A/N : This idea's been done probably tons of times but I really wanted to write my own one, inspired by freaky friday of course. I just love that film!....Anyway, please review, if you like it at all, it would mean alot thanks :).

Prologue : Switching & Slapping

Donna woke up early in the morning and walked into the bathroom, planning on brushing her teeth before she got dressed. However, her eyes slowly landed on a familier purple top scrunched up....in the toliet of all places. Donna thought there was something familiar about that top. No way, no way, no way, it couldn't....she ran back into her room, grabbed a hanger out of her closet and fished the top out of the toliet, covered in...pee. The top smelt terrible and Donna felt something alot like fury burn in her gut. She recognised the purple, sequined top. It was her favourite, it was designer, it had cost a bloody lot of money and somebody, SOMEBODY, had thrown into the toliet!! and she had her suspicions. Donna vowed she was going to kill space-boy!. She stormed into her bedroom, changed out of her bunny pyjamas, it wouldn't be quite so dramatic if she killed him wearing those, and when she had dressed into her top and jeans, she barged right into the console room, where to add insult to injury, caught him kissing his pretty, too-young-for-him, girlfriend, Rose Tyler. They broke apart when she came in and that man had the nerve to grin at her."Hello Donna, you're finally awake at last".

"Hi Donna" Rose smiled. Donna smiled at her briefly before her face hardened and her eyes flashed furiously at the Doctor.

"I will kill you" she snarled. Rose's eyes widened in surprised and she stepped away. She didn't want to get in the middle of one of Donna's legendary rants at the Doctor. The Doctor gulped in fear.

"What did I do?" he asked innocently.

"Don't act dumb with me!" she sneered."Was it you who put my pretty, purple, brand new, designer top down the toliet!" Donna demanded. The Doctor looked afraid, very afraid, and quite rightly too. He also looked a little guilty.

"I might have" he said quietly.

"What the hell where you thinking?! I'm going to kill you!" she screamed and ran at him. At that same moment, Jack choose to walk in, her raised an eyebrow at the sight of a angry, screaming, Donna.

"What's going on?" he looked at Rose.

"Oh you know, the usual. Donna's pissed off with the Doctor" she shrugged.

"Can you please just tell me why you shoved my top down the toliet?!" she shrieked. The Doctor took a few steps back, grabbed Jack and shoved him in front of him for protection. He knew Donna would never hurt Jack.

"I needed something to...." he trailed off nervously. Jack chose that moment to step away and stand beside Rose. Jack was as smart as Rose, he knew he'd rather not risk one of Donna's famous slaps the Doctor recieved all too often. Then again, it can't be all that bad for the Doctor, he should be used to it by now, he'd recieved them so many times.

"For what?!" Donna snapped."Tell me right now!"

"To...er...clean the toliet with" he replied. Donna eyes widened in anger. She could barely believe she was hearing this. Space-boy had used her expensive, purple, favourite and only designer top, to clean the toliet with?! was he completely out of his fucking mind? she thought, outraged.

"I'm going to murder you!" she roared. The Doctor looked at Rose for help.

"Hey don't look at me, I'm with Donna on this one, you've brought this on yourself" Rose said to the Doctor's annoyance and proceeded to start a conversation up with Jack. The pair ignored the fuming Donna and frightened Doctor.

"Consider yourself dead!" she screamed, louder than a banshee and came at him. Nails out and all. Her hand uncurled itself before flying at the Doctor's cheek. The pain was excruciating and he knew he'd be feeling this one for weeks.

"Ow!" he yelled.

"Oh I'm not done!" Donna hissed and was about to attack when all of a sudden the ship started shaking.

"What the hell?!" Jack asked and it rocked harder. The Doctor when flying towards a railing, Donna found herself clinging to a pillar and Rose clung to Jack. The ship started to calm down but all of a sudden, Donna found herself blacking out. The same with the Doctor. Jack and Rose exchanged bewildered expressions at the two unconcious people on the floor.

"What was that all about?!" Rose asked, looking at Jack.

"I have no idea" he muttered."But I do know that Donna's going to kill him for reckless driving as well as the top when she wakes up"

When Donna woke up, she found herself lying on a bed, a hand holding hers. She smiled, her boyfriend was so sweet sometimes, much better than that stupid Doctor. How dare he use her top to clean the toilet with! she was going to throttle him when she got her hands on him again. The slap had not nearly been enough. Suddenly she remembered the weird shaking in the Tardis and then blacking out. That was odd not to say the least, probably the Doctor's lame ass driving skills. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and was surprised to see it was Rose sat beside her, holding her hand."Oh you're awake" she smiled softly."Are you feeling okay? how's your cheek?" Donna felt her cheek and felt a stinging sensation. Huh? that was strange. What had happened to her cheek and why was Rose looking at her so weirdly?.

"Erm...it's fine" she said and realised with alarm, her voice had sounded deep and manly. Why did her voice sound deep and manly? what the hell was going on? her eyes widened with shock and horror as Rose's lips brushed against her own. She lay there frozen until Rose stopped kissing her and pulled away. Rose was frowning at her.

"What's wrong sweetie? not in the mood?" she asked concerned. Donna looked at her freaked out.

"Rose, wh-why-what?" she noticed with alarm that her voice was differnitely male. She quickly leapt of the bed and ran to the nearest mirror. She was in the wrong room as well! how did she not notice that?, She ran to the mirror and screamed. Rose raised an eyebrow. Usually the Doctor grinned when he walked up to a mirror.

The Doctor felt an arm wrapped around his waist. Rose, he thought blissfully. He loved it when she cuddled up to him, he felt peaceful. He opened his eyes and rolled over, expecting to see his blonde girlfriend only to see captain Jack Harkness lay there next to him."What?!" he squeaked in a higher voice than he was used to. A females voice. Had that mini Earthquake in the Tardis caused him to bang his head hard, cause some severe brain damage and result in him to regenerating into a woman for some strange, unexplainable reason? his eye's widened in horror at the thought. And why was Jack lay here with him if he had? just because he might or might not be an attractive woman, didn't mean Donna would let him get away with this. Jack's eyes shot up when he realised the Doctor was awake. "Hi sweetheart, I was worried about you" he said before smacking, a slow, long lasting kiss on his lips. The Doctor recoiled in disgust.

"What are you doing?!" he demanded and felt a jolt of shock pass through him as he recognised the voice of which he was speaking with.

"Kissing you, have you suddenly gone off me?" Jack laughed, thinking how ridiculous that would be. Someone go off Jack Harkness? as if! that was like saying the Doctor was stupid. The Doctor jumped out of the bed and as he did, realised the room was completely pink. His room wasn't pink, this was Donna's bedroom! sure enough, he rushed to the mirror and , his worst suspicions were confirmed. Donna Noble's reflection stared back at him. At the same time, he heard a scream coming from the room across the hall. The Doctor felt slightly freaked out hearing the sound of his own shrieking in a high pitch, what the hell had happened? he had to be dreaming!.