Hey everyone, sorry ive been gone for so long. High schools a bitch that way. Ive just had a lot of stuff going on (my grandfathers death(a year and a month ago now) i got really sick, my friends thought i had appendicitis, ive had marching season, a trip to disney, i worked at a haunted house, and took 3rd place in the nation my first year racing in the adult classes of racing)

I really do apologize, i seem to always have an excuse, but i guess thats just the way it goes for me sometimes.

well hope this gets y'all to put the fire and pitchforks away XD

Lexi rubbed her sore arm, and glanced back at Bill.

"So, when are you going back?" She said, her face set in a mask of curiosity, but her eyes only showed pain

"Well the original plan was to leave in about another month, our publicist doesn't think that we are going to benefit from being here any longer"

"Original plan?"

Bill smirked "Yeah, original plan, what about it"

"So what would the 'new plan' be then mr. smart-ass"

His grin widened "We we're going to get you out of the hospital, and once your not all cranky and not loopy on pain med's anymore, im going to show you the perks of having a famous boyfriend"

"Yeah, whatev-..wait who said anything about 'boyfriend'?"

Lexi barely had the time to finish her sentience before Nikki raced into the room squealing "OHMYGOD! I KNEW IT!" and she began to dance around the room. Gustav then ran into the room and grabbed her around the waist and began to pull her back out, Nikki squealing the whole way "sorry, didnt think she would do that"

"Were you listening to our conversation?" Lexi growled

"heehee, oops!" And with that Nikki escaped gustav's hold and ran out of the room

"I swear, that girl is going to be the death of me" Gustav sighed and walked out of the room

Bill began to laugh at the look on Lexi's face

"Well, that was...odd" Lexi said, a bit dumbfounded by her friends insanity "But back to this boyfriend thing, are you NUTS?"

"Is that a no then?"


"AH HA! you never said no"

"I-uh...aauuuggg. Leave, im going to sleep"

"Fine" Bill laughed, knowing he had won, and quickly kissed her forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

As Lexi fell back once again into unconsciousness a thought crossed her mind

"Maybe its a good thing i didn't say no..."

Ok, i think im going to call it quits here. i will be putting some other stories up, but not unless i have chapters pre-written so that this doesn't happen again. Hope you all enjoyed it! i may come back to this story, maybe not, but either way REVIEWS MAKE A VERY HAPPY CRAZY PERSON! :D

A crazy german girl