quite handsome looking teen stood by the bikes, with swarms of people around him, but he was ogling Tyson like he was a piece of meat made in heaven. Tyson appeared oblivious as he swayed past the group of most popular boys in school. "Well, he's after Tyson."

"Oh. The ginger?" Hilary looked down-hearted, still gazing at the wonder boy.

"Uh, yes, the ginger. I wouldn't say that to his face."

"Wait... don't tell me Tyson's gay..." Hilary looked even more broken-hearted.

"Let's just say I wouldn't put it past him. But, you know, being gay here is like being a God- people just seem to love you. The ginger is called Brooklyn- he's the most popular boy in school, he's had his share of guys in bed. He's such a whore," Mariah spat, almost scowling. "And, some guys pretend to be gay for the popularity, and wanting to be liked by Brooklyn. It's a real biggy here at Shrew High. Your reputation is everything."

"Tyson Granger..." Hilary swooned, eyes glittering manically.

"No, girl," Mariah waft her hand in front of Hilary's face. "You can't fall for him. He's not as nice as he may seem- he's a complete bitch. He's even worse than some of the girls. Don't go there."

"B-but.. his eyes.. are like... fire..." Hilary continued to stare at him like he was indeed a God.

"Yes, he's a fiery bitch. And not in a good way, either. You can't date him anyway, his Grandpa has forbidden him to date anyone since the STI rate at this school hit sky high. It's getting better though," Mariah explained, but saw her words obviously meant nothing- Hilary was still in a daze.

Mariah rolled her eyes, again. "Listen, he's gay and has no penis, okay? Forget about him, there's plenty of other cute guys."

She was still transfixed. "So...?"

"You'd go out with a guy with no penis?"

Hilary turned slowly to look at Mariah. She giggled. "Yeah, okay. I see your point." Actually, I would. Sex isn't everything.

Mariah chuckled back. "Okay then, panic over. Now let's go find some fresh boys, who have something worth snuggling..." Hilary laughed, and before she knew it, Mariah had clasped her shoulder and was guiding her away from the candy.

The lust-struck girl bit down hard on her lip, dying to take another look around. While Mariah was babbling, she took a swift chance to take a peak- and there it went again. Her heart cluttered in her chest so rapidly she was sure it was going to pounce out. There he was, sat down, laughing and smiling away with his friend.

He really was the candy she wanted a taste of.

Yeah, I know, no Tala or Kai in this chapter xD Got to set the mood though, you know?

Haha, I got the the surname Woppit from one of my brother's school teachers, it amused me so I thought I'd use it. :P

I hope you liked the first chapter, please review and tell me what you think, it would mean a lot :)