Chapter 01 – I just want to kiss you

~ I stared at your juicy and tempting...I want to kiss them...and taste how sweet it is...


Where is she? She should be here by now…

His blood has slowly dripped from his head to his face and then to the ground. His white t-shirt now looked as if it was soaked with blood, sweat and dirt. He's staggering as he walked but still forced himself to stand up and wait for her. His vision blurred as the familiar dark spots began to appear. His breath low and weak, almost like a sigh.

She'll be here...I know…she always did…

He looked down to his feet and was about to collapse when a hand grip his shoulder. He smiled. She's here now. He slowly looked up and admired her lovely face. He could see she was mad. But most of all he could see that she was trying hard not to cry. He smiled more, that is so like her. She doesn't like to give in to her emotion, but like always he could see through her.

"Hey you! What the hell were you thinking? I thought I've told you to stop making fights with others! Why are you always fighting? Why are you always being so stubborn?" She half-screamed at him and laid a punch on his chest.

He let out a cough and immediately she panicked. She apologized over and over again but he wasn't listening anymore. He would've fallen hard on the ground if it wasn't for her. He lost consciousness.

And his last thought was…I'm always fighting because that's the only way to get your attention. I'm always stubborn because that is the only thing I can do to make you carebecause only when I am hurt you are going to be there for me…

She carried him home that night, like always. He must've been heavy but she is a strong girl. She had carried him all the way by herself. Then she took off his bloody clothes and bathed him with a towel before bandaging his wounds. Then later when she thinks that he is settled, she would stay awake with the lights on but ended up sleeping beside him, like always.


By then he would woken up and turned to his side to face her. He would stare her all night long, admiring the rise and fall of her chest. But tonight, he had something else in mind. He rise himself up, ignoring the pain all over his body. He slowly slid himself closer to her.

He smiled as he brushed her bangs away from her face. His fingers traced her smooth and beautiful features. She seemed to look more beautiful and lovely than ever as the day pass by. He leaned closer to give himself a better look of her face. Her freckles are faintly visible if he looked at her hard enough. Her lips are always rosy pink and juicy and so tempting to be kiss.

He leaned closer and held his breath. His face centimeters away from hers and he could already feel her breath. His heart beats faster and louder he was so afraid it would wake her. But still he leaned closer.

Now they are face to face now. His eyes aiming at her captivating lips as he slightly opened his own. He refused to close his own eyes for he was afraid if he did, she would immediately open hers.

Their lips are almost touching now. He was just about to close the distance when she…opened her eyes.

He froze and immediately felt ashamed and guilty. Like a boy who was caught red-handed with his hand in a cookie jar.

She on the other hand, stared at him. Shocked for while until it turned into something else, disbelieve and upset. She screamed and instantly pushed him away from her. He fell hard on his back but as if that wasn't enough, she got up to her feet and slapped his face.

The pain immediately stung his heart, instead of his face. He frowned and looked at her again. Being slapped by the very woman he admires was more painful than any beating he gets in a fight. It was then he realized that both of them are panting heavily.

And she was looking down at him with an expression he had never seen before, anger.

"What were you trying to do just now? Are you trying to take advantage of me while I'm asleep?"

He gulped. I was just trying kiss you…he had wanted to say that. But that would only make things worse.

"No, I wasn't."

"Liar! You don't think I know that you were trying to kiss me just now?" She pointed a finger directly at him. He stared at it, not wanting to meet her fury gaze. He remained silent and concentrated at her finger.

"You….disgust me." He looked at her, disbelieve. But she had quickly walked out of the room, leaving him alone.

After she went out, he let out a long sigh. "I just wanted to kiss you…"

ARGH! I can't take this anymore! She has no idea at all of my feelings for her. Doesn't she have clue by now?


~ Some people say 'never kiss a friend because that friend will forever be lost' but what if the only person you are looking for is that friend you've never kissed… ~


A/N: Athrun and his pent up sexual frustrations. Nuff said. To AxL fans, enjoy. To KxL and AxC fans, get over it.

Disclaimer: Gundam SEED is copyright of Bandai. (I always hated putting this up...)