The next few moments felt like a blur. One moment Gin felt the bundled grasp on his hair loosened and released as he declined onto the wet tiles of the pool floor. Deep respiring and cascades of crashing water deeming the surface of the ground.

Gin chocked in shock after a few moments before he realised he has been released from his confinement, he raised his head quickly in time to see Aizen pull his minor from the water, just to punch him brutally across the face and breaking onto the still water surface again. Disregarding the fact that he was wearing very heavy clothes or the even considering he might get extremely wet. The brunette plunged into the pool and retrieved the blue haired espada and threw him against the tiled wall, causing half of it to crumble away at the impact.

"W-What the fuck?!" Grimmjaw gasped as a trail of blood trickle from the corner of his crackled lips. Pulling himself up from the floor and grabbing at the slick wall for support.

Aizen pulsed away in his fury and refused to back away at Gin's desperate pleas. "Oh? So you can stand up? That's not good. I'll make it so surgery can't fix your fucking legs to walk again." Aizen advanced with a smirk, daring the espada to fight if he could.

Grimmjaw being very…prideful…if that's a nice way to put it or a god-damn idiot, who has failed to realize he has created a situation where his life is in obvious danger because he's facing Aizen The Angry and is still swearing his head off fearlessly as usual. "What the fuck was that fucking for?! That fucking hurt too! Dammit Aizen you asshole. I'm so gonna fuc---"

Sousuke disappeared and re-appeared besides Grimmjaw, smashing the wall and quickly silencing the nonchalant reaper. Grabbing his wrist Aizen manoeuvred the semi hallow over his shoulders and back first onto the concrete, tightening his grip and repeating the movement a couple of times. Personally I think it looked like a sardine flopping out of water. Left. Right. Left. Right.

And the fatality continued for the next 10 minutes, but I swear a lifetime on crotches won't save him now, because the kind of blows Aizen dealt were the hard kind that wouldn't kill anyone, it just hurt a hell lot and basically put you in a full body cast for the next 10 years. But he watched it; the brunette made sure it was harder for the espada to die than survive and suffered every moment of it. So it was actually ten minutes of continual torture if you like.

Grimmjaw groaned in exasperation as he was thrown against the diving block. Sprawling over for support, the espada coughed patches of blood into the water, yowling with a sharp cry of pain, when a shoe dug into his stomach. Gin eyes were open, revealing golden orbs glazed over with worry, he really hasn't intended for Grimmjaw to get hurt, this whole thing from the point Aizen started bashing the daylight out of the semi-hallow has been a mistake. Well, that wasn't entirely true, he did predict a few gashes and broken legs but not anything permanent that might put him in a body cast for half his life, besides Ulquiorra would kill him.

Aizen's chest heaved with every breathe he took, his anger still evident and in which failed to cease after 10 minutes. The brunette raised his fist to take the final blow, when the he felt a damp hand on his arm.

"Aizen-dono, stop you're going to kill him!" He looked down at the smaller boy who was trembling lightly. And his gaze was deep and intent. Aizen felt a sharp cut of jealousy through his chest, as his throat became clogged with a heavy feeling. Suddenly he seemed like the bad guy in this situation. What was it that his silver-vixen saw in the arrancar, he was crude, ill-mannered and a hell of a dim-wit.

"Aizen-donno," Gin shook at his arm harder "Please stop ok? You're seriously going to hurt Grimm-chan and then-"

Aizen closed his eyes and lifted his arm away from Gin's touch, silencing the boy and causing him to flinch and cover his face defensively. Aizen felt pain and jealousy and anger pulsing through his veins, but just this one time, he had felt vulnerable. Just this one time he had to stand and watch, because he couldn't do anything about it. Just this one time, he felt like he's losing something that meant the life to him…

Maybe he should leave them alone after all. Did Gin really care more about Grimmjaw? He didn't know, but Aizen wasn't going to stay around and ask. He shoved Gin away roughly and gave Grimmjaw one last menacing glare, before turning to leave. His footsteps gliding across the tiles and growing faint. He could hear Gin crying out to him just like that night too. But even if he makes the same mistake, he wasn't going to stop this time.

"Oh fuck." Gin sighed after his bouchou but turning to his brash friend in defeat. "I'm so screwed."

Grimmjaw would have raised an eyebrow at the language that was uncommonly heard from the ex-reaper, that is, if he wasn't already squirming in pain. Which by the way amused Gin quite a lot, as he sat and watched the blue-haired espada squirm a bit more, before he felt a bit sorry and rolled him over to the nearest doormat, wrapped him up and dragged him away to the closest in-built hospital near the training ground.

The desk receptionist looked away from her magazine uninterested, eying the rolled up doormat under Gin's arm, and tilted her head to look past him at the trail of blood that was left dripping from the rolled carpet. It suddenly occurred to her that there was actually a person inside the flooring rug, and she should get the doctor judging by the incredulous amount of blood that was now pouring from the end of the mat. She stood up slowly and stretched, before calling the doctor. Gin tapped impatiently, clucking his tongue and he followed the Doctor down the corridor.


Unknowing, Aizen pressed his face into his calloused palms that often caressed the silver haired reaper. Sitting at the side of his bed, the light was dim in the room and the breathing was laboured. His messy brown hair, hung wildly over his face and the dark russet eyes were red and damp, when a new emotion arose from the faltering jealousy that the espada lord felt.


Ok, so I lied. Actually I lied twice. Firstly I said I would update really quickly, and well…..hehehe ummm…..a few months isn't considered fast so…*bow* I apologise to my beloved reader. *dramatically raises arm* As a result I have been labouring thoughtlessly during these endless nights, during my crucial exam period to present chapter 4 of Tease. (which is actually really short…)

Ok, so it wasn't THAT bad and I have been a twinge lazy…very lazy…but I'm using this chance to thank all my readers for being so patient with me and special thanks to missanimeuchiha for tying me to a chair and keeping me writing.

OH and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO thats absurd.I LOVE IT.

Secondly I said that this would be the last chapter with heaps of lemon, well…I got more ideas and decided to extend this story  I hope that it doesn't bother anyone, I'm very sorry btw.

On a happier topic, I finished my half-yearly exams and piano exams!!! And so I'm FREE!!! 3 weeks from the holidays and hell yeah, who cares about the last weeks of school?! YAY!!!~~ No really, I should get back to work now *walks away slowly* Just kidding! I figured I should get a due date for the next chapter before I sleep until noon everyday and fail my next chapter until December or something. So I'm going to update next on the 18th of June~ 3 that's 10 days from now!

R&R Happy reading everyone~~ Oh and I need a chapter scenario, so can you guys give me some ideas. Here are the two topic lines that I'm going to build on.

Phrase 1: "Gin gets drunk"

Phrase 2: "Grimm-chan makes a move"

I'll probably write both scenarios but which one first. And if anyone have ideas please tell me ok?